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WaterWorld版 - 三藩著名同性恋活动家被曝恋童(已被捕)
Re: 孤购邮箱出现什么样的关键词会被FBI调查? (转载)我不敢贴标题,怕挨打:关于美国机场安检 (转载)
暴力色彩、情色、人身攻击、侮辱性质的内容 (转载)担心日本核辐射 美国人抢购碘化钾
涉藏有儿童色情物品 同性恋维权人士被捕 (转载)《卫报》中国活动家陈光诚的女儿被禁止上学
涉藏有儿童色情物品 同性恋维权人士被捕 (转载)敏感词活动家王荔蕻宣判现场纪实(图)
同性恋维权人士被捕 涉藏有儿童色情物品 (转载)护士读博士 掀「doctor称谓战」 医生不满 美两州立法禁白衣天使用
同性恋维权人士被捕 涉藏有儿童色情物品 (转载)###此帖已应当事人要求删除###
同性恋维权人士被捕 涉藏有儿童色情物品 (转载)华邮社论:捍卫陈光诚美国要“有骨气”(ZT)
话题: brinkin话题: larry话题: human话题: police话题: sparks
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7511
This article comes to us courtesy of SF Weekly's The Snitch.
By Erin Sherbert
Police say they arrested 66-year-old Larry Brinkin, the high-profile gay
activist, on possession of child pornography on Friday night.
Brinkin, a community icon who led the fight for the city to recognize same-
sex partnerships, was arrested and booked into San Francisco County Jail,
police said.
He posted bail and was released Saturday, according to a jail spokesman.
Police Spokesman Officer Albie Esparza would only say that the case was
still under investigation, and would give no more details at this time.
Brinkin retired from the Human Rights Commission in 2010, and has been a
beloved member of the gay community, with the Board of Supervisors even
declaring the first week of February as "Larry Brinkin Week."
We put in a call to Theresa Sparks, executive director of the Human Rights
Commission, who told us this allegation is "beyond hard to believe."
"It's almost incredulous, there's no way I could believe such a thing,"
Sparks told us. "He's always been one of my heroes, and he's the epitome of
human rights activist -- this is man who coined phrases we use in our daily
language. I support Larry 100 percent; hopefully it will all come out in the
1 (共1页)
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Re: 孤购邮箱出现什么样的关键词会被FBI调查? (转载)我不敢贴标题,怕挨打:关于美国机场安检 (转载)
暴力色彩、情色、人身攻击、侮辱性质的内容 (转载)担心日本核辐射 美国人抢购碘化钾
涉藏有儿童色情物品 同性恋维权人士被捕 (转载)《卫报》中国活动家陈光诚的女儿被禁止上学
涉藏有儿童色情物品 同性恋维权人士被捕 (转载)敏感词活动家王荔蕻宣判现场纪实(图)
话题: brinkin话题: larry话题: human话题: police话题: sparks