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USANews版 - 触目惊心的歧视华人 (转载)
Sotomayor ok:法官没有政治化不懂得死者为大的,正是MSM
川普最大的victory来了:blue slip 被废坚决打倒华人民主党
教皇发话了:床铺象希特勒,赞扬中国信仰自由 (转载)为什么我要用强大的声音反对trump
trump直接向fake news宣战了板上的川粉们要认真研究一下为什么sanders输掉初选
老川LibertyU演讲We don’t need a lecture from Washington触目惊心 川普最可怕的地方是 信源:世界日报|编辑:2016-11-
话题: trump话题: yellow话题: 65279话题: white话题: them
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 704
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: bertram (荒诞与逍遥~勿忘林昭), 信区: Military
标 题: 触目惊心的歧视华人
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 9 09:09:34 2016, 美东)
mutant,yellow monkey。
Justin B.2 days ago
I live in Asia and I can tell you that they are the biggest bunch of coons
you've ever met and deserve no pity for being made fun of. You could come
out here, be respectful, learn the culture and the language and you will
still get treated worse than a white guy who does the exact opposite. I have
dozens of blacks I've met out here that will back up what I say. Don't
expect them to come to your support anytime in the next billion years.&#
Cheryl Israel2 days ago
Blacks, stay out of it..Asians are cruel, heartless, soulless, and evil;
same characteristic as pink cave dwellers...I say, "F'em"...
Deo Mahno2 days ago
As a black man I am starting to see that Trump is actually a good thing
because Trump is breaking up all these minorities delusional mindset about
how white people actually feel about them. These mexicans,asians and indians
are all gonna learn that the white supremacist hate EVERYBODY who does not
look exactly like them(blonde hair,blue eyes, pale skin) At some point these
minority groups have slipped into the delusion that they are white and that
white people accept them as an equal as long as they get they college
degree, be a "model" minority and hate on black people they can get a pat on
the head and a butter biscuit from the white man...Seeing all these
dumbasses get they nigger moment is actually comical to me.
Charla Lee12 hours ago
I want to go to a Trump Rally because I feel it would be very entertaining
but I am not protesting on the behalf of non black people of color than
wouldn't bust a grape in a food fight on black people behalf and hate us
even more than Trump supporters at these rallies. They are too bitch made ,
white worshipping and wannabe whites so bad that they get dumbass black
people to protest for them. Trump supporters at these rallies only attack
black people that are protesting them which proves that this isn't our fight
and we need to stay out of it. No Hispanic, Arab or Asian in significant
numbers this country has ever fault for us or with us so we shouldn't for
them or with them.
Sonia Singh2 days ago
Peter Liang! aahaa the kittens have come to meoww. Karma! Ken Thompson
their D.A now has cancer will the Chinese give him free tea and Holistic
therapy during this illness? Hell no! They all will pay for their 2 faced
Tahar E'E2 days ago
I must admit PBT when I saw this notification I thought to myself, why are
you concerning yourself with yellow affairs? This is not our problem, fuck
the asians. They are white supremacists with yellow skin. But I see you used
this controversy to call out the yellow skins. Job well done.
hernandayolearyallda1 day ago
yellow filth
yellow mutants
yellow mutantnoids
1 (共1页)
触目惊心 川普最可怕的地方是 信源:世界日报|编辑:2016-11-川普最大的victory来了:blue slip 被废
才知道美国实际的就业率触目惊心啊教皇发话了:床铺象希特勒,赞扬中国信仰自由 (转载)
Decon 你不怕天打雷劈遭报应么trump直接向fake news宣战了
那些给Trump挑刺的, 先用镜子照照马桶老川LibertyU演讲We don’t need a lecture from Washington
Sotomayor ok:法官没有政治化不懂得死者为大的,正是MSM
话题: trump话题: yellow话题: 65279话题: white话题: them