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WashingtonDC版 - [BSSD]汇报昨天和学监的见面会
(四)没有结局的故事a progressive change
昨天晚上和LLin, AUV去参加学监的Town hall MeetingMCPS-MCCPTA: Science Curriculum Night 12/12/2013
来点现实有意义的:关心小孩教学质量(MC)的请进为蒙郡BOE候选人Laurie Halverson拉票
Math Curriculum 2.0 真的太容易吗?看这个题目弗吉尼亚:小孩教育要按族群验收了(updated)
蒙郡Curriculum 2.0 事情的一个交代(三)变味了的NCLB
curriculum 2.0 math 的讨论这算不算美帝衰落的兆头? (转载)
【蒙郡K-3家长们】Has your student experienced appropriate level instruction仔细读了学监的会议记录
【蒙郡家长】Math Curriculum Information Night 本周三Montgomery County MD Parents - Save Our Bus!
话题: mcps话题: dr话题: starr话题: curriculum话题: students
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3528
(单开一贴, 省得被淹掉了).
我只是去学习的, 啥也没干. 因为我的孩子现在不在2.0的范畴内, 以前了解的不多,
现在也不能说很了解, 只说几句我的观察和体会, 如果理解错了, 请指教.
根据昨天听到的, 首先在大环境下的一个问题, 不仅限于C2.0, 就是教育缺钱. 为啥缺
钱是另一个问题了, 但缺钱之后, 就会有项目受到挤压 - 首先涉及的一些辅助教育项
目, 音乐就是一个例子. 昨天一个小学音乐老师到场, 说她现在教425个学生, 而且趋
势是音乐教师越来越少, 人均学生越来越多, 是否有一天这些项目会不复存在. 学监的
回答是: 认识到音乐和辅助教学的重要性, 在紧张的资金条件下, 但总要做出一些困难
的决定. 没有具体说哪些项目会受到影响, 但12/11新的预算就要公布, 大家可以自己
另外, 昨天的活动是一系列类似活动中的一次, 这里有今后的安排, 下一次是12/13在
爱因斯坦中学, 大家有兴趣可以参加. 同时这种活动的日期可能会临时变更, 去之前要
关于2.0, 学监声称它给学生加深学习内容提供了极大的空间, 但没有说明能如何实现
这种潜力. 但在我看来, 在整体上昨天的对话充满着潜在的对抗, 甚至可以说隐含的火
药味十足. 对2.0不满的一方的焦点在于"改革"后的教学让所有的学生按班学习, 而不
是按水平学习, 是好学生得不到提高的机会. 而另一方面, 从一个家长反映的是, 小学
生的成绩单从以前的"超过标准, 达到标准, 未达到..."之类的成绩(ES体系), 变成更
简单的通过/不通过(P/F?) 这种更加含糊的体系不利于准确的评价学生的水平. 奇怪的
是: 学监对此表示不知情. 在MCPS内, 同一年级的成绩单还能有不同的标准么?
我理解这里面的关键部分, 这种教学体系, 资源分配的选择, 往大里说绝对是属于政治
反对C2.0的多数是希望孩子能学的更好, 但以学监为首的推行2.0的人则是另一种考虑.
从学监昨天的回答上, 首先是从技术上部分否定按水平分班, 认为已往的经历说明, 一
些孩子被拔苗助长, 基础不牢, 造成提上去后又得回来补课, 得不偿失. 平心而论这也
是有点道理的, 但技术层面的问题, 可以用技术手段进行弥补, 不是什么本质上的问题
学监的另一个回答就比较上纲上线了...他强调要公平的分配资源, 所谓"EQUAL
OPPORTUNITY", 言下之意, 好学生总是少数, 他们占据了超过份额的教学资源, 自然就
会挤占其他学生资源. 这就造成两拨人的对立. 当然其实有中间的一部分人, 希望能够
加入"好学生"里受到提高式教育, 而不是基本教育.
学监在大部分时间表现比较平和, 甚至承认2.0在执行与宣传上存在问题, 似乎为改进
提供了可能性, 但最后两分钟的总结发言则是原形毕露, 说明要推翻, 哪怕只是改动这
个2.0, 将是一项非常艰巨的任务, 而且是一项政治意义很强的任务.
他说: 在过去的几十年里, 美国教育就是挑选式模式, 你是好学生就被归到一堆, 否则
就会归到别的堆里. 好学生有更好的未来...这种体系对黑人不利, 对拉丁裔不利, 对
移民(非法移民, 拉丁裔移民?)不利, 对穷人不利, 所以要改!!!
我不想过多的在网上扯敏感或者是政治话题, 但还是想让大家知道这件事, 就说这么多
了. 谢谢!
发帖数: 8525
发帖数: 33018

