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WashingtonDC版 - 俩个伯克利法学院的学生杀鸟
单身同学,八月周末--11, 12号--溶洞+动物园游玩DC骑车要求带头盔吗?
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (转载)卖自行车
[活动组织】11/12 Blackwater national wildlife refuge (转载)TIANYU骑单车是必须带头盔吗?
请问有人去过 Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge吗? (转载)雪场什么情况?
Jiawa想不想去照向日葵?moving sale-all kids stuff+simple furniture
星期六(May 4th) Hiking-Trillium(延龄草) @ThompsonSevere Thunderstorm Watch until 1900
请推荐animal control,谢谢请问DC 换护照,在楼里面照的照片背景是蓝的还是什么颜色? (转载)
话题: wildlife话题: vegas话题: flamingo话题: cuellar话题: las
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9094
They must be drunk!
- - - - -
Two University of California-Berkeley students are accused of decapitating
an exotic 14-year-old bird at the Flamingo Hotel and Casino's wildlife
habitat in Las Vegas.
Eric Cuellar and Justin Teixeira, both 24, were captured on surveillance
video Friday morning chasing the helmeted guinea fowl into some trees and
then emerging carrying its severed body, according to a statement from the
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.
The two men, who said they are law students at the school, then laughed
about the killing and threw the body of the bird, witnesses told police.
They were booked into the Clark County Detention Center and face felony
charges of conspiracy and the willful and malicious torture or killing of
The Flamingo's Wildlife Habitat is home to hundreds of animals, including
swans, ducks, turtles and of course, flamingos.
It was not clear whether Cuellar and Teixeira had hired an attorney
发帖数: 6158

【在 B******1 的大作中提到】
: They must be drunk!
: - - - - -
: Two University of California-Berkeley students are accused of decapitating
: an exotic 14-year-old bird at the Flamingo Hotel and Casino's wildlife
: habitat in Las Vegas.
: Eric Cuellar and Justin Teixeira, both 24, were captured on surveillance
: video Friday morning chasing the helmeted guinea fowl into some trees and
: then emerging carrying its severed body, according to a statement from the
: Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.
: The two men, who said they are law students at the school, then laughed

发帖数: 9094
I hope at least one of them scored A+ in his Criminal Law class.
Nonetheless their hope of having a legal career is most likely a fantasy now
. It might also be a blow to the repuation of the UCB law school and its
holistic admission process, which is apparently not a bird's-eye view.

【在 c********e 的大作中提到】
: 学法律的也什么人都有,并不比其他的人靠铺。
发帖数: 9094
What's worse is the reason they committed the act, a “fowl play”:
In an apparent attempt to empirically prove the veracity of Robert Frost’s
1962 poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” two men, Eric Cuellar and Justin
Teixeira, were arrested in Las Vegas this week after being caught on tape
killing an endangered 14-year-old helmeted guinea fowl.
Security footage at the painfully named Flamingo Hotel showed them throwing
the bird back and forth while laughing and discussing how they would kill it
, because there is nothing good or innocent that will not eventually be
brutally murdered. The two were identified as Berkeley law students because
of course they are.
- - - -
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.
Robert Frost
发帖数: 9094
Ironically, Texeira worked as a Law Clerk at U.S. Department of Justice -
Environment & Natural Resources Division (Natural Resources Section).
发帖数: 6158


【在 B******1 的大作中提到】
: What's worse is the reason they committed the act, a “fowl play”:
: In an apparent attempt to empirically prove the veracity of Robert Frost’s
: 1962 poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” two men, Eric Cuellar and Justin
: Teixeira, were arrested in Las Vegas this week after being caught on tape
: killing an endangered 14-year-old helmeted guinea fowl.
: Security footage at the painfully named Flamingo Hotel showed them throwing
: the bird back and forth while laughing and discussing how they would kill it
: , because there is nothing good or innocent that will not eventually be
: brutally murdered. The two were identified as Berkeley law students because
: of course they are.

1 (共1页)
请问DC 换护照,在楼里面照的照片背景是蓝的还是什么颜色? (转载)Jiawa想不想去照向日葵?
slooking for web developers星期六(May 4th) Hiking-Trillium(延龄草) @Thompson
Severe thunderstorm warning!!!!!请推荐animal control,谢谢
单身同学,八月周末--11, 12号--溶洞+动物园游玩DC骑车要求带头盔吗?
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (转载)卖自行车
[活动组织】11/12 Blackwater national wildlife refuge (转载)TIANYU骑单车是必须带头盔吗?
请问有人去过 Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge吗? (转载)雪场什么情况?
话题: wildlife话题: vegas话题: flamingo话题: cuellar话题: las