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Visa版 - 不会吧,连借钱开银行证明办I20也要坐十年牢? (转载)
Nine Kansas State students from Nepal charged with visa fraudMatamoros F1 Renew Passed ( Changed Status in US) 11.06
有美国visa去韩国还需要签证吗?成都F1今天返签, 郁闷!
求证一下韩国签证H-1B 温哥华返签签经 (从B-1 到F-1 到H-1) 补充几点
急问!中国护照,持美国绿卡,去加拿大需要签证吗?多谢了Buffalo, 加拿大旅游签证拿到经过
h1b和non-profit2月22号 TJ F1 OPT renewed
有美国政府部门的security clearance,对申请visa有帮助减少check的可能性吗?Montreal renew F1 顺利通过
关于visa automatic revalidation 的里面I 94的一点问题TJ F1 04/21 check, 05/12 got call, 05/13 pick up
话题: students话题: funds话题: state话题: nine话题: 8226
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 70
【 以下文字转载自 EB23 讨论区 】
发信人: weatherman (weatherman), 信区: EB23
标 题: 不会吧,连借钱开银行证明办I20也要坐十年牢?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 6 14:05:59 2013, 美东)
Nine students from Nepal attending Kansas State University were indicted
Tuesday by a federal grand jury in Topeka on charges of visa fraud,
according to U.S. Attorney Barry Grissom.
The indictment alleges:
• The students conspired to maintain their non-immigrant visas by
making false statements that they possessed funds to pursue their study at
K-State while supporting themselves and their dependents.
• In the fall of 2008 all nine students obtained temporary
possession of financial resources for the purpose of obtaining statements
from financial institutions to support their claims that each personally had
the needed funds.
• The students temporarily obtained funds from fellow Nepalese
students and deposited the funds in their bank accounts. After getting the
notarized bank letter, they returned the funds to the other students.
If convicted, each defendant faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in federal
prison and a fine up to $250,000 on each count. The state department and
homeland security participated in the investigation.
Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/2013/07/02/2872920/nine-kansas-state-students-from.html#storylink=cpy
1 (共1页)
紧急求助有美国政府部门的security clearance,对申请visa有帮助减少check的可能性吗?
6/13 Tijuana签证总结关于visa automatic revalidation 的里面I 94的一点问题
matamoros签经 7月22日台湾参加会议visa申请!!
Nine Kansas State students from Nepal charged with visa fraudMatamoros F1 Renew Passed ( Changed Status in US) 11.06
有美国visa去韩国还需要签证吗?成都F1今天返签, 郁闷!
求证一下韩国签证H-1B 温哥华返签签经 (从B-1 到F-1 到H-1) 补充几点
急问!中国护照,持美国绿卡,去加拿大需要签证吗?多谢了Buffalo, 加拿大旅游签证拿到经过
话题: students话题: funds话题: state话题: nine话题: 8226