【在 A*V 的大作中提到】
: (单开一贴, 省得被淹掉了).
: 我只是去学习的, 啥也没干. 因为我的孩子现在不在2.0的范畴内, 以前了解的不多,
: 现在也不能说很了解, 只说几句我的观察和体会, 如果理解错了, 请指教.
: 根据昨天听到的, 首先在大环境下的一个问题, 不仅限于C2.0, 就是教育缺钱. 为啥缺
: 钱是另一个问题了, 但缺钱之后, 就会有项目受到挤压 - 首先涉及的一些辅助教育项
: 目, 音乐就是一个例子. 昨天一个小学音乐老师到场, 说她现在教425个学生, 而且趋
: 势是音乐教师越来越少, 人均学生越来越多, 是否有一天这些项目会不复存在. 学监的
: 回答是: 认识到音乐和辅助教学的重要性, 在紧张的资金条件下, 但总要做出一些困难
: 的决定. 没有具体说哪些项目会受到影响, 但12/11新的预算就要公布, 大家可以自己
: 看.

发帖数: 387
发帖数: 3257
发帖数: 302
what is the meeting for then?
发帖数: 5387
写得好,希望下次能有跟多的MC家长,去参加这个town hall meeting。
发帖数: 3528
这个会名义上是给学监一澄清关于2.0的不实传闻的机会, 并搜集有关2.0的各种反馈.
但还是用上纲上线的理解, 学监和很多相关的人都是和政客一样的公众人士, 这件事
事成了就是他们最大的政绩, 要是失败了, 以后也别再混了. 绝不会因为几个(或者比

【在 N****r 的大作中提到】
: what is the meeting for then?
发帖数: 663
Thank you
发帖数: 2128
thanks for your information.
curriculum 2.0 math 的讨论a progressive change
【蒙郡K-3家长们】Has your student experienced appropriate level instructionMCPS-MCCPTA: Science Curriculum Night 12/12/2013
【蒙郡家长】Math Curriculum Information Night 本周三为蒙郡BOE候选人Laurie Halverson拉票
发帖数: 5998
发帖数: 15010
是的,Curriculum 2 是体现他们政绩的旗帜,除非把他们都赶下台,是不可能推翻的。
所以,petition的目标不是对着整个 Curriculum 2, 仍然支持引入的新的课程和内
容(实际上这些是Curriculum 2的大部分)
反对的是:将所有不同level的学生放到一个教室授课 - 要保持“根据自己的兴
想成为政客,lawyer,工程师,音乐家,还是电影明星, 他们都得到相应的教
学监心理也明白这部分有问题,所以他 keep talking "give change to go deeper
and deeper" "keep diversity".


【在 A*V 的大作中提到】
: 这个会名义上是给学监一澄清关于2.0的不实传闻的机会, 并搜集有关2.0的各种反馈.
: 但还是用上纲上线的理解, 学监和很多相关的人都是和政客一样的公众人士, 这件事
: 事成了就是他们最大的政绩, 要是失败了, 以后也别再混了. 绝不会因为几个(或者比
: 较多)的反对意见就轻易改变.

