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USANews版 - 拉里雇了一群2B帮她竞选
希拉里的竞选经理咯咯的笑了我给你们爆一段wikileak吧,关于 HUMA 和 男克的
老头就俄国hacking发声明了DailyMail:Days before losing the election Hillary and Bill had a screaming match over who to blame f
巴马没选前透露 FBI 调查床铺还是轻敌了惨绝人寰!Clinton基金从俄罗斯拿了14,500万美元!!!
老川:everyone in Germany talking about Podesta, DNC server史无前例的大选舞弊已经拉开帷幕
Schiff 亲自上阵,看来这事快了结了希拉里没钱了,竞选经理哀求选民捐款
漏油门后的各方反应(中文版 - 腾讯新闻)2016年美国大选,希拉里输在哪儿? (转载)
希拉里得的是肺炎,有身边大群得肺炎的为证Guccifer 2.0 release new batch of DNC documents
话题: clinton话题: mook话题: campaign话题: russian
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
Former Clinton campaign manager compares DNC hack to Watergate
By LOUIS NELSON 01/10/17 07:45 AM EST
Hillary Clinton’s former campaign manager wants America to take cybercrimes
more seriously, writing in The New York Times that the effects of such
crimes can be devastating and likening the hacking attacks against the
Democratic National Committee to the Watergate scandal that forced former
President Richard Nixon to resign.
Robby Mook, who managed Clinton’s campaign from its launch to its
surprising Election Night defeat, can speak with firsthand experience to the
damage that cyberattacks can do. The former secretary of state’s
presidential campaign was dogged by cyberattacks that have been traced back
to the Russian government, hacking efforts that leaking thousands of emails
from the Democratic National Committee and other prominent party members.
A report released last week by the intelligence community concluded that
Russia intentionally sought to damage Clinton’s campaign and aid that of
President-elect Donald Trump with its wave of cyberattacks.
“Most of us don’t think of hacking as a crime like breaking and entering.
Before the DNC break-in, I thought of hacking as a prank by mischievous tech
-savvy people to get revenge,” he wrote. “It wasn’t until I lived through
the Russian hackings of Democratic staff members and organizations that I
realized how dangerous such an attitude could be.”
Mook noted that he was not “referring to the DNC incident in particular,
but about cybercrimes in general” in his Times op-ed. Still, he relied on
examples from his own experience leading a campaign plagued by cyberattacks
to warn of the consequences that can ensue. Mook said that to ignore
cybercrimes, or to take them lightly, is to play “into the hands of foreign
aggressors like” Russian President Vladimir Putin.
While Democrats have complained about the influence Russian cyberattacks had
on last year’s presidential election, Trump’s team has insisted that
there was no impact and that it was Clinton’s inability to connect with
voters, not anything divulged by Russian hackers, that cost her the election
. The Kremlin, Trump’s team is fond of saying, did not order Clinton not to
campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin, typically Democratic states that she
narrowly lost.
Trump’s team has also faulted the DNC itself for having lax cybersecurity
protocols, a talking point that Mook characterized as blaming the victim.
Such a strategy, he said, perpetuates the problem of cybercrimes not being
taken as seriously as they should be and “leaves them, and all of us, under
threat, because the next attack may be aimed not at a political party, but
at the White House or the Pentagon.”
The media, which eagerly reported on the contents of the hacked emails
throughout the campaign, has a responsibility too, Mook wrote. Reporters
must spend “at least” as much time investigating who or what is behind a
particular cyberattack as they do combing through and publishing whatever is
“This isn’t a partisan issue, as Republican senators like John McCain and
Lindsey Graham have already made clear,” Mook wrote. “Mr. Putin and Kim
Jong-un of North Korea aren’t registered Democrats or Republicans — they’
re anti-American, and they want to hurt democracy itself.”
1 (共1页)
Guccifer 2.0 release new batch of DNC documentsSchiff 亲自上阵,看来这事快了结了
Jake Novak: 俺错了:床铺会成为美国总统(极左甜妈别看)漏油门后的各方反应(中文版 - 腾讯新闻)
希拉里的竞选经理咯咯的笑了我给你们爆一段wikileak吧,关于 HUMA 和 男克的
老头就俄国hacking发声明了DailyMail:Days before losing the election Hillary and Bill had a screaming match over who to blame f
巴马没选前透露 FBI 调查床铺还是轻敌了惨绝人寰!Clinton基金从俄罗斯拿了14,500万美元!!!
老川:everyone in Germany talking about Podesta, DNC server史无前例的大选舞弊已经拉开帷幕
话题: clinton话题: mook话题: campaign话题: russian