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USANews版 - “我是送冰激淋的”——警察就信了,没有搜查他的卡车!
CNN说法国恐袭者没有任何宗教信仰Would Obama Retaliate against a Nuclear Attack?
Don’t pretend Paris terror attack has nothing to do with IslamMichelle Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood
Law student killed after criticising Islam on Facebook'Democratic' Arab Spring Becoming an Islamist Arab Winter
Nice被要求销毁市府所存的cctv录像Pakistani Textbooks Teach Discrimination Against Non-Muslims, Says U.S. Commission
我来自伊朗,让我告诉你sharia law有多可怕!Deconstructing Islam's Template of Perfection
索马里伊斯兰武装处死2个在自己家看世界杯足球赛的平民Hamas High School in Florida?
荷兰反伊斯兰议员Geert Wilder在国会演讲中向首相喊话爱一个贱Man需要理由吗?
Ann Barnhardt Fights Totalitarian Islam and Its Useful IdiotsHow Honest of a Cross-Section Is "All-American Muslim?"
话题: he话题: had话题: his话题: nice话题: attack
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6571
The driver who last night ploughed a 19-tonne white Renault lorry through
Bastille Day crowds in Nice has been named as Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel.
The 31 year old was born in Tunisia but had French citizenship, living in
Nice for a number of years and working as a delivery driver. He had three
children, and is said to have been depressed following the breakdown of his
marriage with their mother two years ago.
Although he was not on the terrorism watch-list, he was known to police
having had previous convictions for armed theft, conjugal violence and
threatening behaviour. His most recent appearance in court was in March,
where he was found guilty of violent conduct following a pub brawl in
According to French television station BFM TV, he was also on probation
having recently fallen asleep at the wheel and crashing into four vehicles
on a highway, it is claimed.
Pictures have emerged of the run-down flat he was living in, which was
raided by police just hours after he carried out his deadly attack.
Lahouaiej Bouhlel had left a number of identifying items in the cab of the
truck, including an ID card, mobile phone and bank card, apparently wanting
the public and the authorities to know who he was.
L’appartement du terroriste présumé de Nice passé au peigne fin ce
matin pic.twitter.com/n6Qp15NmIA
— Catherine Marciano (@clmarciano) July 15, 2016
Those pictures show a plain apartment with little more than a computer and
some papers strewn about. There are no pictures on the walls.
That computer is likely to form the keystone in investigating the attack, as
police discover which websites he had been visiting, his social media
activity, and crucially whether there was anyone else involved in planning
the attack.
At the moment, there seem to be few links to Islam or terrorism in his
background, although witnesses say he shouted “Allahu Akbar” – God is the
greatest – as he carried out the attack.
According to BFM’s crime correspondent, neighbours say he didn’t pray, but
liked girls and salsa.
A neighbour, Jasmine, 40, told BFM: “He was rude and bit weird.
“We would hold the door open for him and he would just blank us. He kept
himself to himself but would always rant about his wife. He had marital
problems and would tell people in the local cafe. He scared my children
She added: “He was very smart with the same haircut as George Clooney.”
He appears not to have taken Islam particularly seriously, dressing in
western clothes and perhaps driving a motorbike.
Another neighbour, Sébastien, said he “didn’t have the appearance of a
religious person and was often in shorts, sometimes wearing ‘security’
A third, Anan said that she found him shifty and described him as “a good-
looking man who eyed up my two girls too much”.
He has been repeatedly described as “weird” and “quiet”.
One resident told the Telegraph: “He was quiet and moody. I did not know
whether he was a Muslim. I think he had a motorbike.”
A woman living in the same block said: “I hardly knew him, but from what I
could see he seemed very weird. He lived alone. He said very little to
anyone and wasn’t very polite. He wouldn’t hold the door open for you.”
As more details about the attack emerged this morning it became clear that
Lahouaiej Bouhlel sat on Nice’s seafront promenade in the truck used to
carry out the attack for nine hours yesterday, waiting for the right moment
to strike.
At one point police even approached him to ask what he was doing there, but
he told them he was delivering ice-creams – and satisfied with his answer
they failed to search his vehicle. If they had they would have found not ice
-cream but guns and grenades.
One witness who saw the truck accelerate through the crowds said: “I even
had time to see the driver’s face. He had a beard and appeared to be having
发帖数: 1997