发帖数: 3528
就我的理解, "因材施教"在学监的思路里是旧体系的重要体现, 是新体系所要针对的.
所以, 我很不乐观...在我看来, 这个问题真的很政治.
转一个老美的评论吧, 他也参加了昨天的会:
I spoke with several parents after the town hall meeting. They are besides
themselves. They see their efforts to get their children to be accelerated
achievers being cast aside for a new curriculum that has a nebulous outcome.
No real grades to measure academic success. No real plan for enrichment.
Befuddlement by the superintendent as to the confusion by the schools on
how to actually work with this new curriculum for the benefit of all
students. And finally, the superintendent's concluding statement that no
longer will it be allowed that the school system be allowed to sort students
by race and income. I don't know what that means other than I think Fred
was absolutely right. Accelerated classes means to Dr. Starr I think that
particular groups of students would be disproportionately at the bottom and
that being the case everyone must be on the same class level. Minimal
differentiation is the goal. Achievement gap resolved. I think this "lack
of number sense" we keep hearing is just an excuse for this new approach.
What does it mean when our elementary school kids get into middle school and
high school and start applying for colleges or how much our children failed
to learn in school under this approach? My guess is nobody knows. And I
don't agree that people aren't concerned with reading not having levels or
like the math, it is just math stands out more clearly as far as material


【在 g********0 的大作中提到】
: 是的,Curriculum 2 是体现他们政绩的旗帜,除非把他们都赶下台,是不可能推翻的。
: 所以,petition的目标不是对着整个 Curriculum 2, 仍然支持引入的新的课程和内
: 容(实际上这些是Curriculum 2的大部分)
: 反对的是:将所有不同level的学生放到一个教室授课 - 要保持“根据自己的兴
: 趣和能力,给每个学生创造机会发展,脱颖而出”的教学model。不论是小孩将来
: 想成为政客,lawyer,工程师,音乐家,还是电影明星, 他们都得到相应的教
: 育。总之,就是因材施教。
: 学监心理也明白这部分有问题,所以他 keep talking "give change to go deeper
: and deeper" "keep diversity".

发帖数: 4354
发帖数: 3528
再转一个老美对昨天见面会的记录和体会. 很惭愧, 这是从GTletter MAIL LIST上转的
, 这些EMAIL都是自动进到我的拉圾箱的.
作者非常积极的参与MCPS GT PROGRAM 的相关讨论, 有兴趣的话不妨直接和他交换意见.
Frederick Stichnoth, f************[email protected]
November 30, 2012

This is a brief summary of the Town Hall meeting conducted by
Montgomery County Public Schools (MD) Superintendent Dr. Joshua Starr at
Shady Grove Middle School .
Perhaps 150 people were in the audience. The discussion was
translated simultaneously into several languages.
My Brief Reflections
Valuable experience. I recommend attending at least one of this
Town Hall series of Q&A sessions. (The schedule is at http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/superintendent/community-days/.)
The Superintendent presents his strategic priorities. (One parent commented
that this was the first time she’d seen a Superintendent in the schools;
she appreciated it and so do I.) There are very definite common parent
priorities, and it is enlightening to understand that. I know that the
Superintendent and the Board (Chris Barclay and Dr. Judy Docca were present)
hears the common parent complaints and desires.
Parent priority: grouping and acceleration, especially in math.
A third of the parent questions and comments addressed this one parent
priority, and the audience usually applauded after a parent stated this
priority. I was not aware that this demand is so widespread.
Communication. When parents asked for grouping and acceleration,
Dr. Starr responded that the problem is one of MCPS communication: parents
do not understand Curriculum 2.0 or pedagogy, and MCPS is doing a bad job
with PR/parent engagement.
The Deputy’s Minority Achievement Advisory Council recommended
in 2009 “improved customer service through an improved communications
paradigm” -- a “real back and forth (that is, listening as well as
speaking)….” MCPS has not learned this lesson: its one-way communication
is intended to stifle parent speech in spite of parents’ knowledge that the
curriculum/pedagogy model is not working. Can Dr. Starr not see how
obviously wrong it is to consistently assert that “parents do not
Bureaucrats inherently have a difficult time with the “
listening as well as speaking” model of communication because bureaucrats
inherently believe that their expertise sets them apart and above others in
their area of expertise, and that the deep substance and inner processes
should be kept secret; this simply is the nature of bureaucracy. A “Chief
Engagement and Partnership Officer” cannot alter this: he is the fox in the

