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USANews版 - birther issue 再论
班加西丑闻的一个疑团被解密的克太个人信件披露了最新民调:Trump 45.8% Hillary 42.7%
Obama的新问题, SSN problem北京誤判 川普下套 將加深美中互疑
When Did YOU First See Through Obama's Masquerade?Controversial moderator
It must stink to be a birtherClinton looks very fake
Clinton express regretObama出生证明新发展
obama birther 的问题起源小汇总录像Is President Obama A Pathological Liar?
Trump said 16 false things on Wed, Sept. 28Obama Running for Governor in Kenya
话题: obama话题: clinton话题: campaign话题: penn话题: conway
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3817
On Sunday, Trump's campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, cited three pieces of
evidence to support her boss' claim that Clinton was the original "birther."
Here's a closer look at evidence that is dubious at best, fails to tie the
falsehood conclusively to Clinton, and cannot compete with Trump's multiyear
effort to undermine the legitimacy of the nation's first African-American
The email
In an interview Sunday with CBS' "Face The Nation," Conway offered as a
first piece of evidence an email that surfaced about a month before the
January 2008 Iowa caucuses. Obama and Clinton, then US senators, were at
that time locked in a fierce campaign as stars atop the Democratic
presidential field.
Judy Rose, Clinton's top volunteer in a rural eastern Iowa county, had
forwarded the chain email to eight fellow Democrats. It mentioned the Kenyan
ancestry and Muslim faith of Obama's father. But that email, which became
public the following month, said "Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii."
The email falsely claimed Obama was a Muslim and equated Islam with support
for overthrowing the US government. "The Muslims have said they plan on
destroying the U.S. from the inside out, what better way to start than at
the highest level," the email from an anonymous author stated.
Rose quit her unpaid volunteer post, and Clinton's national campaign manager
, Patti Solis Doyle, contacted her counterpart in Obama's campaign, David
Plouffe, to apologize. It was clear, Obama's team says, that Clinton was not
behind the attempted smear.
"Having worked on that campaign, there was no point where we felt that
Hillary Clinton was pushing these rumors," said Tommy Vietor, Obama's 2008
Iowa campaign spokesman and later a White House communications aide.
Questions about Obama's place of birth did surface in an anonymous email in
April 2008 that was circulated among some die-hard Clinton supporters, as
Obama appeared headed toward the presidential nomination.
That email alleged that Obama's US-born mother was living in Kenya late in
her pregnancy, was unable to travel, and registered his birth in Hawaii
after he was born. There is no evidence Clinton or her campaign team spread
it around.
US President Barack Obama at a news conference at the Landmark Mekong
Riverside Hotel in Vientiane, Laos, on September 8 after attending the ASEAN
Summit.Associated Press/Carolyn Kaster
The memo
Conway also cited a memo by Mark Penn, Clinton's chief pollster and media
strategist in the 2008 campaign. It cites Obama's "Lack of American Roots"
as a liability.
"His roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited," Penn
wrote, further suggesting Obama was "not at his center fundamentally
American in his thinking and his values." Penn went on to suggest Clinton
draw attention to the idea "without going negative."
In a race that had become personal and caustic, Clinton rejected out of hand
the ideas that Penn did present, Solis Doyle said.
"I'm not saying we didn't campaign hard against Obama," she said. "It was a
hard-fought, sometimes brutal campaign. But this would have delegitimized
his identity. And, to us, that was beyond the pale."
It is worth noting, too, there is no mention in the strategy proposal of
Obama's birthplace. "We are never going to say anything about his background
- we have to show the value of ours," Penn wrote.
The associate
By one account, an important unofficial adviser to Clinton did stoke rumors
about Obama's country of birth. Conway cited Clinton associate Sidney
Blumenthal meeting the Washington bureau chief for McClatchy newspapers at
the time, James Asher, and telling him Obama was born in Kenya.
Blumenthal has denied discussing the subject with Asher, who maintains he
met with the Clinton confidant. McClatchy correspondents have said it's true
Asher asked them to look into Obama's ties to Kenya. Attempts by The
Associated Press to reach Asher on Tuesday were unsuccessful.
But there is no dispute that Blumenthal, while close to Clinton, was not
officially part of the campaign staff. The McClatchy newspapers found
nothing to support the claim that Obama was born in Kenya.
Nor did Clinton's campaign stir a pot that Trump would tend to for years.
"The 'birther' thing was never an issue that mattered in any conversation,
rising to the level where we had to address it," said Paul Tewes, a senior
Obama campaign adviser in 2008. "In other words, I don't believe the Clinton
campaign was out there being malicious."
发帖数: 3817
昨天辩论的时候,把这三个证据提提, 然后说奥巴马 不想再提 birther issue 。


【在 a*****1 的大作中提到】
: 这三个证据七扯八拉的怎么也会扯到希拉痢的竞选班子上
: On Sunday, Trump's campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, cited three pieces of
: evidence to support her boss' claim that Clinton was the original "birther."
: Here's a closer look at evidence that is dubious at best, fails to tie the
: falsehood conclusively to Clinton, and cannot compete with Trump's multiyear
: effort to undermine the legitimacy of the nation's first African-American
: president.
: ___
: The email
: In an interview Sunday with CBS' "Face The Nation," Conway offered as a

1 (共1页)
Obama Running for Governor in Kenya2012年这个时候的poll
Obama’s Brother Crushed in Kenyan ElectionClinton express regret
Hillary Clinton news more like a rap sheetobama birther 的问题起源小汇总录像
克太在交出email之前修改了emailTrump said 16 false things on Wed, Sept. 28
班加西丑闻的一个疑团被解密的克太个人信件披露了最新民调:Trump 45.8% Hillary 42.7%
Obama的新问题, SSN problem北京誤判 川普下套 將加深美中互疑
When Did YOU First See Through Obama's Masquerade?Controversial moderator
It must stink to be a birtherClinton looks very fake
话题: obama话题: clinton话题: campaign话题: penn话题: conway