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USANews版 - Top 10 Reasons George Soros Is Dangerous(ZT)
ACORN又有猛料了传疯了 16个州的投票系统被索罗斯控制
“占领华尔街示威者是白痴,你看他们的采访就知道他们是傻瓜Completed! petitions:removing-george-soros-owned-voting-machines (We got more than 10K today).
Obama’s Third-Party History这个George soros 说话。。。
obama这下彻底成了99er了.请教各位高人这个new world order
lock her up! lock him up!...Ask FBI investigate GEORGE SOROS AND indict
站在black lives matter背后的土豪们认识一下George Soros
这里的希粉为啥不鸟 George Soros?Overthrow George Soros in Macedonia
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发帖数: 2449
Top 10 Lists
Top 10 Reasons George Soros Is Dangerous
Human Events | Saturday Apr 2, 2011 3:01 AM
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Human Events’ readers, in an online poll, recently voted billionaire
financier George Soros “the single most destructive leftist demagogue in
the country.” Here are the Top 10 Reasons George Soros Is Dangerous:
1. Gives billions to left-wing causes: Soros started the Open Society
Institute in 1993 as a way to spread his wealth to progressive causes.
Using Open Society as a conduit, Soros has given more than $7 billion to a
who’s who of left-wing groups. This partial list of recipients of Soros’
money says it all: ACORN, Apollo Alliance, National Council of La Raza,
Tides Foundation, Huffington Post, Southern Poverty Law Center, Soujourners,
People for the American Way, Planned Parenthood, and the National
Organization for Women.
2. Influence on U.S. elections: Soros once said that removing President
George W. Bush from office in 2004 was the “central focus of my life.” He
put his money where his mouth is, giving $23.58 million to various 527
groups dedicated to defeating Bush. His early financial support helped jump
-start Barack Obama’s political career. Soros hosted a 2004 fund-raiser
for Obama when he was running for the Illinois Senate and gave the maximum-
allowed contribution within hours of Obama’s announcement that he was
running for President.
3. Wants to curtail American sovereignty: Soros would like nothing better
than for America to become subservient to international bodies. He wants
more power for groups such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund
, even while saying the U.S. role in the IMF should be “downsized.” In
1998, he wrote: “Insofar as there are collective interests that transcend
state boundaries, the sovereignty of states must be subordinated to
international law and international institutions.”
4. Media Matters: Soros is a financial backer of Media Matters for America
, a progressive media watchdog group that hyperventilates over any
conservative view that makes it into the mainstream media. Now its founder,
David Brock, has openly declared war on Fox News, telling Politico that the
group was mounting “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” against the cable
news channel, and would try to disrupt the commercial interests of owner
Rupert Murdoch—an odd mission for a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt educational
foundation that is barred from participating in partisan political activity.
5. MoveOn.org: Soros has been a major funder of MoveOn.org, a progressive
advocacy group and political action committee that raises millions for
liberal candidates. This is the group that had on its website an ad
comparing President George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler and ran the infamous “
General Betray Us” ad in the New York Times, disparaging the integrity of
Gen. David Petraeus.
6. Center for American Progress: Headed by John Podesta, White House chief
of staff under President Clinton, the Center for American Progress has been
instrumental in providing progressive talking points and policy positions
for the Obama administration. There has also been a revolving door between
the White House and the Soros-funded think tank, with Obama staffing his
administration with many CAP officials.
7. Environmental extremism: Former Obama green jobs czar Van Jones and his
leftist environmental ideas have been funded by Soros’ money at these
groups: the Ella Baker Center, Green For All, the Center for American
Progress, and the Apollo Alliance, which was instrumental in getting $110
billion in green initiatives included in Obama’s stimulus package. Soros
also funds the Climate Policy Initiative to address global warming and gave
Friends of the Earth money to “integrate a climate equity perspective in
the presidential transition.”
8. America Coming Together: Soros gave nearly $20 million to this 527
group with the express purpose of defeating President Bush. A massive get-
out-the-vote effort, ACT’s door-to-door canvassing teams included numerous
felons, its voter registration drives were riddled with fraud, and it handed
out incendiary fliers and made misleading taped phone calls to voters. ACT
was fined $775,000 by the Federal Election Commission for violations of
various federal campaign finance laws.
9. Currency manipulation: A large part of Soros’ multibillion-dollar
fortune has come from manipulating currencies. During the 1997 Asian
financial crisis, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad accused him
of bringing down the nation’s currency through his trading activities, and
in Thailand he was called an “economic war criminal.” Known as “The Man
who Broke the Bank of England,” Soros initiated a British financial crisis
by dumping 10 billion sterling, forcing the devaluation of the currency and
gaining a billion-dollar profit.
10. Delusions: Soros has repeatedly said that he sees himself as a
messianic figure. Who but a megalomaniac would make these comments? “I
admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of my self-importance
—to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god” or “I carried
some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt
I had to control, otherwise I might end up in the loony bin.” If only the
loony bin were an option. As it is, one of the wealthiest men in the world
is using his billions to impose a radical agenda on America.
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【在 f**a 的大作中提到】
: 去白宫签个到,要求抓肉丝儿的。
: https://mobile.twitter.com/truthfeednews/status/830097573796933633

