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USANews版 - 这个勇敢的黑女会被开除黑籍吗?
wall street journal今天Boston报道的commentsTrump赢了,政治不正确NYU教授没事了
Patriots Must Carry Trump Across the Finish Line犹太怒了:床铺holocaust 纪念日声明没提犹太人
Bannon for President!!!媒体又开始控诉老床撩妹了。。。
If You're Not Outraged, You're Not Paying AttentionDHS warned authorities of potential violence ahead of Charlottesville rally
戴小红帽的川粉 join KKK rallyThe Real Reason They Hate Trump
罗布特李雕像原来尼玛是60年代修的床铺的媒体舆论策略:outrage dilution
话题: trump话题: she话题: mr话题: said话题: hicks
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2018
“Let’s be honest, the people who are currently outraged are the same
people who have always been outraged,” said Ms. Hicks, 35, a lifelong
Republican who lives in Boston. “The media makes it seem like something has
changed, when in reality nothing has.”
From Ms. Hicks’s perspective, the president simply pointed out a fact:
Leftists bore some responsibility for the violence, too. Of course, Nazis
and white supremacists are bad, she said. But she does not believe Mr. Trump
has any affinity for them. He said so himself. But she is exasperated that
a significant part of the country seems to think otherwise. The week’s
frenzied headlines read to her like bulletins from another planet.
“I feel like I am in a bizarro universe where no one but me is thinking
logically,” she said. “We have gone so off the rails of what this
conversation is about.”
Ms. Hicks, who is black and grew up in Charlotte, N.C., welcomes the public
soul-searching on the meaning of Confederate monuments. She believes that
the statues were erected to intimidate black people and that they should be
taken down. But instead of focusing on that, she sees opponents of Mr. Trump
focusing on Mr. Trump.
“This is not about me as a black person, and my history,” she said. “This
is about this president and wanting to take him down because you don’t
like him.”
发帖数: 8800


【在 S*******i 的大作中提到】
: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/19/us/politics/trump-supporters.html?hp&
: action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-
: region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
: “Let’s be honest, the people who are currently outraged are the same
: people who have always been outraged,” said Ms. Hicks, 35, a lifelong
: Republican who lives in Boston. “The media makes it seem like something has
: changed, when in reality nothing has.”
: From Ms. Hicks’s perspective, the president simply pointed out a fact:
: Leftists bore some responsibility for the violence, too. Of course, Nazis
: and white supremacists are bad, she said. But she does not believe Mr. Trump

发帖数: 1800
这篇文章的标题是 “A Deal Breaker for Trump’s Supporters? Nope. Not This
Time, Either.”
川普的BASE 根本动摇不了。


【在 S*******i 的大作中提到】
: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/19/us/politics/trump-supporters.html?hp&
: action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-
: region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
: “Let’s be honest, the people who are currently outraged are the same
: people who have always been outraged,” said Ms. Hicks, 35, a lifelong
: Republican who lives in Boston. “The media makes it seem like something has
: changed, when in reality nothing has.”
: From Ms. Hicks’s perspective, the president simply pointed out a fact:
: Leftists bore some responsibility for the violence, too. Of course, Nazis
: and white supremacists are bad, she said. But she does not believe Mr. Trump

发帖数: 4718
“The media makes it seem like something has changed, when in reality
nothing has.”
Yes, Trump is still the same old attention whore, nothing changes.
"But she does not believe Mr. Trump has any affinity for them. He said so
Give it up for the sports fan mentality, truly American virtue. LOL
BTW, this is FAKE news according to Trump himself.


【在 S*******i 的大作中提到】
: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/19/us/politics/trump-supporters.html?hp&
: action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-
: region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
: “Let’s be honest, the people who are currently outraged are the same
: people who have always been outraged,” said Ms. Hicks, 35, a lifelong
: Republican who lives in Boston. “The media makes it seem like something has
: changed, when in reality nothing has.”
: From Ms. Hicks’s perspective, the president simply pointed out a fact:
: Leftists bore some responsibility for the violence, too. Of course, Nazis
: and white supremacists are bad, she said. But she does not believe Mr. Trump

发帖数: 1800
你现在 承认 纽约时报 是 FAKE news 了吗。
你要是承认 纽约时报 是 FAKE news, 你可以不用这么悲愤,别看就行了。
发信人: iviva (not again), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 这个勇敢的黑女会被开除黑籍吗?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 19 23:27:32 2017, 美东)
“The media makes it seem like something has changed, when in reality
nothing has.”
Yes, Trump is still the same old attention whore, nothing changes.
"But she does not believe Mr. Trump has any affinity for them. He said so
Give it up for the sports fan mentality, truly American virtue. LOL
BTW, this is FAKE news according to Trump himself.


【在 S*******i 的大作中提到】
: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/19/us/politics/trump-supporters.html?hp&
: action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-
: region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
: “Let’s be honest, the people who are currently outraged are the same
: people who have always been outraged,” said Ms. Hicks, 35, a lifelong
: Republican who lives in Boston. “The media makes it seem like something has
: changed, when in reality nothing has.”
: From Ms. Hicks’s perspective, the president simply pointed out a fact:
: Leftists bore some responsibility for the violence, too. Of course, Nazis
: and white supremacists are bad, she said. But she does not believe Mr. Trump

1 (共1页)
感觉拒绝大媒体有干涉言论自由的问题。If You're Not Outraged, You're Not Paying Attention
Trump's Very Fine People on the Street戴小红帽的川粉 join KKK rally
The Great Nazi Scare of 2017这下好了,希腊也要完蛋了
wall street journal今天Boston报道的commentsTrump赢了,政治不正确NYU教授没事了
Patriots Must Carry Trump Across the Finish Line犹太怒了:床铺holocaust 纪念日声明没提犹太人
Bannon for President!!!媒体又开始控诉老床撩妹了。。。
话题: trump话题: she话题: mr话题: said话题: hicks