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Unix版 - [转载] OS X Server 10.2
[转载] 有用OS X server 10.2的吗?? 实在太郁闷了!!!help, how to mount a network cdrom ?
[转载] How can I mount local HD from Server?How to monitor a Unix workstation usage?
Ask help about swap space ( Urgent )sha sha de wen: sun's workstation
[转载] RedHat9.0 ServerHelp About Font Server
question on the unix terminal, nettermJob control question???
[转载] 有没有支持'striped file transfer"的ftp工具.vi tutorial 1
[转载] How to access SQL Server from Unix?怎么才能让打印机认中文?
[转载] Dummy 求教: 怎样建Solaris server 主域联不上,救命!
话题: os话题: server话题: www话题: someone
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 52
【 以下文字转载自 Apple 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: ketten (ketten), 信区: Apple
标 题: OS X Server 10.2
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Oct 15 17:33:24 2002) WWW-POST
I wonder if there is anyone here using G4 OS X server as a workstation also. I
found some applications, such as mail, office, web browser, etc terminate
unexpectedly. Someone in our supporting team told me the reason is that OS X
server is not designed for working as a workstation, so he suggested me to
stop doing so. Any suggestions or comments? Thanks in
1 (共1页)
主域联不上,救命!question on the unix terminal, netterm
How to add Plug-in on my netscape?[转载] 有没有支持'striped file transfer"的ftp工具.
file descriptor[转载] How to access SQL Server from Unix?
root compromise?[转载] Dummy 求教: 怎样建Solaris server
[转载] 有用OS X server 10.2的吗?? 实在太郁闷了!!!help, how to mount a network cdrom ?
[转载] How can I mount local HD from Server?How to monitor a Unix workstation usage?
Ask help about swap space ( Urgent )sha sha de wen: sun's workstation
[转载] RedHat9.0 ServerHelp About Font Server
话题: os话题: server话题: www话题: someone