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USANews版 - CNN又在煽风点火了, 说现在美国到处hate criim, 暴乱,强奸, 3K党蠢蠢欲动
白人反犹可以理解,黑人反犹莫名其妙 (转载)
中央公园的Trump墓碑ZT (转载)
Love Trumps Hate
Love Trump Hate
正经说一句那个口号其实是: Love。Trump hates
Love Trumps hate 中Trump是动词,是胜过
Love Trumps Hate的意思
Love Trump Hate
Graffiti in high school: 'Trump,' 'Whites only,' 'White America'
话题: trump话题: said话题: graffiti话题: students话题: school
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 123
可笑的是一个八竿子打不着的街上性骚扰也算在了trump的头上, 据说是grab pussy闹得
Reports of racist graffiti, hate crimes in Trump's America
By Holly Yan, Ralph Ellis and Kayla Rodgers, CNN
Updated 8:53 PM ET, Thu November 10, 2016
(CNN)Fears of heightened bigotry and hate crimes have turned into reality
for some Americans after Donald Trump's presidential win.
Racist, pro-Trump graffiti painted inside a high school. A hijab-wearing
college student robbed by men talking about Trump and Muslims.
While Trump has been accused of fostering xenophobia and Islamophobia, some
of his supporters have used his words as justification to carry out hateful
Here's what some Americans are dealing with across the country.
'Trump!' written on Muslim prayer room door in NYC
At the New York University Tandon School of Engineering, students discovered
the name of the President-elect written on the door to a prayer room for
Muslims on Wednesday, school officials said.
"Our campus is not immune to the bigotry that grips America," the NYU Muslim
Students Association said in a Facebook posting.
School spokesman Kathleen Hamilton said the school has a lot of immigrant
students, with about 20% from abroad.
"It's a real melting pot here," she said. "We all believe this very much,
that the university is a place of free expression. It has to be safe to be
The NYPD is investigating. There were no cameras, and the school isn't sure
whether a student is responsible, Hamilton said. She noted that all NYU
buildings require a badge for access.
Graffiti in high school: 'Trump,' 'Whites only,' 'White America'
Student Moses Karngbaye said he was terrified to see racist graffiti
sprawled inside a bathroom in his Minnesota high school.
View image on TwitterView image on Twitter
WCCO - CBS Minnesota ✔ @WCCO
District officials in Maple Grove say they are "horrified" by racist
graffiti scrawled today in a bathroom. |
4:35 PM - 9 Nov 2016
69 69 Retweets 26 26 likes
"#Go back to Africa" and "Make America great again," someone wrote on a
toilet paper dispenser at Maple Grove Senior High School.
"That's the first time I honestly felt like crying at school," Karngbaye
told CNN affiliate WCCO.
The bathroom door was also covered with graffiti, including "Whites only," "
White America" and "Trump."
Karngbaye sent photos of the graffiti to his mother, who recalled another
message: "Now the white people are going to take over."
Denise Karngbaye told WCCO she takes the attack personally.
"I train my kids to respect everybody, regardless of their race, their
ethnicity, their background," she said.
San Diego State University president calls incident 'hate crime'
A San Diego State University student walking to her car was confronted by
two men who made comments about Trump and Muslims, SDSU police said.
Officers injured in anti-Trump protests in Oakland
Officers injured in anti-Trump protests in Oakland 03:57
"Comments made to the student indicate she was targeted because of her
Muslim faith, including her wearing of a traditional garment and hijab,"
SDSU President Elliot Hirshman said in a statement.
The men grabbed the student's purse and backpack and removed her keys. After
the student returned from calling the police, her car was gone. The
suspects are still at large.
Hirshman called the incident a hate crime.
"We condemn this hateful act and urge all members of our community to join
us in condemning such hateful acts," he said. "Hate crimes are destructive
to the spirit of our campus, and we urge all members of our community to
stand together in rejecting hate."
Middle school students: 'Build the wall!'
A day after Trump was elected, some students at Michigan's Royal Oak Middle
School started chanting in the cafeteria: "Build the wall! Build the wall!"
These Americans would live in shadow of a Trump wall
These Americans would live in shadow of a Trump wall 03:32
A video of the chanting, which has been viewed millions of times on social
media, appears to stop after a girl mentions the incident is being recorded.
Royal Oaks Schools Superintendent Shawn Lewis-Lakin said school personnel in
the cafeteria responded to the incident.
"We are working with our students to help them understand the impact of
their words and actions on others in their school community," the
superintendent said in a statement Thursday.
"Our school district and each building in it works every day to be a
welcoming community for all, inclusive and caring, where all students know
they are valued, safe and supported."
Graffiti: Neither black lives nor black votes matter
The day after Trump's victory, someone painted racist messages referencing
the election on a wall in Durham, North Carolina.
"Black lives don't matter and neither does your votes," the message said,
according to CNN affiliate WNCN.
On Thursday, crews came to paint over the graffiti.
Lauren Haviland @LaurenWNCN
Crews in #Durham have arrived to take down the hateful message. @WNCN
6:33 AM - 10 Nov 2016 · JC's Kitchen, United States
13 13 Retweets 5 5 likes
Phyllis Terry, whose family owns the JC's Kitchen restaurant next to the
graffiti, told the affiliate she was heartened by the effort to cover up the
"I am amazed. I am really touched this morning that the community has
rallied together," she said.
Graffiti about 'safe space' at Louisiana university
Authorities at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette discovered Wednesday
morning that somebody chalked the words "Trump," "Build wall" and "[
Expletive deleted] your safe space" in front of the library, The Vermillion
student newspaper reported on Twitter.
Campus police Lt. Billy Abrams confirmed the "safe space" chalking is being
investigated because it's offensive. The other chalkings were not being
investigated and all were removed with pressure washing, he said.
