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WashingtonDC版 - An analytical chemist is looking for a job. Help need :) (转载)
look for help to seek a job in DC, fresh bio master,F1- OPTHelp wanted
大家说说,baltimore 怎末样?围棋爱好者请进--本周五围棋聚会
Summer Internship opportunity at DC Metro Area (Biotech, HP (转载)【小道消息】Apple bought the majority of air cargo space ou (转载)
有人认识他吗Job opportunities for IT and/or Science related majors(no work experience required)
求推荐讲中文的家庭医生,在ROCKVILLE,GAITHERSBURG一带。In D.C., blacks are no longer the majority
DC版太牛X了!!!Senkaku Islands which country the land? Scholars majoring countries depend 日 dominate opinion 韩 gain
Re: 列位的辖区?请教各位在北美的大妈找工作的建议
DC的樱花开得如何了? 明天去DC看樱花能看到吗?jiawa :Canon in d major 。
话题: my话题: chemist话题: any话题: analytical
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 298
【 以下文字转载自 Maryland 讨论区 】
发信人: yth80 (niuniu), 信区: Maryland
标 题: An analytical chemist is looking for a job. Help need :)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Sep 20 23:14:46 2011, 美东)
I am in Boston now but I need to relocate to Maryland since my family is
here. I have been searching jobs in Maryland and D.C. for a while but found
it is really dissapointing that very few pharmaceuticals industry is here
and few position is open. Is there anyone here knew any research company
having any opening position or can refer me to any position?
About me: My current job is majorly focused on supporting medicinal
chemistry department in a pharma/biotech company for purification of small
synthetic molecules or natural product based semi-synthetic modification
compounds using high-throughput purification approach. I am also working on
developing manufacturing process method of isolation, separation and
purification in the process chemistry department. My title is Research
Associate II and worked in my company for over than 3 years since I got my
master degree in chemistry in US. .
Specialties: High-throughout Purification, HPLC Method Development, Mass
spectrometry and SFC (Supercritical Fluid Chromatography)
Thank you in advance for your help. Any help is much appreciated.
发帖数: 10844
There are tons of biotech companies in the area. Yes, it'a a bad time in
general with very few openings. You just need to look harder and be patient.


【在 y***0 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Maryland 讨论区 】
: 发信人: yth80 (niuniu), 信区: Maryland
: 标 题: An analytical chemist is looking for a job. Help need :)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Sep 20 23:14:46 2011, 美东)
: I am in Boston now but I need to relocate to Maryland since my family is
: here. I have been searching jobs in Maryland and D.C. for a while but found
: it is really dissapointing that very few pharmaceuticals industry is here
: and few position is open. Is there anyone here knew any research company
: having any opening position or can refer me to any position?
: About me: My current job is majorly focused on supporting medicinal

发帖数: 34098
look harder and be patient are only options, hehe


【在 j***a 的大作中提到】
: There are tons of biotech companies in the area. Yes, it'a a bad time in
: general with very few openings. You just need to look harder and be patient.
: found

发帖数: 15010
You need to do proof-reading before you send out your applications and


【在 y***0 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Maryland 讨论区 】
: 发信人: yth80 (niuniu), 信区: Maryland
: 标 题: An analytical chemist is looking for a job. Help need :)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Sep 20 23:14:46 2011, 美东)
: I am in Boston now but I need to relocate to Maryland since my family is
: here. I have been searching jobs in Maryland and D.C. for a while but found
: it is really dissapointing that very few pharmaceuticals industry is here
: and few position is open. Is there anyone here knew any research company
: having any opening position or can refer me to any position?
: About me: My current job is majorly focused on supporting medicinal

发帖数: 341


【在 j***a 的大作中提到】
: There are tons of biotech companies in the area. Yes, it'a a bad time in
: general with very few openings. You just need to look harder and be patient.
: found

1 (共1页)
jiawa :Canon in d major 。求推荐讲中文的家庭医生,在ROCKVILLE,GAITHERSBURG一带。
An analytical chemist is looking for a job. Help need :) (转载)DC版太牛X了!!!
An analytical chemist is looking for a job. Help need :)Re: 列位的辖区?
Genentech 招人。 RA level. 非phD.DC的樱花开得如何了? 明天去DC看樱花能看到吗?
look for help to seek a job in DC, fresh bio master,F1- OPTHelp wanted
大家说说,baltimore 怎末样?围棋爱好者请进--本周五围棋聚会
Summer Internship opportunity at DC Metro Area (Biotech, HP (转载)【小道消息】Apple bought the majority of air cargo space ou (转载)
有人认识他吗Job opportunities for IT and/or Science related majors(no work experience required)
话题: my话题: chemist话题: any话题: analytical