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USANews版 - 习大大世界经济论坛的讲话标志着中国已成为世界的领导 (转载)
Bannon says U.S. in economic war with China目前美国的经济自由度排名低于智利和约旦
Why Demographic Shifts on Religion and Marriage Could Doom the DemocraticAsian-American Voters Could Hold the White House Key
习总现在是全球化领袖了White House Payroll Up 14% Under Obama
文科老中留学生被判刑Obama Fields Hard-Hitting iPod Questions During Radio Interview
one person's comment on today's Foxnews.comUC法学院长对Jimmy Kimmel开重炮[ZT]
美国的生存空间应该提前给欧洲本土难民留下来UC法学院长对Jimmy Kimmel开重炮[ZT] (转载)
共和党内斗太厉害了Deliberative democracy: spin???
话题: world话题: economic话题: order话题: shifted
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 38600
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
标 题: 习大大世界经济论坛的讲话标志着中国已成为世界的领导
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 21 14:02:42 2017, 美东)
A New World Order just dawned and most of you don't even realize it.
Xi Jinping's defense of globalization in his speech to the global elites at
the World Economic Forum marks a historic inflection point in global
politics and economics.
China, not the US, is now the driving force behind the globalization agenda.
For the first time in over 500 years, a non-white, non-Christian country is
the leader of the dominant international order which is now a world-
encompassing economic, financial, and political order.
The economic center of the world has shifted from west to east, and the
demographic center of the world has shifted from north to south.
Military power and financial influence is the only advantage the traditional
great powers have left and even this will be gone within a few decades.
1 (共1页)
美国5个将民间动乱转变为全面革命的因素one person's comment on today's Foxnews.com
War and Empire: the American Way of Life美国的生存空间应该提前给欧洲本土难民留下来
Bannon says U.S. in economic war with China目前美国的经济自由度排名低于智利和约旦
Why Demographic Shifts on Religion and Marriage Could Doom the DemocraticAsian-American Voters Could Hold the White House Key
习总现在是全球化领袖了White House Payroll Up 14% Under Obama
文科老中留学生被判刑Obama Fields Hard-Hitting iPod Questions During Radio Interview
话题: world话题: economic话题: order话题: shifted