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USANews版 - Why Joe Biden Cannot Unify America
党派测试Obama to Dems: Don't 'jam' health care bill
Chinese American Vote for Republican candidates什么时候出结果?
TRUMP认为他将是一个能团结左右的总统WSJ:GOP Ends Union Stalemate
ABC:奥巴马的民主党越来越下三路Negotiating with Lunatics
黑墨的关键:真主党才是racistDo Republicans Ideas Lead to Job Growth?
右派的冷嘲热讽Democrats Will Unify the Country?Stalemate in Hill payroll tax fight
Pew Research: Republican 44% Democrat 48% (转载)Not A Team Player
Biden gave average of $369 to charity a year民主党总统股市年均+11%,共和党总统股市年均+2.7%
话题: america话题: democrats话题: american话题: biden话题: unify
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5818
RUSH: So Biden said that we need a president who can unify us, not divide us
. It’s one of the big problems that we face in America today. Folks, and I
’ve addressed this countless times before. It used to be that Republicans
and Democrats, for the most part — I mean, I’m going back now to the JFK
era of Democrats, maybe even the LBJ era of Democrats — it used to be we
all wanted similar things. We just had different philosophies, political
philosophies about how to achieve it.
It was true at one point that Democrats and Republicans wanted prosperity
for people. It was true that Republicans and Democrats wanted a strong
military, strong defense. It’s been a long time since those days, though.
But it used to be. Now those similarities are gone. We don’t have any
overlap. It’s a scary and frightening thing. We don’t have anything in
common anymore.
The Democrat Party today has been taken over and co-opted by the radical
worldwide left, which doesn’t believe in American decency, American
goodness, American exceptionalism, any of these things. It believes just the
exact opposite, that America’s the problem of the world, that America is
not the solution. I’ve been through this riff before. It’s why we’re in
the battle that we’re in. There really isn’t any common ground overlap.
You talk about “we need to show we can cross the aisle and work together,
common cause.” We don’t have common cause. When you’ve got a political
party that believes that we’re still running a slave state, when you’ve
got a political party that believes in the justice and the immorality of the
very founding of this country, we don’t have any common ground with these
people, which is why they’ve got to be defeated. They have to be
politically defeated.
So here comes Biden, and Biden’s talking about we need a president who can
unify us, not divide us. As long as there is an American left constituted as
it is, there’s nobody who can unify us. Folks, the American left today is
devoted to destroying this country as founded, not working with people to
strengthen America. They don’t believe America is fixable. They don’t
believe that America’s flaws can be fixed, and therefore we’re not
True, kneeling, even burning national flag is appraised now by main stream
media !!
发帖数: 5818
RUSH: So Biden said that we need a president who can unify us, not divide us
. It’s one of the big problems that we face in America today. Folks, and I
’ve addressed this countless times before. It used to be that Republicans
and Democrats, for the most part — I mean, I’m going back now to the JFK
era of Democrats, maybe even the LBJ era of Democrats — it used to be we
all wanted similar things. We just had different philosophies, political
philosophies about how to achieve it.
It was true at one point that Democrats and Republicans wanted prosperity
for people. It was true that Republicans and Democrats wanted a strong
military, strong defense. It’s been a long time since those days, though.
But it used to be. Now those similarities are gone. We don’t have any
overlap. It’s a scary and frightening thing. We don’t have anything in
common anymore.
The Democrat Party today has been taken over and co-opted by the radical
worldwide left, which doesn’t believe in American decency, American
goodness, American exceptionalism, any of these things. It believes just the
exact opposite, that America’s the problem of the world, that America is
not the solution. I’ve been through this riff before. It’s why we’re in
the battle that we’re in. There really isn’t any common ground overlap.
You talk about “we need to show we can cross the aisle and work together,
common cause.” We don’t have common cause. When you’ve got a political
party that believes that we’re still running a slave state, when you’ve
got a political party that believes in the justice and the immorality of the
very founding of this country, we don’t have any common ground with these
people, which is why they’ve got to be defeated. They have to be
politically defeated.
So here comes Biden, and Biden’s talking about we need a president who can
unify us, not divide us. As long as there is an American left constituted as
it is, there’s nobody who can unify us. Folks, the American left today is
devoted to destroying this country as founded, not working with people to
strengthen America. They don’t believe America is fixable. They don’t
believe that America’s flaws can be fixed, and therefore we’re not
True, kneeling, even burning national flag is appraised now by main stream
media !!
1 (共1页)
Those “Evil, Rich People” – are Democrats (ZT)黑墨的关键:真主党才是racist
共和党人比民主党人多交62%税.右派的冷嘲热讽Democrats Will Unify the Country?
Morning Jay: Why Romney Is Likely to WinPew Research: Republican 44% Democrat 48% (转载)
90%的美国人口生活在一党控制州长和议会的州, 各州是民主的试验场Biden gave average of $369 to charity a year
党派测试Obama to Dems: Don't 'jam' health care bill
Chinese American Vote for Republican candidates什么时候出结果?
TRUMP认为他将是一个能团结左右的总统WSJ:GOP Ends Union Stalemate
ABC:奥巴马的民主党越来越下三路Negotiating with Lunatics
话题: america话题: democrats话题: american话题: biden话题: unify