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USANews版 - 一艾滋同性恋普通网友反对加州要立法允许叉叉前不告知
请转美新版:Monica Lewinsky: I am with HER!!! (转载)关于“父母的错误不应该有小孩来承担”说辞的荒谬
哈佛共和党呼吁其他共和党一起抵制trump. (转载)大家说过多久会有左派会提出是万圣节冒犯了伊斯兰?
"There is no consolation..."Good Grief: Vietnam Vet Threatened with Legal Action for Flying American Flag
美国也有强制拆迁?Great news: S&P executive says it could take over 18 YEARS to restore US credit rating, warns of fur
惊闻Uber的无人驾驶卡车又杀人了There are simply no boundaries
很多人和团体都在谴责white supremacists,唯有TrumNo, We DON’T Need More Gun Laws Over Maryland Teen Suicide
史蒂文金被开除呵呵, 看这个,Jesse Jackson绝对nc啊
左逼给人最强烈的感觉就是一个字 - Dirty吕令子家人给大众的公开信 zz
话题: america话题: what话题: american话题: people话题: about
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29853
发帖数: 99

【在 f**********n 的大作中提到】
: 左派理想主义害死人啊
: http://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/64epj0/hello_my_name_is_scott_weiner_and_im_a_california/

发帖数: 29853
It is! Thanks.
If I may soapbox a moment: Being HIV positive was a real big eye opener for
me. A "red pilling" experience.
Now I want you to know when I was first diagnosed I went through the stages:
denial, grief, anger, all that jazz. It was awful. The feeling of being
unclean, gross, damaged goods. Not good. Believe me.
I was definitely more liberal leaning with all of the trappings that come
with it. #muhrights. But then the Orlando shooting took place. I remember
the lefties panicking and passing hashtags around like "stopkillingus" and "
muslimsforpeace" and all that bullshit. Many responded with outrage,
feelings of victim-hood, and condemnation.
Do you know what I experienced? A nation grieving.
Do you know what I saw? A bunch of American police officers running in to
help. Tons of presumably mostly straight American police officers putting
their lives on the line for a bunch of faggots like me.
First I get HIV medication. 1 pill a day. I am experiencing zero side
effects. Medication that only exists because of the outpouring of grief,
rage, and the absolute need to change and help gays in America. Then gay
marriage is legalized. Then a nation once again bonded and helping a part of
its society that 30 years ago it wanted nothing to do with.
America evolves. America grows. America adapts. And America as a whole wants
the best for people. I believe this with all of my heart now where before I
only saw everything "wrong." There is a group of people that focuses on
what America is, and a group of people that focuses on what America isn't. I
want to be with the people that focus on what America is.
I don't care if the police who ran in to help at the Orlando club had a
Facebook post where he called someone a fag. I don't care when people joke
about AIDS and say hilarious and god awful shit about it. I don't care what
the hell is being said. Look at the action. Look at what is!
You only ever hear stories about gays getting denied this, getting hurt over
in this part of America, or whatever else.
You never hear stories about a 92 year old grandparent who chose the love of
his grandson over beliefs of condemnation. You never hear about the
apologies that come 15 years later. "Sorry man. When you told me it shocked
me. I was young and I should not have treated you that way." You never hear
about the actual experience of the American people and the psyche and most
importantly love behind the changes we make.
The Left misconstruing the cautious hesitation (in regards to societal
change) of the Right into pure hate is sickness, lies, and an absolutely
antagonistic stance that is harming the fabric of the nation.

【在 W******p 的大作中提到】
: 左逼OK
发帖数: 99


【在 f**********n 的大作中提到】
: 他们都是,没事找事,搅屎棍子。
: 俺来贴这个同性恋网友的思想左转右的过程
: It is! Thanks.
: If I may soapbox a moment: Being HIV positive was a real big eye opener for
: me. A "red pilling" experience.
: Now I want you to know when I was first diagnosed I went through the stages:
: denial, grief, anger, all that jazz. It was awful. The feeling of being
: unclean, gross, damaged goods. Not good. Believe me.
: I was definitely more liberal leaning with all of the trappings that come
: with it. #muhrights. But then the Orlando shooting took place. I remember

1 (共1页)
吕令子家人给大众的公开信 zz惊闻Uber的无人驾驶卡车又杀人了
亚利桑那山火一次烧死了19个救火队员很多人和团体都在谴责white supremacists,唯有Trum
Three More Shot Dead in Chicago, MSNBC Host Scolds People for Noticing »左逼给人最强烈的感觉就是一个字 - Dirty
请转美新版:Monica Lewinsky: I am with HER!!! (转载)关于“父母的错误不应该有小孩来承担”说辞的荒谬
哈佛共和党呼吁其他共和党一起抵制trump. (转载)大家说过多久会有左派会提出是万圣节冒犯了伊斯兰?
"There is no consolation..."Good Grief: Vietnam Vet Threatened with Legal Action for Flying American Flag
美国也有强制拆迁?Great news: S&P executive says it could take over 18 YEARS to restore US credit rating, warns of fur
话题: america话题: what话题: american话题: people话题: about