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Unix版 - Proxy 设置求助
proxy telnet to internetfile descriptor
谁能给个unix下socks5 proxy的包root compromise?
help, how to mount a network cdrom ?郁闷!求助!
How to monitor a Unix workstation usage?Did Sun Education Promotion end?
sha sha de wen: sun's workstationAsk help about swap space ( Urgent )
怎么才能让打印机认中文?How to use vi and cxterm together?
主域联不上,救命!请教:How to increase stacksize in Alpha workstation with compaq Tru64 UNIX?
How to add Plug-in on my netscape?any easy way to get local ip in unix?
话题: proxy话题: lab话题: go话题: out话题: socks5
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8
I have a pc running Linux at home.and I can use modem
to connect to campus and the worksation in Lab,but cannot
go out of campus.Now I have the super power in the worksations
of the Lab,which can go out to internet.Can I set up the workstation
to be a Proxy such that I can go out in my computer?
How to do this?
发帖数: 35
install socks5
1. download the file from
2. tar -xzf to somewhere
3. ./configure
4. make
5. make install
6. there r several socks.conf files in 'example' folder, copy
socks5.conf.singlehomed to /etc/socks5.conf
7. run 'socks5'
8. it's ok. u can connect to ur server with port 1080 :)

【在 w*****i 的大作中提到】
: I have a pc running Linux at home.and I can use modem
: to connect to campus and the worksation in Lab,but cannot
: go out of campus.Now I have the super power in the worksations
: of the Lab,which can go out to internet.Can I set up the workstation
: to be a Proxy such that I can go out in my computer?
: How to do this?
: thx

1 (共1页)
any easy way to get local ip in unix?sha sha de wen: sun's workstation
about Sun Workstations怎么才能让打印机认中文?
what's the relation bt UNIX and SUN workstation? 主域联不上,救命!
how to set up printer???How to add Plug-in on my netscape?
proxy telnet to internetfile descriptor
谁能给个unix下socks5 proxy的包root compromise?
help, how to mount a network cdrom ?郁闷!求助!
How to monitor a Unix workstation usage?Did Sun Education Promotion end?
话题: proxy话题: lab话题: go话题: out话题: socks5