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发帖数: 6571
Astroturf ‘Outrage Machine’ of Paid Trolls Floods Social Media to
Counteract Negative News About Hillary Clinton
By Rachel Alexander Published on October 9, 2016 • 1651 Comments
Rachel Alexander
A significant portion of online support for Hillary Clinton is manufactured
by paid “astroturf” trolls: a large team of supporters who spend long
hours responding to negative news on the internet about her. The Clinton
SuperPAC Correct the Record, which is affiliated with her campaign,
acknowledged in an April press release that it was spending $1 million on
project “Breaking Barriers” to pay people to respond to negative
information about Clinton on social media sites like Facebook, Reddit,
Instagram and Twitter. That amount has since increased to over $6 million.
The trolls create a false impression that Clinton has more support than she
really does, because one supporter will frequently create multiple anonymous
Libby Watson of The Sunlight Foundation observed that the astroturf effort
goes far beyond merely defending Clinton, to targeting and intimidating
those who criticize her. She told The Daily Beast, “This seems to be going
after essentially random individuals online.”
Brian Donahue, chief executive of the consulting firm Craft Media/Digital,
explained the troll operation to The Los Angeles Times, “It is meant to
appear to be coming organically from people and their social media networks
in a groundswell of activism, when in fact it is highly paid and highly
tactical.” He went on, “That is what the Clinton campaign has always been
about. It runs the risk of being exactly what their opponents accuse them of
being: a campaign that appears to be populist but is a smokescreen that is
paid and brought to you by lifetime political operatives and high-level
Hillary’s Anonymous Trolls First Targeted Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton astroturf image
One of the images paid Hillary supporters are instructed to use in their
social media posts. (correctrecord.org)
The Daily Kos, which preferred Bernie Sanders over Clinton, observed some of
these tactics during the Democratic primary. One author wrote, “[T]here
have been a number of diaries claiming to ‘have switched from Bernie to
Hillary’ lately, and some of them have been from recently created accounts
with no record of pro-Sanders remarks or diaries.” The author further
called the Clinton effort out, writing, “We are on to your presumptive
corporate shilling.”
The moderators of the Sanders subreddit /r/SandersForPresident wrote that
the “Bernie Bro” concept was created by fake accounts in order to “
establish a narrative that Bernie’s supporters are all racist, sexist young
males who harass people online.” David Fredrick, co-founder and moderator
of the subreddit, told The Atlantic when Sanders was still in the race, “If
anyone criticizes a Sanders supporter online now there’s doubt over
whether it’s a genuine exchange or if it’s something that Correct the
Record is behind.”
David Brock, a former right-wing activist who now works for Clinton and
started the left-wing site Media Matters which ruthlessly targets
conservatives, is credited with creating the online trolling project. After
the actor Tim Robbins, a Sanders supporter, received a barrage of tweets
attacking him for speculating about election fraud hurting Sanders, Robbins
responded to 88 different accounts with this tweet, “Dear @CorrectRecord
operatives, Thank you for following today’s talking points. Your check is
in the mail. Signed, @davidbrockdc.”
Clinton Staffer Adam Parkhomenko Outed as Troll on Reddit
Five months ago, the Trump subreddit /r/The_Donald warned, “We are being
brigaded by Clinton super PAC shills. Quick, post pics upsetting to Hillary.
” Users posted messages like this, “I saw like 4 today, new account and 40
pro hillary comments. Said she was a mom in one post and an asian student
in another. Deleted account after someone called her out.”
Savvy Reddit users outed one of the Clinton staffers, Adam Parkhomenko, her
director of grassroots engagement, who was apparently posting anonymously on
the site threatening Trump supporters. Under the username rcMI9HXF, he
wrote, “Warning- participation in this slanderous witch hunt will result in
legal action. Mrs. Clinton has been made aware of your childish attempt to
slander her and her supporters. There will be consequences for your
actions.” When Reddit users guessed he was being paid by Clinton, he
responded, “I am just an average Joe fed up with the blatant lies you
people are slinging towards HRC. I’m a Bush supporter and volunteer,
actually.” But when they discovered his home address, he finally admitted
his real identity, “You can call me Adam. My buddies call me A.park.”
Clinton Staffer Luke Montgomery Behind Trump Attack Site Made to Look Like
it Came From Bernie Sanders
When the “Deport Racism” website popped up, showing Hispanic children
using profanity in reference to Trump and beating a pinata image of him, it
appeared to come from the Sanders campaign. There was a link from the site
to Sanders’ campaign site, implying that Sanders was the preferable
candidate on immigration. But buried in the source code were links that
appeared to be left over from another site called “Bill for First Lady 2016
,” which was created by Clinton staffer Luke Montgomery. Outed, Montgomery
removed the link to Sanders’ website. Montgomery, who came to prominence
for his AIDs activism in the 1990s going by the name “Luke Sissyfag,” also
deceptively registered a PAC called Feel the Bern.
The Clinton Machine Has Used Anonymous Trolls at Least as Far Back as 2007
The anonymous fake accounts come are nothing new for Clinton. In 2007, paid
campaign staffers and volunteers on her campaign were caught creating
anonymous accounts to artificially inflate her support. The influential Blue
Hampshire blog discovered the ruse, when several anonymous accounts were
all created in succession on the site from the same Clinton campaign IP
address, which then bolstered pro-Clinton diaries.
Clinton hired a campaign manager this election cycle known for his scorched
earth tactics. Robby Mook started a listserv in 2009 known as “Mook’s
Mafia” to share political information with associates. He says things like
“smite Republicans mafia-style” and “F U Republicans. Mafia till I die.”
He has also said, “First, the mafia never separates, it just continues to
grow and expand and move into other states in order to destroy Republicans.
” By choosing Mook, Clinton reveals the type of campaign she wants,
Alinskyite tactics of do anything to win.
Perhaps all this fake trolling won’t prove to be worth it. Once outed, the
trolls will have a record to follow them around on the internet forever. One
of Parkhomenko’s close friends told The Washington Post that he’s been “
underutilized” on the campaign and is “miserable.” At some point, making
up fake identities has to become demoralizing to all but the most hardened
of campaign operatives.
发帖数: 1441


【在 g********2 的大作中提到】
: Astroturf ‘Outrage Machine’ of Paid Trolls Floods Social Media to
: Counteract Negative News About Hillary Clinton
: By Rachel Alexander Published on October 9, 2016 • 1651 Comments
: Rachel Alexander
: A significant portion of online support for Hillary Clinton is manufactured
: by paid “astroturf” trolls: a large team of supporters who spend long
: hours responding to negative news on the internet about her. The Clinton
: SuperPAC Correct the Record, which is affiliated with her campaign,
: acknowledged in an April press release that it was spending $1 million on
: project “Breaking Barriers” to pay people to respond to negative

发帖数: 1503
发帖数: 11103
发帖数: 33224


【在 g********2 的大作中提到】
: Astroturf ‘Outrage Machine’ of Paid Trolls Floods Social Media to
: Counteract Negative News About Hillary Clinton
: By Rachel Alexander Published on October 9, 2016 • 1651 Comments
: Rachel Alexander
: A significant portion of online support for Hillary Clinton is manufactured
: by paid “astroturf” trolls: a large team of supporters who spend long
: hours responding to negative news on the internet about her. The Clinton
: SuperPAC Correct the Record, which is affiliated with her campaign,
: acknowledged in an April press release that it was spending $1 million on
: project “Breaking Barriers” to pay people to respond to negative

发帖数: 6571
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