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USANews版 - 为何左棍横行的加州经济没有垮掉?
Sony要在网上发布interivew电影了NY Post: Charter scores soar
Google 邮件算法认为Sanders的经济计划是骗局共和党总统连任,股市表现远比民主党连任强
电视出镜rating:希拉里0.4,川普0.6Ohio Presidential Polls: Obama Leads Ohio by Narrow Margin, But Romney Could Still Win
这些闪亮的日子: 康州反细分再出征This just in... men and women are different
libertarian partyground game win iowa
美国和俄罗斯的博弈谁会先垮掉Let's discuss OH.
说来说去,蜜柚还是个目光短浅的种族前些天那谁谁说的“path to 1237"
话题: california话题: percent话题: companies话题: than话题: texas
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 563
California Makes America's Economy Great
JUNE 6, 2016 5:00 AM EDT
Matthew A. Winkler
Most of what makes America great is happening in California, where on
Tuesday voters will decide the largest of the presidential primaries. The
horse-race reportage from the campaign trail gets caught up in delegate
counts and the daily back and forth, but beneath all that there is a
consensus about the challenges facing the world: globalization, urbanization
, climate change. California is addressing them better than any country,
while simultaneously setting an example as the world's most diverse and
dynamic economy.
If the state were stacked up against nations, California would be the
seventh-largest economy, with an equivalent gross domestic product greater
than Brazil's. It's not just big, but also booming. California had a 3.29
percent growth rate last year, more than five times that of No. 3 Japan,
almost twice No. 4 Germany, about half again as much as No. 5 U.K., almost
three times No. 6 France and a third more than No. 1 U.S.
California last year created the most jobs of any state, 483,000, more than
the second- and third-most-populous states Florida and Texas combined (they
added 257,900 and 175,700) and at a faster rate than any of the world's
developed economies. The pace of employment growth was almost triple the
rate of job creation for the 19 countries that make up the euro zone and
more than 3.5 times that of Japan, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
The high taxes and ubiquitous regulation critics cite when assailing Golden
State government are proving no impediment to business and investment. They
may even be a benefit, as public policy and people's preferences converge.
Four of the world's 10 largest companies are based in California. Two of
them -- Alphabet and Facebook -- were conceived in the past 18 years. San
Francisco-based Wells Fargo, the world's largest bank by market
capitalization, routinely outperforms any of its peers from Wall Street.
California produces almost all of the country's almonds, apricots, dates,
figs, kiwifruit, nectarines, olives, pistachios, prunes and walnuts among
dozens of crops that make it No. 1 in the U.S., with an equivalent GDP from
agriculture, forestry and hunting totaling more than $37.7 billion, dwarfing
No. 2 Iowa's $12.1 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. No
state comes close to California in manufacturing totaling $255.6 billion.
Texas is next with $239.1 billion. The trailing 12-month revenue from
California technology companies totaled $732 billion, or 53 percent of all
tech revenues in the U.S.
While all of the 10 largest companies by market cap are U.S.-based, in 2009,
only one California company made the top 10. That said, 35 of the top 500
are based in California, and their market cap is 11.9 percent of the world's
biggest 500. Analysts today are more bullish on California-based companies
in the Russell 3000 Index than they are for companies in any other state.
The 482 companies in the Russell 3000, which are based in California,
produced a total return of 144 percent during the past five years, easily
beating the 114 percent return for non-California companies during the same
period. Companies based in Texas, which perennially boasts that it is the
best state for business with the lowest taxes and least regulation, returned
55 percent, according to Bloomberg data.
With a population approaching 40 million, California is known for its
diversity. But it's not just the people; the industries are diverse as well.
The state's largest companies are in banking, biotechnology, communications
equipment and other technology hardware, health care, online retail,
integrated oil and gas, movies and entertainment, semiconductors, and
various software fields. In contrast, more than 60 percent of the largest
publicly traded Texas firms are tied to oil and gas.
No state comes close to California in recognizing the peril of global
warming and addressing it with policies that expand the opportunity to
develop clean or alternative energy. Among the 127 North American companies
in the Bloomberg Americas Clean Energy Index, 26 are based in California,
with average revenue growth of 11 percent -- 2 percent more than the average
for the rest of the sector across the continent. Texas has three companies
in the group, with revenue growth of 2 percent. During the past 12 months,
the clean energy companies based in California spent an average 25 percent
of their revenue on research and development and a median of 16 percent. Non
-California firms spent an average of 13 percent and a median of 1 percent.
The payoff for investors owning the shares of California clean energy
companies is huge compared with returns from similar firms outside the state
gross profit compared to a gross margin of 31 percent for non-California
clean energy during the past 12 months. Analysts also say the shares of the
California clean energy companies will gain 40 percent during the next 12
months compared with a predicted 23 percent for the non-California firms.
California's outstanding performance across so many metrics isn't a fluke --
if you ask Jerry Brown, the longest-serving governor of the state, now in
his fourth term.
发帖数: 29846
没垮掉个p阿, 让财务报表数字说话好了.
2013年加州政府亏损23个billion, 到2015年政府亏损41billion. 尼玛两年亏损就翻
一倍了. 加州政府现在还不是靠继续借钱一直到借不动为止? 这种情况下去底特律就是
发帖数: 4013
发帖数: 5274
发帖数: 2518
We would be so much better without these democratics. Illegals get the most
benefits get driver's license and H1Bs can not once your visa expires. Crime
rate is through the roof and nobody is happy with what we have. Paying sky
high income tax, consumer tax, property tax and medical insurance. Yes we
are paid more than other states but no we don't have a better life. It is
hell of a burden on all of the middle class but guess what, you don't get to
have your voice heard when it comes to things like SCA5.
发帖数: 563

