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WaterWorld版 - 傅平在Amazon 针对Lin书评的回复
两则老外见死不救的例子,供反击用我刚在白宫 we the people上发了一个petition, 求大家帮忙签名(转载)
澄清《弯而不折》的事实 傅平是否应在Veterans Day游行?
19 year old Chinese was bullied to death不忘先驱——张纯如Chinese in America: A Narrative History (转载)
Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter又一个新名词:自愿性强奸
想讨论一下马克思的racial trash观点被阿三女孩QJ过, 真TMD恶心
刘志军被曝侵吞巨额公款情妇多名非处就是烂人, 没说的
从几个角度来证明3000万的荒唐rape和sexual assault有什么区别?
话题: china话题: chinese话题: my话题: rape话题: culture
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2796
Posted on Jan 24, 2013 12:57:20 PM PST
Last edited by the author 10 hours ago
Ping Fu says:
Lin, I welcome your constructive feedback, but it looks like you didn't even
read the book. I also welcome you to have a direct dialog with me.
Obviously that you care about truth and facts, I do too. So I welcome you to
email me at p*[email protected], and I'd be happy to talk to you and to
address many of your questions. It seems that you and I grew up in very
similar circumstances, and I believe that you have good intentions. Most of
questions that you asked I can address. I don't know you and you don't know
me, but I hope through communication, we can come to a common understanding
and compassion to other people's view and lives. Culture revolution or my
experience do not define China, just like Holocaust does not define Germany.
In my opinion, the abused and abusers were both victims of that time period
. China has changed and China has a long distinguished and rich history,
Chinese people have always been kind, humble, and capable, the world is
witnessing the incredible transformation. I have much hope for the current
generation of the leadership, because they, like you and I, lived through
the Culture revolution and the economic development.
I love America, it has been my second home and my choice of citizenship.
American people are intelligent, they will learn about China in a
comprehensive way, there are many wonderful books about China. My book is
one person's journey from nobody to somebody. You don't have to like the
book, and you are certainly entitled to your opinion. My shanghai Papa
taught me the Chinese phrase, which I am sure you know well of it. "When you
stand straight, don't worry about the shadow is casted to the side".
In China, not unlike some other societies, for one reason or other,
reporting rape is frequently discouraged by family members in fear of shame
the family or destroy the victim's future, and suppressed or ignored by
authorities, If you speak up, you get victimize again. Let's look at the
In 2007, Chinese state media said 10 million complaints were filed each year
at the government's central petitioning bureau and its subsidiaries.
However chinese partition 12X less per year on rape cases compares to
Beijing, with more than 20 million people, has one sexual assault hot line
that supposedly operates four evenings a week. One recent week, the
telephone went unanswered on two of those nights.
This Chinese man rape 100 girls, many are very young before being captured.
发帖数: 20343
1 (共1页)
rape和sexual assault有什么区别?想讨论一下马克思的racial trash观点
never said I was a victim of circumstance刘志军被曝侵吞巨额公款情妇多名
台湾是大陆的老婆, 只不过和别人睡而已林书豪这种人的人性根本不值得尊敬
两则老外见死不救的例子,供反击用我刚在白宫 we the people上发了一个petition, 求大家帮忙签名(转载)
澄清《弯而不折》的事实 傅平是否应在Veterans Day游行?
19 year old Chinese was bullied to death不忘先驱——张纯如Chinese in America: A Narrative History (转载)
Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter又一个新名词:自愿性强奸
话题: china话题: chinese话题: my话题: rape话题: culture