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USTB版 - life totally changed
missbearQuestion for missbear and physics?
Thanks to Lxb,missbear,lunna and jerrymouseI am pretty sure missbear is a USTBer!
版主呀关于我,to missbear
校友好!谁是missbear, 知情的捎个话. 或missbear re.
Re: 校友好! to jerrymouseTO Missbear
Re: welcome, coolheart紫藤架下的恶作剧。
to missbearRe: it seems that missbear is a real mm. :)
To Missbear下午来的ddmm们
话题: lxb话题: jobhunting话题: missbear话题: changed话题: my
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1686
Having transfer to EE major, my life totally changed now.
Now I am sure I study even harder than I was taking GRE test.
Think about jobhounting and money all the time.
Sigh, bye bye, my Ph.D degree.
My parents love the Ph.D degree so much since they have no chance to get it
because of the culture revolution.
I will not make their dream ture......
发帖数: 97
Why not change to CS directly? Almost all chinese guys have changed. That's more easier for jobhunting than EE. If you care about it.
BTW, what was your original major?

【在 m******r 的大作中提到】
: Having transfer to EE major, my life totally changed now.
: Now I am sure I study even harder than I was taking GRE test.
: Think about jobhounting and money all the time.
: Sigh, bye bye, my Ph.D degree.
: My parents love the Ph.D degree so much since they have no chance to get it
: because of the culture revolution.
: I will not make their dream ture......

发帖数: 2284

【在 l*b 的大作中提到】
: Why not change to CS directly? Almost all chinese guys have changed. That's more easier for jobhunting than EE. If you care about it.
: BTW, what was your original major?

发帖数: 97
Are you asking me or missbear?
If you are asking me, I can answer you.
1. I have not changed my major, I think it is meanless for
me to change. I have got one Ph.D., that's enough for me, I
never want to get another one. If I can not find job here,
I'll go back. haha.
2. My wife has come here last week. She hasn't made up her
mind what she wants to do here. Her major is economics and
it is meanless for her to get a ph.D. here. Maybe she will
choose a MBA to pursue. I'm not sure.
3. How about you

【在 J********e 的大作中提到】
: 真的吗,怎么没事先通知我一声,有offer吗?真羡慕你的勇气和决
: 心。
: 你LP来了吗?

发帖数: 2109
很 佩 服missbear! 偶 是 没 有 勇 气 转 啊.
祝 心 想 事 成!

【在 J********e 的大作中提到】
: 真的吗,怎么没事先通知我一声,有offer吗?真羡慕你的勇气和决
: 心。
: 你LP来了吗?

发帖数: 2109
LXB, 偶 还 从 来 没 有 听 说 谁 想 留 下 来, 因 为 找 不 到
工 作 而 被 迫
回 去 的. 偶 的 学 校 不 咋 的, 但 学 材 料 和 经 济 的 好
象 都 可 以 找
到. 钱 少 一 点,jobhunting 的 时 间 长 一 些 而 已. 呵 呵,
钱 这 东 西,
多 了 多 花, 少 了 少 花. 国 内 贫 苦 的 学 生 生 活 都 顶
住 了, 还 有 啥
可 怕 的.

【在 l*b 的大作中提到】
: Are you asking me or missbear?
: If you are asking me, I can answer you.
: 1. I have not changed my major, I think it is meanless for
: me to change. I have got one Ph.D., that's enough for me, I
: never want to get another one. If I can not find job here,
: I'll go back. haha.
: 2. My wife has come here last week. She hasn't made up her
: mind what she wants to do here. Her major is economics and
: it is meanless for her to get a ph.D. here. Maybe she will
: choose a MBA to pursue. I'm not sure.

发帖数: 899

【在 a*q 的大作中提到】
: LXB, 偶 还 从 来 没 有 听 说 谁 想 留 下 来, 因 为 找 不 到
: 工 作 而 被 迫
: 回 去 的. 偶 的 学 校 不 咋 的, 但 学 材 料 和 经 济 的 好
: 象 都 可 以 找
: 到. 钱 少 一 点,jobhunting 的 时 间 长 一 些 而 已. 呵 呵,
: 钱 这 东 西,
: 多 了 多 花, 少 了 少 花. 国 内 贫 苦 的 学 生 生 活 都 顶
: 住 了, 还 有 啥
: 可 怕 的.

发帖数: 899

Parents dream should not mean much to your direction.

【在 m******r 的大作中提到】
: Having transfer to EE major, my life totally changed now.
: Now I am sure I study even harder than I was taking GRE test.
: Think about jobhounting and money all the time.
: Sigh, bye bye, my Ph.D degree.
: My parents love the Ph.D degree so much since they have no chance to get it
: because of the culture revolution.
: I will not make their dream ture......

发帖数: 677
support missbear's critical and priceless decision!!!!

【在 l***a 的大作中提到】
: Parents dream should not mean much to your direction.

1 (共1页)
下午来的ddmm们Re: 校友好! to jerrymouse
jerrymouseRe: welcome, coolheart
Ditto?to missbear
关于写作水平。To Missbear
missbearQuestion for missbear and physics?
Thanks to Lxb,missbear,lunna and jerrymouseI am pretty sure missbear is a USTBer!
版主呀关于我,to missbear
校友好!谁是missbear, 知情的捎个话. 或missbear re.
话题: lxb话题: jobhunting话题: missbear话题: changed话题: my