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USANews版 - 看看这个左派怎么想的
kaisich is not exciting, that's the key泥马,性侵你当时不说
What a big freaking joke!Republican party has spent 0 dollars for Trump's campaign
看着左逼非法移民游行示威我就想笑Call republican office at lunch break
几个知名左派来炸版了?memo应没这威力吧Bill Cosby 的律师说Cosby瞎了
I think Bernie Sanders won the debate【周末读书】《看懂川普》
正经说一句那个口号其实是: Love。Trump hates床铺找的这Omarosa是不有点炒作无底线?
Priebus, Giuliani, Gingrich 打算对床铺选举进行外科手术Don Lemon应该看心理医生了,彻底疯了
话题: trump话题: hilary话题: bill话题: liberals话题: now
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29853
Why I, a certified bleeding heart liberal, just voted Trump. Hoping to
engage other Liberals. Not start a fight.
发帖数: 6571
I just wanted to share this, in hopes of reaching some other Liberals who
are about to hold their noses and vote for Hilary.
First, my liberal cred. I'm a six year long monthly donator to Planned
Parenthood. I've gathered signatures for them, and happily wear a "hapPenis"
sticker daily on my bike commute. I was a staging captain at my cities
pride parade. And oversaw two other staging personnel for hours. I've
volunteered for Pflag, Obama's first run, and marched in Portland for
Now here's why I just voted Trump.
It used to be us. We used to be the group that shouted at anyone who would
listen, that you shouldn't treat someone differently or poorly based on
their race or skin color. That all sexes, sexualities, and genders deserve
the same treatment. Especially the poor and rich. Now we shout that white
CIS males are scum. We happily share headlines where Trump is accused of
sexual assault, but ignore Bill's 17 Rape victims and video footage of
Hilary calling them tramps and whores. When it happened to Bill Cosby, we
knew he was a rapist outright. But Bill Clinton is our darling, so we cover
up his rapes. -Hilary is clearly guilty of about 5 acts of treason but,
knows the right people and paid them off so she will walk away Scott free.
We went astray. We don't act right anymore. We gave up the high ground. But,
I see the alt right fighting for equal treatment now. For rule of law, not
matter who you are and how rich you are.
I don't know of that makes sense to you, but I'd love to hear what you have
to say about my decision.
1 (共1页)
Don Lemon应该看心理医生了,彻底疯了几个知名左派来炸版了?memo应没这威力吧
UBI走上街头首次纽约大游行I think Bernie Sanders won the debate
trump的移民改革包括取消非移子女的公民正经说一句那个口号其实是: Love。Trump hates
CNBC美国人谈Trump对Tech H1B的看法Priebus, Giuliani, Gingrich 打算对床铺选举进行外科手术
kaisich is not exciting, that's the key泥马,性侵你当时不说
What a big freaking joke!Republican party has spent 0 dollars for Trump's campaign
看着左逼非法移民游行示威我就想笑Call republican office at lunch break
话题: trump话题: hilary话题: bill话题: liberals话题: now