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USANews版 - 官方说法出来了,大家自己判断川普有没有说 (转载)
国务院原话漂亮 福克斯前女主播任美国务院新发言人
中国学生间谍说:白宫请愿签名 (转载)US to sell $1.4B in weapons to Taiwan (转载)
希拉里应该是美国第45任总统Trump reportedly considered banning Chinese student visas
床铺老这么发推控诉巴马窃听他也不是办法有人了解下任AG William Barr的吗?
Trump反AA和私下宣称间谍案, 在对美华上基本功过相抵川普撵人:言论自由,群众抗议:阻碍言论自由
这个“conspiracy against the United States”罪名的细节有吗?民主国家就得有不同意见不是吗
TRUMP Camp Releases Map of 9 of 15 States In-Play川普就是一个披着共和党皮的流氓
话题: states话题: united话题: chinese话题: china话题: students
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1709
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren3 (), 信区: Military
标 题: 官方说法出来了,大家自己判断川普有没有说
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 11 01:14:46 2018, 美东)
QUESTION: Two days ago, President Trump claimed most Chinese students in the
United States are spies. I’m not asking you to comment on what he said,
but State Department as a agency to issue visa to Chinese students, do you
share the view – do you think most Chinese students in the United States
are spies?
MS NAUERT: Yeah, I don’t have the President’s comments in front of me. I
have not seen those comments, so I would hesitate to comment on his comments
without having read it and had the full context. As you are well aware, we
have many Chinese students studying in the United States. We have strong
people-to-people ties with the Government of China, but of course there are
concerns with some who might come into the United States and try to pick up
some of our technology and other information and bring it back home for
reasons that the United States Government would be concerned about. But we
have a strong relationship with China and we enjoy having students studying
in the United States from China, and I’ll just leave it at that.
Okay, thanks. We’ve got to go, guys. We’ll see you soon.
发帖数: 2199


【在 b*********3 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: beijingren3 (), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 官方说法出来了,大家自己判断川普有没有说
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 11 01:14:46 2018, 美东)
: https://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2018/08/285051.htm
: QUESTION: Two days ago, President Trump claimed most Chinese students in the
: United States are spies. I’m not asking you to comment on what he said,
: but State Department as a agency to issue visa to Chinese students, do you
: share the view – do you think most Chinese students in the United States
: are spies?

发帖数: 1
1 (共1页)
真心恭喜Trump,美国选民已经作出了选择Trump反AA和私下宣称间谍案, 在对美华上基本功过相抵
墨西哥合众国(united states of Mexico)这个“conspiracy against the United States”罪名的细节有吗?
杀光亚裔,对美国屁影响没有TRUMP Camp Releases Map of 9 of 15 States In-Play
They are rapists之后世界所有领导人今天都给中国人拜年,除了Trump
国务院原话漂亮 福克斯前女主播任美国务院新发言人
中国学生间谍说:白宫请愿签名 (转载)US to sell $1.4B in weapons to Taiwan (转载)
希拉里应该是美国第45任总统Trump reportedly considered banning Chinese student visas
床铺老这么发推控诉巴马窃听他也不是办法有人了解下任AG William Barr的吗?
话题: states话题: united话题: chinese话题: china话题: students