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USTB版 - The Future of USTBeijing
Re: 世界第一大学(转) /合并没那么坏或好Merge the Interests of Your Future & Present Selves
lxb:罗大佑site http://junjie.stanford.edu/music/问个ticket 的问题
Interview questions collect here.一个给GnGsystem的建议.
周一USPS开门,邮寄吗?America’s Largest Antique and Collectible Show
[sell]ASUS Eee Pad Transformer (TF101-A1)@$345求问Americas Card Room寄过来的支票如何兑现
话题: future话题: ustbeijing话题: university话题: our话题: money
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 97
I don't know what is the future of our university. It seems like it
will be merged to some other one. However, we should say that our
university are fading now. Take a look at the leaders of our
university, you will see what are hapening. All of them are busy for
collecting money for themself. They just want to looking for great
projects everyday. In fact, they are successful. And the officals
sitting in the office building are busy for their money also.
Everyone knows the corruption there.
I do
发帖数: 2284
You know GY very detail. The leaders from top to bottom collect money
and individual famouse name from collecting projects and something
else by using their leadership.
they don't think to construct a better univ. just for themselves. Just
look at the dinning halls please. BTW, the f univ owe me a large sum
of money. I will fetch it back sooner or later. ft

【在 l*b 的大作中提到】
: I don't know what is the future of our university. It seems like it
: will be merged to some other one. However, we should say that our
: university are fading now. Take a look at the leaders of our
: university, you will see what are hapening. All of them are busy for
: collecting money for themself. They just want to looking for great
: projects everyday. In fact, they are successful. And the officals
: sitting in the office building are busy for their money also.
: Everyone knows the corruption there.
: I do

发帖数: 750

【在 l*b 的大作中提到】
: I don't know what is the future of our university. It seems like it
: will be merged to some other one. However, we should say that our
: university are fading now. Take a look at the leaders of our
: university, you will see what are hapening. All of them are busy for
: collecting money for themself. They just want to looking for great
: projects everyday. In fact, they are successful. And the officals
: sitting in the office building are busy for their money also.
: Everyone knows the corruption there.
: I do

1 (共1页)
求问Americas Card Room寄过来的支票如何兑现Interview questions collect here.
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Office Depot and OfficeMax have merged?[sell]ASUS Eee Pad Transformer (TF101-A1)@$345
Re: 世界第一大学(转) /合并没那么坏或好Merge the Interests of Your Future & Present Selves
lxb:罗大佑site http://junjie.stanford.edu/music/问个ticket 的问题
话题: future话题: ustbeijing话题: university话题: our话题: money