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Unix版 - [转载] Save my life
I deleted /opt/sfw by mistake好马配好鞍/介绍一套linux牛书/O'Reilly Animal Book
If I delete a file, how to restore.shell programming
a question on backupHow to recover RPC password (NIS)?
英雄,救命啊!!!CGI之Perl Script一问
Help: convert // to /* */ in C code?how to let awk not print?
Abort(coredump) ??????????????how to write robort in perl w/out expect?
help urgent!How to do "which" in perl?
Re: 请推荐一本perl book好不好how to recover a deleted file in unix, urgent!
话题: save话题: today话题: now话题: wly话题: backup
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 47
【 以下文字转载自 Linux 讨论区 】
【 原文由 wly 所发表 】
I run
perl myprog.pl > myprog.pl
by mistake, (should be > myprog.result)
Now myprog.pl is a void file. How to recover it.
www~~~~. Today I need to talk about it with boss.
Thank you very much,
发帖数: 47
I am in linux , and I can be super user.
Thanks a lot!

【在 w*y 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Linux 讨论区 】
: 【 原文由 wly 所发表 】
: I run
: perl myprog.pl > myprog.pl
: by mistake, (should be > myprog.result)
: Now myprog.pl is a void file. How to recover it.
: www~~~~. Today I need to talk about it with boss.
: Thank you very much,

发帖数: 8
if u used programs like emacs, check the directry to see if there
is backup files hidden there
other than that, i am afraid you can't do anything

【在 w*y 的大作中提到】
: I am in linux , and I can be super user.
: Thanks a lot!

发帖数: 1770
backup, backup, ... that is why it is a must.
cvs, cvs, that is why it is so popular.

【在 w*y 的大作中提到】
: I am in linux , and I can be super user.
: Thanks a lot!

1 (共1页)
how to recover a deleted file in unix, urgent!Help: convert // to /* */ in C code?
how to run active perl in cygwin?Abort(coredump) ??????????????
[转载] Perl 土问题help urgent!
[转载] Perl高手请进Re: 请推荐一本perl book好不好
I deleted /opt/sfw by mistake好马配好鞍/介绍一套linux牛书/O'Reilly Animal Book
If I delete a file, how to restore.shell programming
a question on backupHow to recover RPC password (NIS)?
英雄,救命啊!!!CGI之Perl Script一问
话题: save话题: today话题: now话题: wly话题: backup