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USANews版 - Texas shhoting just another desperate attempt to distract
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发帖数: 655
The War in Ukraine no longer works to distract ppl from the miseries they
felt at the gas pumps, the cash registers, the increasing electricity bills,
the increasing rent, every hour or every minute of the day.
They released the monkey pox--99% of ppl, except the 1% who still get their
news from MS and the 0.01% professional trolls (psyop soldiers probably
moreaccurate) who try to "set the tone"--don't give a fuck.
Now they had to send out a trans illegal hispanic to kill 20 elementary
school kids to create as much news, hatred as they could. More kids died
than in Sandy Hook. Texas. Parents/straight vs Trans. Hispanic vs White.
Illegal vs Texans. All boxes checked. The perfect media storm for
them to create. How perfect.
These idiots never realized that if ppl don't care about 1 million deaths
after being locked up in their houses for less than 2 months, will they give
a fuck about someone else's kids while their life-long savings have been
cut in half? Their rents doubled in 3 months? Their gas bill quadrupled
? They can't afford heat or ac? Their kids are starving? When living in
constant emotional and financial throes, people become lethargic. They do
whatever they can to numb their own pains. Do you think it is still
physically/psychologically possible for them to feel someone else's pains?
The DS/WEF elites believe that such scripts still work cuz they are not us,
they are not the ones suffering day in and day out. They are not the ones
who try to grow potatoes in garbage bags cuz they could no longer afford
food. Eat your own fake outrage. It's becoming more and more disgusting.
More outrageous than anything to ppl who stand in front of the gas pump, and
try to decide on whether to forego toilet paper this month for the gas to
take the kids to grandpa's for the memorial day weekend.
For all trolls who post here according to the "scripts", may the pennies you
got from your DS bosses can buy enough marijuana/coke to dowse the guilt/
pains you feel. Your place in hell is guaranteed. No amount of marijuana or
coke can ever change that.
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