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Unix版 - back up Sun Solaris 8 system to tape using fssnap
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请教e-mail的设置A simple question!
话题: solaris话题: sun话题: fssnap话题: directory话题: tape
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 33
I am trying to back up a Sun Solaris 8 system to tape using a script.
The script finished backing up for directory / and /var successfully
but failed for directory /usr. The error messages I got are:
snapshot error: usage: ufsdump [......] filesystem
fssnap: ioctl: error 2: No such file or directory
Anyone knows what could be the possible reason for this problem?
Thanks a lot!
发帖数: 258
post your script and mount map then sb. can help you

【在 n**w 的大作中提到】
: Hi,
: I am trying to back up a Sun Solaris 8 system to tape using a script.
: The script finished backing up for directory / and /var successfully
: but failed for directory /usr. The error messages I got are:
: snapshot error: usage: ufsdump [......] filesystem
: fssnap: ioctl: error 2: No such file or directory
: Anyone knows what could be the possible reason for this problem?
: Thanks a lot!

发帖数: 33
My script worked fine for other Sun Solaris machines. Only this machine
complains about the /usr directory. So I think the problem may be with the
system. Thanks.

【在 c****j 的大作中提到】
: post your script and mount map then sb. can help you
1 (共1页)
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大虾青筋About BACKUP FILES AND FILESYSTEMSa question about sendmail-8.12.3
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话题: solaris话题: sun话题: fssnap话题: directory话题: tape