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USANews版 - 议会通过动议,禁止美国向伊朗交纳赎金
伊朗又在要美国花钱赎人质,咋办?When the UN wants to negotiate a global arms control deal, it turns to ... Iran
美国太有钱了Iran’s Supreme Leader Praises U.S. ‘Occupy’ Movement
原来奥粑粑三次用飞机给伊朗运现金Canada cuts ties with Iran, closes embassy, orders Iranian diplomats home
Obama and Hillary Clinton seem more alike each day ZZ和疤蟆比起来, 现任法国总统成了powerful leader
谁总结一下巴马政府给伊朗四亿现金的事?Iran's Nuclear Triumph
自由表达价值不容妥协Obama writes rare letter to Iran's supreme leader
Engineer: Iran hijacked US drone与伊朗的妥协凸显了美国的日趋软弱
Egyptians Want Iran to Replace US as Strategic PartnerCNBC: $400M ransom sent to Iran?
话题: iran话题: house话题: ryan话题: ransom话题: 5931
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6571
UPDATE: On Thursday night, the House passed Foreign Affairs Committee
Chairman Ed Royce's (R-CA) Prohibiting Future Ransom Payments to Iran Act (H
.R. 5931).
***Original Post***
The Obama administration recently threatened to veto legislation that would
prevent America from sending future ransom payments to Iran. The threat
comes after reports that the White House paid Iran $1.7 billion to ensure
the release of four American prisoners. In a Republican leadership press
briefing on Wednesday, House Speaker Paul Ryan criticized the administration
for succumbing to Iranian pressure.
“We want America to lead. We want our enemies to fear us, and we want
our allies to trust us. So what does it say when the United States
repeatedly bends over backwards to accommodate the world’s No. 1 state
sponsor of terrorism?
Secretary of State John Kerry is a big part of the problem as he continues
to "shill' for Iran, Ryan argued.
“By bend over backwards, I do not just mean all of these concessions,
cash infusions, and side deals. I do not just mean sending the Secretary of
State out to shill for Iran like he’s the president of the Tehran chamber
of commerce. And I do not just mean paying ransom for hostages.
Chairman Ed Royce, who sponsored H.R. 5931, the House version of the bill to
prevent promissory notes being sent to Iran, stood alongside Ryan at the
briefing and reminded the White House that Iran is the "number one state
sponsor of terrorism."
发帖数: 2808
奥巴马总能找借口的。他说那不是赎金, 是四十年前的一个合同争端的解决。
发帖数: 6571
1 (共1页)
CNBC: $400M ransom sent to Iran?谁总结一下巴马政府给伊朗四亿现金的事?
很好,今天火力很集中:400 Million ransom money to Iran自由表达价值不容妥协
State department这段子看了吗?Engineer: Iran hijacked US drone
Oliver North: $400 million transfer to Iran was ransomEgyptians Want Iran to Replace US as Strategic Partner
伊朗又在要美国花钱赎人质,咋办?When the UN wants to negotiate a global arms control deal, it turns to ... Iran
美国太有钱了Iran’s Supreme Leader Praises U.S. ‘Occupy’ Movement
原来奥粑粑三次用飞机给伊朗运现金Canada cuts ties with Iran, closes embassy, orders Iranian diplomats home
Obama and Hillary Clinton seem more alike each day ZZ和疤蟆比起来, 现任法国总统成了powerful leader
话题: iran话题: house话题: ryan话题: ransom话题: 5931