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Unix版 - AIX shell configuration
Command history怎样改成tcsh?
[转载] About the history怎么更改一些系统命令的路径,非管理员? 如gcc等.
Enviroment Config Help我的alia放在script里为什么不工作?
UNIX dummy Questions?一个unix .cshrc的wenti
Re: How to setup the arrowkey(for history command) and table-completehow to change login shell?
Re: [转载] how to get the return value of a command by shell?急:ld.so.1的问题
.cshrc?.login?.profile?login shell and normal shell?
TELNET 老断How to use the command history in SUN?
话题: aix话题: shell话题: use话题: command
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 587
I am using a AIX machine, however, a lot of unix flavors are
not in the shell(I use C shell, no tcsh installed)
first, I can't use tab to auto complete file name
I wrote set filec in .cshrc and soured it, no effect.
second, I can't use up/down arrow to browse commands history
How can I fix it? should I tell the root to do something? (he knows
little about unix, but I can't just tell him that)
发帖数: 1879
The features you talked about are for tcsh...
csh does have file name completion, but instead of using tab, use Esc.
csh has command history name substituion scheme. For instace, !!
means the previous command. !g means the previous command that starts
with g. There are more advanced stuff which you can read from csh
man page.

【在 l*****k 的大作中提到】
: I am using a AIX machine, however, a lot of unix flavors are
: not in the shell(I use C shell, no tcsh installed)
: first, I can't use tab to auto complete file name
: I wrote set filec in .cshrc and soured it, no effect.
: second, I can't use up/down arrow to browse commands history
: How can I fix it? should I tell the root to do something? (he knows
: little about unix, but I can't just tell him that)
: Best

发帖数: 12
echo $EDITOR to see if your shell editor is vi.
vi is much more convenient for shell command editting.

【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: The features you talked about are for tcsh...
: csh does have file name completion, but instead of using tab, use Esc.
: csh has command history name substituion scheme. For instace, !!
: means the previous command. !g means the previous command that starts
: with g. There are more advanced stuff which you can read from csh
: man page.

发帖数: 587
thanks, man! really helpful

【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: The features you talked about are for tcsh...
: csh does have file name completion, but instead of using tab, use Esc.
: csh has command history name substituion scheme. For instace, !!
: means the previous command. !g means the previous command that starts
: with g. There are more advanced stuff which you can read from csh
: man page.

1 (共1页)
How to use the command history in SUN?Re: How to setup the arrowkey(for history command) and table-complete
hotkey in unixRe: [转载] how to get the return value of a command by shell?
about autocompletion.cshrc?.login?.profile?
[转载] 如何返回当前窗口正在运行的程序名称 TELNET 老断
Command history怎样改成tcsh?
[转载] About the history怎么更改一些系统命令的路径,非管理员? 如gcc等.
Enviroment Config Help我的alia放在script里为什么不工作?
UNIX dummy Questions?一个unix .cshrc的wenti
话题: aix话题: shell话题: use话题: command