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USANews版 - 一个心理医生对川普的分析
Trump is living rent-free in Obama's head基本看出来希拉里的策略了--抓住白人至上打击trump
奥巴马太不要脸了!支持Trump,上午在Trump网站 订了两个帽子;
Jesse Jackson 力赞川普为黑人社区作贡献(视频)Pew: 57 percent say 'America First'。。。
Donald Trump decided to insult Iowans when he loses in poll演讲全文,很精彩
川普年初的时候警告布鲁塞尔,被左逼围着咬哈佛共和党呼吁其他共和党一起抵制trump. (转载)
话题: trump话题: america话题: american话题: obama话题: he
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6571
September 2, 2016
A Lonely Pro-Trump Psychiatrist Speaks
By Peter A. Olsson MD
As a lonely psychoanalyst Trump supporter, I feel the need to exercise my
First Amendment right to speak up. I think the majority of my psychiatrist,
psychologist, and psychiatric social worker colleagues feel dislike,
distain and antipathy towards Donald Trump. Many psychologists state that he
is mentally ill and could damage mental health in America. I disagree with
these colleagues.
American voters usually are exposed to a variety of clever political
demagoguery, obfuscations, deceptions, and a spectrum of lies from little
white ones to whoppers. With Donald Trump’s bombastic campaign style, a new
glossary of terms is needed to understand his evolving policies and predict
his way of leading and governing if elected. The new glossary would include
words and concepts such as bombast, sarcasm (cruel at times), overt insults
, crude personal verbal attack, hyperbolic impulsive statements to focus
large group attention, paradoxical intention, mixed simultaneous use of an
object as symbol and reality (i.e., a wall as the need for clear national
boundaries and rules of behavior as compared to an actual wall). And,
extemporaneous free associations about the powerful emotions beneath
political issues, ambivalent political relationships and evolving policy
The author imagines the following inner soliloquy of Donald Trump as he
decided to run for president:
I observe America floundering. I see the economy sputtering after almost
eight years of Obama’s incompetent leadership, mushrooming regulations that
hamstring job creation and ever mushrooming national debt. I see bad trade
deals with China, Mexico and other countries that hurt America. I see tax
policies that drive jobs and industries out of America. I see increasing
unemployment especially of young black Americans. I see law and order
declining especially in big urban areas like Chicago, Obama’s hometown. I
see migrants and illegal immigrants given government assistance as Americans
go deeper into debt and poverty. Big expensive government programs favored
by Democrat politicians are redundant and often failing.
I see American military power, political leadership in the world decline to
the extent that other nations laugh at us behind our backs as they give
smarmy smiles to Obama. The Obama administration seems bound and determined
to teach white America and Americans in general to be ashamed of their/our
alleged hidden racism, bigotry, islamophobia, homophobia and xenophobia. He
shames us and our political leaders who he paints as bad guys if they
disagree with him.
The constant search for micro-aggressions and political incorrectness by
Obama-ites repulses me. I watched Obama and his minions insult, lie about,
and distort the motives, intentions and character of sweet gentlemen like
John McCain and Mitt Romney. I know I can be a strong, powerful and
benevolent leader to rescue America. Obama uses his sneaky phone and pen to
bring America down a peg or two and share it’s /our wealth around in some
neo-socialist ways. I know and have participates in the rigged American
political system that is floundering. I know where the crooked bodies are
buried. I made billions legally through the flawed system in America. I will
be a benevolent Trojan Horse to lead a hopefully bloodless revolution in
America. I will use a P.T. Barnum, applied reality TV model of politics to
win. I can’ t be bought by anyone. America will be great and safe again. I
love America so much that I will make mistakes and try to honestly correct
them. I will listen to as many Americans as I can. I will talk straight to
them about what I see as the truth of where America must go to be great and
safe again.
I will re-make the Republican party into a modern this time successful Bull
Moose Populist Republican Party. Here I come, a new TR!
In recent days, psychologists have defied the Goldwater Rule. Most of the
opinions from the American Psychological Association members have been
extremely negative about Trump. They call “Trumpism” fascist, bullying,
misogynistic, bigoted, racist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic. Some
psychologist colleagues even say Trump would be destructive to the mental
health of America. I suspect many psychiatrists and psychoanalysts would
In my opinion, these psychologist colleagues miss the paradoxes about Trump,
his motives, character and extremely unorthodox campaign style. They
express a shallow and superficial view of Donald Trump.
Trump and Hillary Clinton have viciously attacked each other in ways similar
to John Adams and Thomas Jefferson early in our country’s history. Trump
is by no means an angel and has some macho traits similar to many
traditional American men.
It is easy to say Trump flip-flops and insults in order to hurt. I think it
is refreshing that Trump is defiantly politically incorrect and says what he
thinks at campaign free associative moments. He behaves unlike the usual
American candidate’s canned talking points, tested at focus groups.
Many or most will disagree with me, but I think Trump knows how to listen,
is flexibly sincere about changing his mind. He is confidently unapologetic
about such changes. I think he will follow the principles of his best
seller, The Art of the Deal, when negotiating with Congress, foreign and
community leaders.
I think Trump, unlike typical spineless political leaders, knows how to hire
and, most of all, fire incompetent administrators. Trump will not tolerate
all the “Smidgens” of corruption at the IRS, the VA, and the unjust
racially divisive Justice Department. He will effectively lead civil service
reforms enabling incompetents to be disciplined and fired, as in the
private sector.
Building walls around American to form healthy strong borders is analogous
to clear firm personal boundaries that give evidence of ego strength. Trump
can be a strong flexible father figure who by making our streets and borders
safe can help our citizens to find opportunities for individual growth and
financial success. Dependency on government assistance will only be for
those citizens truly unable to work and support themselves.
Trump as a strong successful father figure for America will encourage black
American youths to find mentors in a safe work world, not in destructive
drug gang leaders. Building a strong well educated and trained military will
allow young Americans to serve their country in a military deserving
respect and in other ways of serving America at home and abroad.
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/09/a_lonely_protrump_psychiatrist_speaks.html#ixzz4J8HjzZK2
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
发帖数: 12932
Nine out of 10 doc I work with support Trumps idea, just won't say it in
public. Believe it or not, the stereotype of political correctness is so
deeply embedded in every adult Americans.


