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USANews版 - Homeland Security Secretary In Showdown With Bannon
给老川写了封电邮,不知有用否?Trump乱政12天很多华人终于清醒了 (转载)
华邮fake news被kelly扇脸国务院的官僚们向trump示威了
AG Confirmation hearing for Jeff Sessions直播中床铺习胖座谈会
话题: house话题: white话题: kelly话题: bannon话题: trump
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 897
On the evening of Saturday, Jan. 28, as airport protests raged over
President Trump’s executive order on immigration, the man charged with
implementing the order, Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly, had a
plan. He would issue a waiver for lawful permanent residents, a.k.a. green-
card holders, from the seven majority-Muslim countries whose citizens had
been banned from entering the United States.
White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon wanted to stop Kelly in his
tracks. Bannon paid a personal and unscheduled visit to Kelly’s Department
of Homeland Security office to deliver an order: Don’t issue the waiver.
Kelly, according to two administration officials familiar with the
confrontation, refused to comply with Bannon’s instruction. That was the
beginning of a weekend of negotiations among senior Trump administration
staffers that led, on Sunday, to a decision by Trump to temporarily freeze
the issuance of executive orders.
The confrontation between Bannon and Kelly pitted a political operator
against a military disciplinarian. Respectfully but firmly, the retired
general and longtime Marine told Bannon that despite his high position in
the White House and close relationship with Trump, the former Breitbart
chief was not in Kelly’s chain of command, two administration officials
said. If the president wanted Kelly to back off from issuing the waiver,
Kelly would have to hear it from the president directly, he told Bannon.
Bannon left Kelly’s office without getting satisfaction. Trump didn’t call
Kelly to tell him to hold off. Kelly issued the waiver late Saturday night,
although it wasn’t officially announced until the following day.
That did not end the dispute. At approximately 2 a.m. Sunday morning,
according to the two officials, a conference call of several top officials
was convened to discuss the ongoing confusion over the executive order and
the anger from Cabinet officials over their lack of inclusion in the process
in advance.
On the call were Bannon, White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller,
White House Counsel Donald McGahn, national security adviser Michael Flynn,
Kelly, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Secretary of State designee Rex
Tillerson, who had not yet been confirmed.
One White House official and one administration official told me that Kelly,
Mattis and Tillerson presented a united front and complained about the
process that led to the issuance of the immigration executive order,
focusing on their near-complete lack of consultation as well as the White
House’s reluctance to make what they saw as common-sense revisions, such as
exempting green-card holders.
Bannon and Miller pushed back, defending the White House’s actions and
explaining that the process and substance of the order had been kept to a
close circle because the Trump administration had not yet installed its own
officials in key government roles and other officials were still getting
settled into place.
Flynn, according to the White House official, partially sided with the
Cabinet officials, arguing that they should be included in the process, even
if the White House ultimately decided not to adopt their recommendations.
“Flynn’s argument was a process argument, that we are unnecessarily
putting these guys in a tough position,” the White House official said. “
If you are going to ignore them, you have to at least give them a chance to
say their piece.”
Later on Sunday, a larger senior staff meeting was convened with White House
Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, senior adviser Jared Kushner and Trump
himself, where all tried to make sense of the process and chart a path
The president made a decision at that meeting that, following the already
scheduled rollout of a executive order on regulatory reforms, all other
executive orders would be held up until a process was established that
included the input of key officials outside the White House.
“We have to evaluate the way we get input from the Cabinet secretaries
affected before we do things,” the White House official said. The pause
appeared to end on Friday, when Trump signed an executive order and a
memorandum on financial regulation.
The weekend’s events were the first major dust-up between the White House
political leadership and the powerful figures Trump has appointed to head
the national security bureaucracies. The Cabinet members stood up for
themselves and their agencies and successfully pushed for a policy tweak
that the administration later embraced in a memorandum to “clarify” the
executive order.
The Cabinet members also demonstrated that they had something to offer the
White House besides their policy input; they are the most credible
spokespeople for controversial White House policies in the eyes of the
public. On Tuesday, Kelly gave the White House badly needed political cover
by holding a press conference and strongly defending the immigration
executive order.
“This is not, I repeat, not, a ban on Muslims,” Kelly said. “We cannot
gamble with American lives. I will not gamble with American lives. These
orders are a matter of national security, and it is my sworn responsibility
as secretary of homeland security to protect and defend the American people,
” he said.
He said the DHS would implement the order “humanely,” that the DHS lawyers
had been involved in preparing the order and that he did have some advance
notice, denying reports he found out about it being signed while he was on
an airplane. “We knew it was coming. It wasn’t a surprise,” Kelly said.
Minutes later, White House press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters at the
daily briefing that “there was proper coordination and preparation”
between the White House and the DHS.
If the White House is now serious about working with the Cabinet, that’s a
positive sign and means that this series of events had a constructive impact
on policymaking. But there’s a good chance that this won’t be the last
time Kelly, Mattis and Tillerson will have to confront Bannon and Miller.
Score their first battle as a tie.
发帖数: 3048


【在 p******e 的大作中提到】
: On the evening of Saturday, Jan. 28, as airport protests raged over
: President Trump’s executive order on immigration, the man charged with
: implementing the order, Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly, had a
: plan. He would issue a waiver for lawful permanent residents, a.k.a. green-
: card holders, from the seven majority-Muslim countries whose citizens had
: been banned from entering the United States.
: White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon wanted to stop Kelly in his
: tracks. Bannon paid a personal and unscheduled visit to Kelly’s Department
: of Homeland Security office to deliver an order: Don’t issue the waiver.
: Kelly, according to two administration officials familiar with the

发帖数: 2062
发帖数: 1623

【在 a******5 的大作中提到】
: 嗯,果然是急于抢功而破功。
: 如果白宫事先参考相关部门的意见,例如至少通融有绿卡的人,考虑周延一点就不至于
: 搞得鸡飞狗跳。
: 而且,既然白宫之前已经考虑到自己的人马还没上任,怕底下执行不力,那就应该等到
: 自己的人马上任后再签署命令。又不是十万火急的事情,等一两个月不会死。
: 一连两个错误,使得川普被全世界骂到臭头,现在还被逼着要跟法院一决生死!川普身
: 边的幕僚通通该打屁股。
: (川粉叫好连连的什么高效率,现在看起来就是忙中有错,心急喝不了燙粥。没经验的
: 下场。)

发帖数: 2062

【在 B*******t 的大作中提到】
: 主党故意拖延啊,不让confirm他的提名。
发帖数: 1623

【在 a******5 的大作中提到】
: 那就更应该先问问国会领袖,他们就会告诉川普:不怕,没有民主党我们一样有办法通
: 过您老人家的提名!
: 总而言之,好大喜功的个性,心急喝不了燙粥。

1 (共1页)
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