发帖数: 294
个悲哀的选择而已。如果能够恢复law and order,那么就能老老实实的赚钱而不必在
发帖数: 2449
当然能操作某些政府机构,CIA ???

【在 m*********t 的大作中提到】
: 坚决反对刑事处罚索罗斯。富人远比穷人有更多的手段来保护自己的安全,如果富人的
: 人身自由随时都有可能失去,那么穷人的安全就更没有保证了。
: 至于他之前资助道德沦丧政客的行为,那只不过在这一个失去法制的无奈的世界里的一
: 个悲哀的选择而已。如果能够恢复law and order,那么就能老老实实的赚钱而不必在
: 刀尖上舔血了。

发帖数: 2449
一个PLAY GOD的,在宗教角度,GOD就该让SOROS下地狱了。
你不PLAY GOD,你没犯那种罪。

【在 m*********t 的大作中提到】
: 坚决反对刑事处罚索罗斯。富人远比穷人有更多的手段来保护自己的安全,如果富人的
: 人身自由随时都有可能失去,那么穷人的安全就更没有保证了。
: 至于他之前资助道德沦丧政客的行为,那只不过在这一个失去法制的无奈的世界里的一
: 个悲哀的选择而已。如果能够恢复law and order,那么就能老老实实的赚钱而不必在
: 刀尖上舔血了。

发帖数: 2449

【在 p******n 的大作中提到】
: http://humanevents.com/2011/04/02/top-10-reasons-george-soros-is-dangerous/
: Top 10 Lists
: Top 10 Reasons George Soros Is Dangerous
: Human Events | Saturday Apr 2, 2011 3:01 AM
: Share on Facebook
: 139K
: Human Events’ readers, in an online poll, recently voted billionaire
: financier George Soros “the single most destructive leftist demagogue in
: the country.” Here are the Top 10 Reasons George Soros Is Dangerous:

1 (共1页)
ssue an International Arrest Warrant for George Soroslock her up! lock him up!...
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Jamie Glazov:为什么左派为本-拉登的死亡哭泣这里的希粉为啥不鸟 George Soros?
How the Dual Income Destroys the Lower ClassesGeorge Soros pledges up to $500M to help refugees, migrants
ACORN又有猛料了传疯了 16个州的投票系统被索罗斯控制
“占领华尔街示威者是白痴,你看他们的采访就知道他们是傻瓜Completed! petitions:removing-george-soros-owned-voting-machines (We got more than 10K today).
Obama’s Third-Party History这个George soros 说话。。。
obama这下彻底成了99er了.请教各位高人这个new world order
话题: soros话题: george话题: obama话题: top话题: american