Nazi-themed graffiti in Philadelphia
The Anti-Defamation League has decried Nazi-themed graffiti that appeared in
South Philadelphia.
"We are horrified by the appearance of hate graffiti on a storefront in
South Philadelphia," said Nancy K. Baron-Baer, the organization's regional
director, in a statement posted Wednesday on the group's website. "Swastikas
and the Nazi salute send a message of intolerance and hate to the entire
community. The fact that today is the 78th anniversary of Kristallnacht adds
another layer to this already sickening act."
Kristallnacht was when Nazis rampaged through German towns on November 9-10,
1938, smashing stores and windows of buildings owned by Jews. The name of
the incident, also known as "Night of the Broken Glass," refers to the
shards of glass left on sidewalks.
Baron-Baer said the group views the graffiti as an isolated incident but
stressed that "we cannot allow this behavior to become routine."
Philadelphia police reported several incidents in which walls and vehicles
were defaced. So far no arrests have been made.
The words "Sieg Heil 2016" and "Trump" -- with a swastika substituted for
the T in Trump -- were spray-painted on a building's glass window on South
Broad Street, police said.
The words "Trump Rules," "Trump Rules Black [expletive]" and the letter "T"
were spray-painted on three vehicles and a house on South Sixth Street.
Police said surveillance video captured a male of unknown race doing the
spray-painting about 5 a.m. Wednesday.
A swastika and "Trump" were written on a utility box at Broad and Reed
It was unclear if the graffiti was a protest of Trump or a pro-Nazi act.
Black doll hung from curtain rod at college
At Canisius College in west New York state, students posted photos of a
black doll hanging from a dormitory curtain rod on social media, and one
student created a meme with language about "Trump fans," college President
John J. Hurley said in a message posted on the school website.
Hurley said the "disturbing incident" started when a campus visitor left the
black doll in a dorm laundry room Tuesday night. Students placed the doll
in an elevator as a prank, he said, and people took photos and posted them
on social media. Some people mistook two strings that attached the doll's
head to the body as a noose, he said.
Later, students took the doll to a residence hall and hung it from the
curtain rod. Students who saw those photos notified campus police, who
investigated, Hurley said.
Students have been suspended and may be expelled, he said. An outside
investigator will be hired to determine if any students should be prosecuted
for possible hate crimes, as several parents and students urged, Hurley
said. He did not name the students or say how many were involved, citing
privacy concerns.
On Wednesday, the school held an open session on the doll incident attended
by about 300 people. "It is clear to me that this episode has exposed some
deeply held concerns among our students of color and that we need to go well
beyond addressing the immediate incident involving the doll," Hurley said.
California student: Man yanked my hijab
A student at San Jose State University said she was walking to her car in a
parking garage Wednesday afternoon when a man came up behind her and pulled
at her head scarf.
The force he used caused the victim to lose her balance and choked her. The
suspect, who ran away, was a fair-skinned male wearing a dark colored hooded
Campus officials are investigating. "No one should experience this kind of
behavior at San Jose State," the school said.
Students staged a rally on Wednesday morning at the Tommie Smith and John
Carlos statue to protest the election of Donald Trump, the San Jose Mercury-
News reported. A fight broke out between Trump supporters and other students
, the newspaper said.
'Deportation' letters handed out at school
A student at Shasta High School in Redding, California, posted a video on
Twitter of himself handing letters with the word "deportation" written
across the top to half a dozen students, school district Superintendent Jim
Cloney said in a statement.
The students appeared to be of a variety of ethnicities, Cloney said. After
talking to the student and his parents, the video was taken down, Cloney
said. The student said he thought the video was funny, Cloney said.
"Needless to say, we don't think this sort of behavior is funny nor
reflective of the culture of Shasta High," he said. He said appropriate
discipline will be applied.
发帖数: 1833
发帖数: 8906
发帖数: 1058
CNN 彻底破罐子破摔了,一点也不打算反省了
发帖数: 1173
标 题: 现在可以为川总做的
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Nov 10 21:52:16 2016, 美东)
就是以independent voters 的身份发信给那些左派媒体,让他们停止哀号,停止对继
发帖数: 3356


【在 p*******r 的大作中提到】
: 可笑的是一个八竿子打不着的街上性骚扰也算在了trump的头上, 据说是grab pussy闹得
: Reports of racist graffiti, hate crimes in Trump's America
: By Holly Yan, Ralph Ellis and Kayla Rodgers, CNN
: Updated 8:53 PM ET, Thu November 10, 2016
: (CNN)Fears of heightened bigotry and hate crimes have turned into reality
: for some Americans after Donald Trump's presidential win.
: Racist, pro-Trump graffiti painted inside a high school. A hijab-wearing
: college student robbed by men talking about Trump and Muslims.
: While Trump has been accused of fostering xenophobia and Islamophobia, some

发帖数: 22365
发帖数: 1173
90% 美国土地上的人民都选Trump,为毛这些左媒还不反省反省,想想是为什么。
发帖数: 2823
发帖数: 12114
发帖数: 3939
Holly Yan是个什么鸡巴?
发帖数: 16479
发帖数: 9848
发帖数: 194
多数情况下听到的都是anti trump的人在骂人
到底是谁在犯hate crime难道还不一目了然
1 (共1页)
Graffiti in high school: 'Trump,' 'Whites only,' 'White America'
More Than 400 Incidents of Hateful Harassment and Intimidation Since the Election
针对亚裔的hate crime来了:就是昨天就在纽约
对DACA 的各种不同的反应
New York school districts paying $500,000 to superintendents
boycott fox 已很明显,trumper是唯一的outsider,hated by both
3000伪币打赌: Trump共和党里面都不可能出现
话题: trump话题: said话题: graffiti话题: students话题: school