Given the nature of bureaucracy, if the “system” is to
communicate along the lines set out by the Deputy Superintendent’s Minority
Advisory Committee, then a political body inherently responsive to the
outside world—the voters--must take the lead. Ours does not. Our Board
considers itself as a department of the bureaucracy, as is proven in part by
the Board’s sense of expertise and its desire to keep secrets. MCPS needs
a political Board (one elected district-by-district).
Literacy differentiation. Dr. Starr asserts that everyone
acknowledges that differentiation within the heterogeneous English/Language
Arts classroom works, and that this pedagogy should be the model for math. I
do not believe it works. Students of different readiness levels should
access different curricula: MCPS on-level or William and Mary (the
difference is profound). I believe that homogeneous grouping would help
students develop their abilities to think, and to express their thoughts. It
is false that “in reading, the main idea is the main idea.” Ideas have at
least the same layers of successive depth as do math concepts. Math should
be the model for ELA.
Equity issue. I agree with Dr. Starr (and with Bowles and Gintis
, Schooling in Capitalist America) that schools have been a great sorting
mechanism. Our System, and most parents, have recognized that all students
should be given opportunity to succeed, and should be helped toward equal
outcomes. This must come about through giving extra support to lower-
performing groups (i.e., neighborhood schools of concentrated poverty), not
by a Cultural Revolution capping high-level, high SES, performance.
I do not wish to hear MCPS talk about equity until it addresses
straight on its consignment of black and Latino students to schools of
concentrated poverty. I do not wish to hear MCPS talk about equity in the
same context as acceleration until MCPS addresses straight on MCPS’
repeated quotation of Dr. William Schmidt in the Math Work Group Report “
that standards for every child (e.g. ‘in third grade you should be doing X.
’) should be true for all students. The basic argument to move towards
standards for all is, to Dr. Schmidt, a moral argument (10, 12, 17, 28).”
Strategic Plan revision. Why does our Board formulate a new
strategy in secret? The Core Values and the Strategic Plan form the
constitution of our system. Again, parents—the end users—are marginalized.
Contact NOW the Board’s Strategic Planning Committee.
MOE. I will not support MCPS against the Council for so long as
MCPS will not publicly and rigorously account for whatever subsidy it
provides to schools of concentrated poverty. (Is the Council not
reevaluating MCPS’ success in closing the gap, given MCPS failure to follow
its Transition Team Report recommendations to do so?)
Dr. Starr made the inconsistent statements that we would have a
“deliberate, formulaic approach” to school funding, based on the number of
students in the school and that there would be extra funding for needs at
certain schools.
Muslim holidays. Isn’t it past time that we respect our Muslim
neighbors? MCPS’ decision makes MCPS look bad.
发帖数: 3528
这是他做的会议记录, 比我们加工后的转述应该更客观.
Introductory remarks
Dr. Starr said the MCPS is reenergizing to address gaps and preparing
for a very different world (NCLB to CCSS) while resources are not what we
MCPS is engaging in strategic planning around its five tentatively-
approved Draft Core Values. It is focusing on three areas: academics, 21st
century skills, and social and emotional competencies. It is working to
specify the “community’s role.”
MCPS is taking its “great strengths” and applying them to the future.
We are a district that has gotten to the moon, and now we have to go to Mars
The Superintendent’s budget will be submitted to the Board on December
Question: after severe budget cuts we need to reinstate more staff
Dr. Starr referred to the State Maintenance of Effort law amendments.
The Council has said that it will not fund above the MOE minimum. So we have
essentially the status quo.
He is taking a multi-year approach to the budget: reenergizing our
efforts to close gaps and aggressively preparing for the future.
We must take a “deliberate, formulaic approach” to school funding,
based on the number of students in the school. Dr. Starr recognizes that
cuts were made, citing music, media aids and psychologists. He knows about
the “small school issue.” If MCPS is funded only at the MOE requirement,
then we will have very difficult decisions.
Question: how can we work together to reach all our kids?
Dr. Starr identified targeted interventions (lower student/teacher
ratios in certain subject areas, where there is a need in the school),
family engagement (in 83 percent of two-parent families, both parents work,
making engagement difficult), and the “relationship piece.”
Question: Curriculum 2.0 offers insufficient opportunity for the most
able students
The questioner said that kids “get to the moon at different rates;”
some are ready to go to Mars. Teachers say that differentiation is very
difficult, given the “spectrum of kids.” There should be an opportunity to
learn with higher-grade kids. We are holding students back. The audience
Dr. Starr identified two issues: curriculum and how we enable kids
learning at different rates.
With regard to curriculum, what kids need to know has changed (referring
to 21st century skills); the curriculum change is good for everybody.
Enabling kids learning at different rates, differences of ability, is a
question of “who sits next to whom” – “grouping.”
Therefore, we should not criticize the curriculum; rather we have a