【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: 没垮掉个p阿, 让财务报表数字说话好了.
: 2013年加州政府亏损23个billion, 到2015年政府亏损41billion. 尼玛两年亏损就翻
: 一倍了. 加州政府现在还不是靠继续借钱一直到借不动为止? 这种情况下去底特律就是
: 加州的榜样.

发帖数: 7494

【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: 没垮掉个p阿, 让财务报表数字说话好了.
: 2013年加州政府亏损23个billion, 到2015年政府亏损41billion. 尼玛两年亏损就翻
: 一倍了. 加州政府现在还不是靠继续借钱一直到借不动为止? 这种情况下去底特律就是
: 加州的榜样.

发帖数: 2575

【在 g****n 的大作中提到】
: 加州不是破产过一次了吗
: 这样还会有人愿意借钱给政府?

发帖数: 7733
2米以上的房子多收点property tax就能付得起30万年薪的county clerk了。

【在 a********r 的大作中提到】
: 加州天赋好,还有点底子,暂时没被败光而已
发帖数: 2952


【在 H**G 的大作中提到】
: California Makes America's Economy Great
: JUNE 6, 2016 5:00 AM EDT
: By
: Matthew A. Winkler
: Most of what makes America great is happening in California, where on
: Tuesday voters will decide the largest of the presidential primaries. The
: horse-race reportage from the campaign trail gets caught up in delegate
: counts and the daily back and forth, but beneath all that there is a
: consensus about the challenges facing the world: globalization, urbanization
: , climate change. California is addressing them better than any country,

发帖数: 13310

【在 H**G 的大作中提到】
: 好像去年加州还有财政盈余吧?
: http://www.governing.com/topics/finance/tns-california-surplus.html

发帖数: 234
发帖数: 29846
会看的话 去这里看 http://www.sco.ca.gov/ard_state_cafr.html
2013年亏损23billion, 2014年盈利7 billion, 2015年亏损41billion.

【在 H**G 的大作中提到】
: 好像去年加州还有财政盈余吧?
: http://www.governing.com/topics/finance/tns-california-surplus.html

1 (共1页)
前些天那谁谁说的“path to 1237"libertarian party
Sony要在网上发布interivew电影了NY Post: Charter scores soar
Google 邮件算法认为Sanders的经济计划是骗局共和党总统连任,股市表现远比民主党连任强
电视出镜rating:希拉里0.4,川普0.6Ohio Presidential Polls: Obama Leads Ohio by Narrow Margin, But Romney Could Still Win
这些闪亮的日子: 康州反细分再出征This just in... men and women are different
话题: california话题: percent话题: companies话题: than话题: texas