【在 g********2 的大作中提到】
: September 2, 2016
: A Lonely Pro-Trump Psychiatrist Speaks
: By Peter A. Olsson MD
: As a lonely psychoanalyst Trump supporter, I feel the need to exercise my
: First Amendment right to speak up. I think the majority of my psychiatrist,
: psychologist, and psychiatric social worker colleagues feel dislike,
: distain and antipathy towards Donald Trump. Many psychologists state that he
: is mentally ill and could damage mental health in America. I disagree with
: these colleagues.
: American voters usually are exposed to a variety of clever political

发帖数: 1997
r they 蒙古大夫too? just kidding

【在 L****n 的大作中提到】
: Nine out of 10 doc I work with support Trumps idea, just won't say it in
: public. Believe it or not, the stereotype of political correctness is so
: deeply embedded in every adult Americans.
: psychiatrist,
: he
: with

发帖数: 6571
1 (共1页)
哈佛共和党呼吁其他共和党一起抵制trump. (转载)三德子正式向川普发表投名状了
请确认一下:川普说的America Great在1900-1950班农从没说过老头只有30%的机会完成第一任期!
船长晚了,现在还在MIDonald Trump decided to insult Iowans when he loses in poll
Trump is living rent-free in Obama's head基本看出来希拉里的策略了--抓住白人至上打击trump
奥巴马太不要脸了!支持Trump,上午在Trump网站 订了两个帽子;
Jesse Jackson 力赞川普为黑人社区作贡献(视频)Pew: 57 percent say 'America First'。。。
话题: trump话题: america话题: american话题: obama话题: he