grouping issue.
In literacy, most people accept that teachers can differentiate well. We
meet the needs of most students through differentiation (not the extreme
outliers on either end of the spectrum). In reading, “the main idea is the
main idea.” Students can go deeper depending on the complexity of the text.
Math is different. Most teachers are not math experts, so it is harder
for them to differentiate. MCPS offers lots of professional development.
We are moving from rote memorization of techniques to conceptual
What is the proper placement? Who sits next to whom? Curriculum 2.0
absolutely offers the opportunity for acceleration. We need to help teachers
do that. Within schools, if principals see a need, they can group and
regroup—“flexible grouping.” Principals can “make some adjustments based
on the needs of the kids.”
MCPS’ current challenges are (1) parent assumptions based on what is
being taught—it is different from old curriculum; and (2) absolute clarity
about what to do in schools. The new curriculum is better—much deeper. It
is no longer ok that only 20 to 30 percent of students get to Algebra 2. We
need more communication with parents.
Question: what is the timeline for the rollout of Curriculum 2.0? It is
unknown and MCPS seems to be secretive.
The questioner also responded to the prior question and answer by saying
that “acceleration is extremely limited; she has an issue with
acceleration.” The audience applauded.
Dr. Starr said that the curriculum for grades 4 and 5 would be ready in
late winter/early spring.
He said that under the old “pathways” some kids got to high school
with no number sense, and parents resorted to tutors. Acceleration worked
for some (62 percent). But we accelerated too many for too long. Math
standards are changing. MCPS is not eliminating acceleration.
Question: there are few American students in STEM graduate programs. Is
MCPS implementing so its great students can achieve at these levels?
Dr. Starr said that Curriculum 2.0 addresses the problem of why American
is not producing STEM graduates. He cited UMBC President Freeman Hrabowski
’s providing internships to students, but we are not doing this at scale.
In other countries, students spend an entire period going into depth on
one problem. Here, we emphasis speed. We must make sure our kids have the
same, international, opportunities.
It is important to engage at the schools: to really understand what’s
being taught.
Question: parents need to understand the “new, new math” in order to
help their kids with homework. MCPS should put a tutorial for parents on-
Dr. Starr is distressed that the lack of understanding is so great.
Question: an MCPS music teacher questioned that future of instrumental
music in MCPS.
Dr. Starr understands that music is important, having been in band
himself. Increase in class size is reality, because the number of music
teachers has not kept pace with the increase in enrollment.
The Council said “If you didn’t compensate your employees then you
could do these things.” MCPS has difficult choices to make unless the
Council goes above MOE. The money supply isn’t there.
Question: the new report card and schools seem to target students toward
The questioner also said that she insisted that her kid have a “full
period of instruction” in math; now, with heterogeneous grouping, students
in the same classroom are operating at three different levels, with much of
the time done in self-guided study.
Dr. Starr explained that the new report cards are intended to show
whether students achieved or went beyond the end-of-year standard; they are
no longer a comparison of different students’ performance.
Question: Muslim religious holidays.
Dr. Starr said that it was unacceptable that a student’s absence due to
a religious holiday would affect the student’s grade. The Board had
decided to continue to follow the State holiday schedule (apparently with
longstanding local additions). This is still on the Board’s radar screen.
Question: MCPS control of abusive principals
Dr. Starr said that great schools have great principals. The central
office serves the principals. MCPS now will focus on schools’ “practice:”
how we get to the outcomes. The Office of School Support and Improvement
looks at outcomes, implementation, perceptual data and leadership. There are
ways of handling egregious cases, such as raised by the questioner.
Question: without grouping by ability, teachers do not have enough time.
Dr. Starr said that Curriculum 2.0 offers the opportunity for
acceleration and additional support. Principals can “mix and match.”
“Since you guys want to keep talking about this, I’ll keep talking.”
Standards have changed. We do not hear complaints about mixed ability in
literacy, only in math. The pedagogy that works in literacy also works in
This is a problem of communication: we must show parents.
We want to see kids working with each other. If kids of mixed abilities
are getting one thing all at the same time, it doesn’t work. We have
grouping, regrouping, even pull-outs.
There’s a distinct equity issue. Schools have been the great sorting
mechanism; it was designed that way—in different tracks. That was good for
some, but bad for blacks and immigrants. Sorting is not acceptable; it under
-serves kids. We are recovering from “rigid tracking.” Math has been the
chief sorting mechanism. It is not acceptable morally or economically.
Standards are being raised.
Communication is the enormous hill to climb.
发帖数: 15010
现在的问题是对自己的利益争不争取? 争取是一回事,得到是另一回事。不去争取,
希拉里在她的自传中说鼓励她一生的一句话“You can do it!", 一个人曾经这样鼓
励她。 作为一名女性(美国女性比黑人后获得选举权),她在人生的重大抉择时都会


