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USANews版 - 胡麻是如何得到security clearance?
洛杉矶时报8月份就有关huma的报道,称她是希拉里的第二个女儿Donald Trump foresaw Anthony Weiner problems
Clinton Unzipped: One of the Worst Presidents EverWeiner是条鱼,各方都来钓
希拉里的女同性伴侣Huma Abedinbreaking
‘The Clintons Wish Weiner Would Just Disappear’FBI: New Evidence From Anthony Weiner Will See Clinton ‘Locked up for Life
Huma Abedin和希拉里真是一对 (转载)Anthony Weiner和Bill Clinton这两政治家庭的终极猜想
川普说胡妈的丈夫是个‘Pervert Sleaze’ (图)为什么说这次的料一定是猛料
Bush daughter supports Hillary 2016 (转载)weiner的电脑上发现了胡麻希婆之间的电邮,咋回事?
话题: stone话题: her话题: huma话题: clinton话题: muslim
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2555
On Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily, SiriusXM host Alex Marlow asked guest
Roger Stone about the Vogue interview with Hillary Clinton’s aide Huma
Abedin, who said her Muslim faith helped her get through the sexting
scandals of her husband, disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner.
“It’s an attempt, of course, to clean Huma up, and make her respectable,
even sympathetic, for voters,” said Stone. “Vogue has been a great enabler
and advocate for Hillary Clinton, which is ironic, in view of Hillary’s
role in bullying, intimidating, and threatening the various women who have
been her husband’s sexual assault victims. Are those the actions of a
feminist, or an advocate for women? I think not.”
“It is funny, yesterday there were quite a few Tweets online saying, oh,
Steve Bannon and Roger Stone, they are advocates for the conspiracy theory
about Huma,” Stone observed, referring to Breitbart News Executive Chairman
Stephen K. Bannon, who has become the chief executive officer of Donald
Trump’s presidential campaign.
“No conspiracy theory – this is really simple,” Stone explained. “Her
parents were funders of the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, also
active in the World Muslim League – both funded by the radical sheikh Omar
Abdul Naseef, who also founded the Rabita Trust, identified by the
Department of Justice as one of the funders of the attack on America on 9/11
. Those are indisputable facts.”
“It’s ironic that Huma also comes out of the Institute for Muslim Minority
Affairs, as did Mr. Khan, who of course got quite a bit of press at the
Democratic convention last week. Two radical Islamic organizations,” he
continued. (The Democratic convention was held July 25-28.)
“Why is Huma’s background important? It’s very simple: we know, since she
went through all of Hillary’s email, to determine what we should see and
what we should not, that she has therefore had access to Top Secret
classified documents. How did this woman ever get a security clearance,
given her very clear ties to a radical offshoot of Islam?” Stone asked.
He said that both Clinton and Abedin are women who have been “publicly
humiliated” by their husbands, “but they stay for the power, and the money
, presumably.”
“At least, that’s how it began with Anthony Weiner,” he added. “That was
a prestigious marriage. Also, given her radical background, marrying a
Jewish fellow, that’s pretty good cover, if you ask me.”
“In both cases, the women are humiliated, but they do nothing whatsoever
about it. I find that interesting. Maybe they’re kindred spirits,” Stone
speculated. “Now, from what I hear, from my Democratic friends, is that
HIllary’s furious that Anthony Weiner is back in the paper again, because
it reminds people of the philandering of her husband. The whole thing, I
think, is a P.R. nightmare for the Clinton camp.”
He found it amusing that Abedin praised her mother as a “respected feminist
” in the Vogue interview, because “her mother was the leading advocate for
genital mutilation in the Islamic world. That does not sound very feminist
to me.”
发帖数: 701
1 (共1页)
weiner的电脑上发现了胡麻希婆之间的电邮,咋回事?Huma Abedin和希拉里真是一对 (转载)
刚听到Weiner去治疗他的性瘾了川普说胡妈的丈夫是个‘Pervert Sleaze’ (图)
参议院司法委员会主席要求FBI公开调查细节Bush daughter supports Hillary 2016 (转载)
洛杉矶时报8月份就有关huma的报道,称她是希拉里的第二个女儿Donald Trump foresaw Anthony Weiner problems
Clinton Unzipped: One of the Worst Presidents EverWeiner是条鱼,各方都来钓
希拉里的女同性伴侣Huma Abedinbreaking
‘The Clintons Wish Weiner Would Just Disappear’FBI: New Evidence From Anthony Weiner Will See Clinton ‘Locked up for Life
话题: stone话题: her话题: huma话题: clinton话题: muslim