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USANews版 - 风暴有希望当第一夫人了 !Avenatti 2020
这篇文章很清楚地打了所谓"13万的意义“那个电信骗子的脸白吃蠢猪 Michael Avenatti 被判天价罚金,左臂快捐钱 (转载)
AT&T payments to Trump lawyer more than reported盖洛普调查,美国人对民主党的支持率降到历史低点,36%;共和党42%
马脸 - 老川真狠Novartis paid Michael Cohen more than $1 mill
风暴对自己这个律师发话了:very troublingHow Obama Haters May Help Democrats in Midterm Elections
嫖仓和偷情哪个严重不重要。重要的是当事人嫖仓的时候Southern Democrats Have an ‘Obama Problem’
釐清封口费风波 豔星律师要求川普作证要再选的民猪党人都要和疤蟆拉开距离
Avenatti/Stormy 2020Israel says 2014 is Dems' year
Avenatti/stormy 2020,这两个蠢猪是民主党的真正代表巴马对民猪党人说:你们现在的竞选情况不好干我p事阿
话题: avenatti话题: ad话题: 风暴话题: 2020话题: fight
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5818
Avenatti 2020? 'The Five' Reacts to Attorney's First Political Ad
Michael Avenatti on Thursday released his first political ad, urging
Americans to "join the fight club" and vote in next week's midterm elections.
The ad, which was released on Twitter and Facebook, shows a series of people
say, "We the people ..." until one adds, "... are mad as hell and we're not
going to take it anymore."
Various individuals urge viewers to "fight" before a cut to Avenatti looking
into the camera.
“Our Constitution says, ‘We the people, not, ‘Me the president,’” he
says. “Stand up. Join the fight club. Use your vote as your voice on Nov. 6
The ad has sparked fresh speculation that Avenatti, who is best known for
representing adult film star Stormy Daniels, intends to run as a Democrat in
the 2020 presidential election.
要是赢来,可以娶风暴,毕竟是风暴把他带到 national level 的!
发帖数: 2438
发帖数: 1503

:Avenatti 2020? 'The Five' Reacts to Attorney's First Political
:Michael Avenatti on Thursday released his first political ad, urging
:Americans to "join the fight club" and vote in next week's
midterm elections.
:The ad, which was released on Twitter and Facebook, shows a series of
people say, "We the people ..." until one adds, "... are mad as
hell and we're not going to take it anymore."
:Various individuals urge viewers to "fight" before a cut to
Avenatti looking into the camera.
:“Our Constitution says, ‘We the people, not, ‘Me the president,’” he
:says. “Stand up. Join the fight club. Use your vote as your voice on Nov.
:The ad has sparked fresh speculation that Avenatti, who is best known for
:representing adult film star Stormy Daniels, intends to run as a Democrat
in the 2020 presidential election.
:要是赢来,可以娶风暴,毕竟是风暴把他带到 national level 的!

【在 c*******e 的大作中提到】
: Avenatti 2020? 'The Five' Reacts to Attorney's First Political Ad
: Michael Avenatti on Thursday released his first political ad, urging
: Americans to "join the fight club" and vote in next week's midterm elections.
: The ad, which was released on Twitter and Facebook, shows a series of people
: say, "We the people ..." until one adds, "... are mad as hell and we're not
: going to take it anymore."
: Various individuals urge viewers to "fight" before a cut to Avenatti looking
: into the camera.
: “Our Constitution says, ‘We the people, not, ‘Me the president,’” he
: says. “Stand up. Join the fight club. Use your vote as your voice on Nov. 6

1 (共1页)
filibuster has been officially "nuked"釐清封口费风波 豔星律师要求川普作证
Stormy Daniel 和Jessica drake都是 Wicked公司的Avenatti/Stormy 2020
NYT: Stormy现在全国巡回脱衣舞演出Avenatti/stormy 2020,这两个蠢猪是民主党的真正代表
这篇文章很清楚地打了所谓"13万的意义“那个电信骗子的脸白吃蠢猪 Michael Avenatti 被判天价罚金,左臂快捐钱 (转载)
AT&T payments to Trump lawyer more than reported盖洛普调查,美国人对民主党的支持率降到历史低点,36%;共和党42%
马脸 - 老川真狠Novartis paid Michael Cohen more than $1 mill
风暴对自己这个律师发话了:very troublingHow Obama Haters May Help Democrats in Midterm Elections
话题: avenatti话题: ad话题: 风暴话题: 2020话题: fight