【在 A*V 的大作中提到】
: 就我的理解, "因材施教"在学监的思路里是旧体系的重要体现, 是新体系所要针对的.
: 所以, 我很不乐观...在我看来, 这个问题真的很政治.
: 转一个老美的评论吧, 他也参加了昨天的会:
: I spoke with several parents after the town hall meeting. They are besides
: themselves. They see their efforts to get their children to be accelerated
: achievers being cast aside for a new curriculum that has a nebulous outcome.
: No real grades to measure academic success. No real plan for enrichment.
: Befuddlement by the superintendent as to the confusion by the schools on
: how to actually work with this new curriculum for the benefit of all
: students. And finally, the superintendent's concluding statement that no

发帖数: 33018
发帖数: 3257


【在 g********0 的大作中提到】
: 非常感谢提供这些信息!
: 在美国任何大家共同关心的问题最终都会涉及不是人权,宗教,就是政治。他们本来就
: 是政客。
: 现在的问题是对自己的利益争不争取? 争取是一回事,得到是另一回事。不去争取,
: 不会有回报的。在美国是爱哭的孩子有奶吃。
: 希拉里在她的自传中说鼓励她一生的一句话“You can do it!", 一个人曾经这样鼓
: 励她。 作为一名女性(美国女性比黑人后获得选举权),她在人生的重大抉择时都会
: 受到这句话的鼓舞。
: .

发帖数: 8950
说白了就是民主党的那些东西... MD的新GOVERNOR上来, 不是也拼命要加税... 实在
不行, 只能往NOVA移了...

【在 A*V 的大作中提到】
: (单开一贴, 省得被淹掉了).
: 我只是去学习的, 啥也没干. 因为我的孩子现在不在2.0的范畴内, 以前了解的不多,
: 现在也不能说很了解, 只说几句我的观察和体会, 如果理解错了, 请指教.
: 根据昨天听到的, 首先在大环境下的一个问题, 不仅限于C2.0, 就是教育缺钱. 为啥缺
: 钱是另一个问题了, 但缺钱之后, 就会有项目受到挤压 - 首先涉及的一些辅助教育项
: 目, 音乐就是一个例子. 昨天一个小学音乐老师到场, 说她现在教425个学生, 而且趋
: 势是音乐教师越来越少, 人均学生越来越多, 是否有一天这些项目会不复存在. 学监的
: 回答是: 认识到音乐和辅助教学的重要性, 在紧张的资金条件下, 但总要做出一些困难
: 的决定. 没有具体说哪些项目会受到影响, 但12/11新的预算就要公布, 大家可以自己
: 看.

(三)变味了的NCLBMontgomery County MD Parents - Save Our Bus!
这算不算美帝衰落的兆头? (转载)各类preschool的质量比较与辨认方法。。。(学术+个人意见) (转载)
发帖数: 34098

【在 m*******r 的大作中提到】
: 说白了就是民主党的那些东西... MD的新GOVERNOR上来, 不是也拼命要加税... 实在
: 不行, 只能往NOVA移了...

发帖数: 8950
哎, 以后校外辅导班会很吃香...

【在 B*****g 的大作中提到】
: VA早晚的事,以后必需拼家长
发帖数: 10265
昨天去娃的学校, 和两个老师讨论了一下. 基本上我们学校现在的做法是给一部分学生
利用课外时间开小灶. 我每周抽一个小时去学校带4/5年级的小朋友做数学题.
我觉得华人家长要积极参与学校的各种活动, 从我做起, 从现在做起, 嗯.

