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USANews版 - 美帝都开始全球反华, 在比利时抓我共特工了 (转载)
weiner的电脑上已经发现了新的希拉里邮件轰孔(和北京)已经走到了十字路口:真民主 v.s. 舔米疣驴党?
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Google hack malware said to be Chinese in originRe: 12岁女孩shoot intruder with glock .40 (视频) (转载)
Where has my America gone?美国参议员麦凯恩唿吁占领香港,解决美国秘密监听问题被泄露一(转载)
WSJ: Chicago Teacher Strike Moves to Courtroom .前美军情报分析员曼宁(Bradley Manning)被判入狱90年
08 thinks he's in Chicago courtroom巴马道歉了 (转载)
又逮到一个…… (转载)两男子因向中国出售商业机密被美国定罪
美国外交政策杂志: 绝密的NSA对华黑客组织-TAO (转载)Bill O'Reilly: 没落的美国
话题: chinese话题: xu话题: espionage话题: secrets
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 616
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: ptql (Query), 信区: Military
标 题: 美帝都开始全球反华, 在比利时抓我共特工了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 10 16:26:08 2018, 美东)
Chinese intelligence officer charged in U.S. with economic espionage
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Reporting by Andres Triay
A Chinese intelligence officer has been charged with economic espionage and
made his first appearance in a U.S. courtroom, according to U.S. officials,
who say this is the first time in recent history a Chinese intelligence
official has been arrested and extradited to face charges in the U.S.
Yanjun Xu -- identified by the U.S. as an agent of the Ministry of State
Security, which is China's intelligence and security agency -- was arrested
in the Belgium earlier this year, and extradited overnight to Cincinnati. He
is accused of using a false identity, recruiting an employee of GE Aviation
to lecture and pass along to the Chinese aviation secrets developed by the
U.S. aerospace manufacturer.
Xu, according to the FBI attempted to obtain technological information
including trade secrets from employees of aerospace companies from the U.S.
and Europe. He is accused of concealing his identity to recruit people he
thought could provide the Chinese with trade secrets.
U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio said at a press conference
Wednesday that Xu would invite the employees to travel to China for a so-
called exchange of ideas and would offer to pay for their travel. The U.S.
says that Xu has been conspiring to do this since 2013.
Xu is making his first appearance in federal court in Cincinnati Wednesday.
This is a developing story and will be updated.
1 (共1页)
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Where has my America gone?美国参议员麦凯恩唿吁占领香港,解决美国秘密监听问题被泄露一(转载)
话题: chinese话题: xu话题: espionage话题: secrets