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WaterWorld版 - 九十多万美元花差花差 (转载)
好消息,我挺梁警官的评论成了纽约时报编辑pick的评论了 (转载)牧师认罪:盗用近一百万美元!
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ZT 马里兰大学徐永事件-成都今年自费签证情况根源Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter
不要错过今晚罕见的血月食 (Rare 'Blood Moon' Lunar Eclipse湾区大新闻:核光大学CEO Jerry Wang 涉嫌VISA欺诈被逮捕起诉 (转载)
what's wrong with German young prosecutors?敌后工作真危险 Sandia的华人研究员被抓了
又是女杀男,有木有完?有木有完!!!!Boston的沙比用非法持有的枪朝他女友射击 (转载)
[咨询]收到这样的speeding ticket,我应该选择哪个罚款呢? (转载)新看到的关于纽约飞车党:
话题: jones话题: community话题: money话题: greater
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18304
【 以下文字转载自 TrustInJesus 讨论区 】
发信人: zhaowendao (嘁哩喀喳), 信区: TrustInJesus
标 题: 九十多万美元花差花差
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Aug 15 13:31:10 2014, 美东)
7:17 这样,凡好树都结好果子,惟独坏树结坏果子。
7:18 好树不能结坏果子,坏树不能结好果子。
加拉太书 5:22 圣灵所结的果子,就是仁爱,喜乐,和平,忍耐,恩慈
”的牧师 贪污教堂九十多万美元修自己的房子,住豪华旅馆,赌场,车子,等等。
“Prosecutors say he also spent the money on luxury items including hotels,
restaurants, casinos, cars and liquor. ”
TULSA, Oklahoma - The pastor of the Greater Cornerstone Church in west Tulsa
has been indicted for financial fraud.
Pastor Willard Lenord Jones, 63, is charged with three counts of wire fraud
and one count of filing a false tax return.
Jones is the executive director of the Greater Cornerstone Community
Development Project, located on 41st West Avenue. The community center
offers a range of social services, ranging from help with food and clothing
to health services.
Court documents say as executive director, Jones solicited millions of
dollars in donations for the center, then diverted $933,507.80 of those
funds for his own use.
2/28/2011: Related Story: West Tulsa Community Center Project Breaks Ground
According to the indictment, Jones began using funds belonging to the
community center in 2007, transferring money from community center bank
accounts to church bank accounts and moving the money into his personal bank
accounts. Prosecutors say Jones also withdrew large sums of money from the
church bank accounts which he then spent on himself.
Prosecutors say Jones filed a false income tax return for 2011 in which he
failed to report $390,061 in income.
The government says Jones spent some of the money on construction on his
home. According to the indictment, the dates and amounts were:
August 29, 2011: $6,201
September 6, 2011: $13,710
October 5, 2011: $5,911
Prosecutors say he also spent the money on luxury items including hotels,
restaurants, casinos, cars and liquor.
The government says if convicted, Jones would have to forfeit his home in
the 1900 block of North Santa Fe Place in Tulsa. He will also have to
forfeit a Rolex 36MM watch as well as a mahogany mink full length fur coat
with a "J J Jones" monogram with matching hat and gloves.
If convicted, Jones would also face up to 20 years on each of the wire fraud
charges and three years on the charge of filing a false tax return.
A person who answered the phone at the Greater Cornerstone Community
Development Project said the organization has no comment on the charges.
发帖数: 3056
发帖数: 22064
1 (共1页)
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ZT 马里兰大学徐永事件-成都今年自费签证情况根源Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter
不要错过今晚罕见的血月食 (Rare 'Blood Moon' Lunar Eclipse湾区大新闻:核光大学CEO Jerry Wang 涉嫌VISA欺诈被逮捕起诉 (转载)
话题: jones话题: community话题: money话题: greater