【在 A*V 的大作中提到】
: (单开一贴, 省得被淹掉了).
: 我只是去学习的, 啥也没干. 因为我的孩子现在不在2.0的范畴内, 以前了解的不多,
: 现在也不能说很了解, 只说几句我的观察和体会, 如果理解错了, 请指教.
: 根据昨天听到的, 首先在大环境下的一个问题, 不仅限于C2.0, 就是教育缺钱. 为啥缺
: 钱是另一个问题了, 但缺钱之后, 就会有项目受到挤压 - 首先涉及的一些辅助教育项
: 目, 音乐就是一个例子. 昨天一个小学音乐老师到场, 说她现在教425个学生, 而且趋
: 势是音乐教师越来越少, 人均学生越来越多, 是否有一天这些项目会不复存在. 学监的
: 回答是: 认识到音乐和辅助教学的重要性, 在紧张的资金条件下, 但总要做出一些困难
: 的决定. 没有具体说哪些项目会受到影响, 但12/11新的预算就要公布, 大家可以自己
: 看.

发帖数: 3821
发帖数: 10265
数学这个东西, 没改以前, 基本上开始落后的很难赶上那些above grade level的学生
现在, 说句实在的, 也不一定就对老墨老黑有利

【在 b******e 的大作中提到】
: 有没有人象我一样觉得他们这是有针对性地啊?
: 数学不能分level了,但是阅读还是分的。。。

发帖数: 33018

【在 F**********y 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢分享!
: 昨天去娃的学校, 和两个老师讨论了一下. 基本上我们学校现在的做法是给一部分学生
: 利用课外时间开小灶. 我每周抽一个小时去学校带4/5年级的小朋友做数学题.
: 我觉得华人家长要积极参与学校的各种活动, 从我做起, 从现在做起, 嗯.

发帖数: 22
发帖数: 7272

【在 n*****y 的大作中提到】
: 这么说来,今年选的那些几个学区的教育代表都定下是谁了?哪位有数来给说说?万一我
: 放狗搜不到......
: 真要去把他们都选下去!嘿嘿.我们学校一些家长间在大选前,有人发过个Link,把几个学
: 区候选人回答问题那部分都给大家来,建议看好想好选谁.有明显不支持GT,要取消的,还
: 有不明确提的.好在美国有个选票,还可以去参与下.

发帖数: 33018

【在 l**n 的大作中提到】
: 你可以在BOE的网页上看到。
: http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/boe/members/

发帖数: 22

【在 c*h 的大作中提到】
: 顶,下次有问题就找你。
马里兰州蒙郡的 请帮主任忙,我发包子给你昨天晚上和LLin, AUV去参加学监的Town hall Meeting
关于Montgomery County Curriculum 2.0的petition来点现实有意义的:关心小孩教学质量(MC)的请进
(四)没有结局的故事Math Curriculum 2.0 真的太容易吗?看这个题目
发帖数: 22


【在 l**n 的大作中提到】
: 你可以在BOE的网页上看到。
: http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/boe/members/

1 (共1页)
Montgomery County MD Parents - Save Our Bus!蒙郡Curriculum 2.0 事情的一个交代
各类preschool的质量比较与辨认方法。。。(学术+个人意见) (转载)curriculum 2.0 math 的讨论
马里兰州蒙郡的 请帮主任忙,我发包子给你【蒙郡K-3家长们】Has your student experienced appropriate level instruction
关于Montgomery County Curriculum 2.0的petition【蒙郡家长】Math Curriculum Information Night 本周三
(四)没有结局的故事a progressive change
昨天晚上和LLin, AUV去参加学监的Town hall MeetingMCPS-MCCPTA: Science Curriculum Night 12/12/2013
来点现实有意义的:关心小孩教学质量(MC)的请进为蒙郡BOE候选人Laurie Halverson拉票
Math Curriculum 2.0 真的太容易吗?看这个题目弗吉尼亚:小孩教育要按族群验收了(updated)
话题: mcps话题: dr话题: starr话题: curriculum话题: students