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Unix版 - [转载] strange problem
Can I mount win2k shares under solaris?Linux和Win2K共存的一个问题
Unix下访问网络硬盘的问题cygwin 问题一问
I am crazy about this!!Strange thing in Solaris
安装 Solaris 8 x86 和 Win2K 小记strange problem about wget execution
a strange partition comes upCygwin中Gcc的头文件和库的路径在哪里设置?
some wt一个困惑我的问题
怎样恢复 Solaris Boot Manager? (Solaris8 - x86 )[转载] 求救!关于WinXP连NFS server
my procedure...i couldn't figure out what's wrong...Re: 已经有打印机在网络上如何设置并使用?
话题: strange话题: file话题: problem话题: linux话题: drive
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 74
【 以下文字转载自 Linux 讨论区 】
【 原文由 lsp 所发表 】
I use smbmount mount one of my win2k's drive to one drive in linux
but when I edited some text file from windows, after I close the file
and open it using vi in linux, sometime the file has not been update(
there are some strange character at the end of file)
anyboday know why?
1 (共1页)
Re: 已经有打印机在网络上如何设置并使用?a strange partition comes up
Cxterm 中 如何为五笔输入法增加词组????some wt
How to open/edit a huge text file怎样恢复 Solaris Boot Manager? (Solaris8 - x86 )
ASK AGAIN!!!Re: How to open/edit a huge text filemy procedure...i couldn't figure out what's wrong...
Can I mount win2k shares under solaris?Linux和Win2K共存的一个问题
Unix下访问网络硬盘的问题cygwin 问题一问
I am crazy about this!!Strange thing in Solaris
安装 Solaris 8 x86 和 Win2K 小记strange problem about wget execution
话题: strange话题: file话题: problem话题: linux话题: drive