【在 g********2 的大作中提到】
: The driver who last night ploughed a 19-tonne white Renault lorry through
: Bastille Day crowds in Nice has been named as Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel.
: The 31 year old was born in Tunisia but had French citizenship, living in
: Nice for a number of years and working as a delivery driver. He had three
: children, and is said to have been depressed following the breakdown of his
: marriage with their mother two years ago.
: Although he was not on the terrorism watch-list, he was known to police
: having had previous convictions for armed theft, conjugal violence and
: threatening behaviour. His most recent appearance in court was in March,
: where he was found guilty of violent conduct following a pub brawl in

发帖数: 1814

【在 j***j 的大作中提到】
: 屁话那么多
: 枪和手雷怎么搞到的
: 任何离婚汉都能搞到这些东西吗
: his

发帖数: 6571
At one point police even approached him to ask what he was doing there, but
he told them he was delivering ice-creams – and satisfied with his answer
they failed to search his vehicle. If they had they would have found not ice
-cream but guns and grenades.
发帖数: 1376
“自由重要过生命!” 左逼如是说


【在 g********2 的大作中提到】
: At one point police even approached him to ask what he was doing there, but
: he told them he was delivering ice-creams – and satisfied with his answer
: they failed to search his vehicle. If they had they would have found not ice
: -cream but guns and grenades.
: 法国警察太差劲了!完全可以避免的一场灾难,就这么任其发生了。

发帖数: 8800


【在 g********2 的大作中提到】
: At one point police even approached him to ask what he was doing there, but
: he told them he was delivering ice-creams – and satisfied with his answer
: they failed to search his vehicle. If they had they would have found not ice
: -cream but guns and grenades.
: 法国警察太差劲了!完全可以避免的一场灾难,就这么任其发生了。

发帖数: 8800
He had three children,


【在 g********2 的大作中提到】
: The driver who last night ploughed a 19-tonne white Renault lorry through
: Bastille Day crowds in Nice has been named as Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel.
: The 31 year old was born in Tunisia but had French citizenship, living in
: Nice for a number of years and working as a delivery driver. He had three
: children, and is said to have been depressed following the breakdown of his
: marriage with their mother two years ago.
: Although he was not on the terrorism watch-list, he was known to police
: having had previous convictions for armed theft, conjugal violence and
: threatening behaviour. His most recent appearance in court was in March,
: where he was found guilty of violent conduct following a pub brawl in

1 (共1页)
How Honest of a Cross-Section Is "All-American Muslim?"我来自伊朗,让我告诉你sharia law有多可怕!
Islamism at UCLA Law School索马里伊斯兰武装处死2个在自己家看世界杯足球赛的平民
埃及被民主害惨了?荷兰反伊斯兰议员Geert Wilder在国会演讲中向首相喊话
马来西亚伊斯兰政府警告:情人节与伊斯兰信仰不合,可能会引来安拉的烈怒Ann Barnhardt Fights Totalitarian Islam and Its Useful Idiots
CNN说法国恐袭者没有任何宗教信仰Would Obama Retaliate against a Nuclear Attack?
Don’t pretend Paris terror attack has nothing to do with IslamMichelle Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood
Law student killed after criticising Islam on Facebook'Democratic' Arab Spring Becoming an Islamist Arab Winter
Nice被要求销毁市府所存的cctv录像Pakistani Textbooks Teach Discrimination Against Non-Muslims, Says U.S. Commission
话题: he话题: had话题: his话题: nice话题: attack