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USANews版 - 奥巴马老婆谈教育:男生哭哭没什么,女生凶点也很好
Michelle Obama删掉了最近三年的Tweet29次起立鼓掌,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡在美国国会演讲
特朗普把美国等成自己家了!Israeli PM: Palestinians not interested in talks
昨天 Ryan 怎么又得罪trump了?又是一顿骂Romney in Israel
老婆儿子今天搬进白宫了彻底击败侯赛因-Dump Romney; Nominate Paul
话题: michelle话题: girls话题: obama话题: spain话题: her
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6571
First lady Michelle Obama has wrapped up her six-day “Let Girls Learn”
tour of Liberia, Morocco and Spain. Together with her mother Marian and two
daughters Sasha and Malia, the FLOTUS, under the guise of promoting access
to education for 62 million girls worldwide, embarked on a multimillion-
dollar excursion where she ate great food, wore great clothes, hung out with
celebrities, and spent $600,000 for one night in Marrakesh.
In Madrid, while speaking to schoolgirls about equality, Michelle did what
her husband Obama does in African nations that ban homosexuality; she
interfered by making a comment about abortion that was better left unsaid.
Ignoring the fact that Spain is 68% Catholic, the wife of a man who
boycotted Netanyahu for bringing a message to America he’d rather not hear,
Michelle stressed that female equality is tied to aborting offspring.
In a clever way, Michelle shared her husband’s message that “If [girls]
make a mistake,” they don’t need to be “punished with a baby.” Simply
put, Mrs. Obama must believe that ‘letting girls learn’ sometimes means ‘
letting girls die.’
Nonetheless, besides teaching her own daughters how to flaunt $4,000 outfits
in the face of impoverished girls, Michelle clearly felt authorized to
discuss how having children “If you choose to have them” impacts a girl’s
Joined by Spain’s fetching Queen Letizia Mrs. Obama had this to say about
how childrearing positively impacts gender equity, “You can start with how
you raise your own children. Maybe [that] means telling your sons that it’s
OK to cry, and your daughters that it’s OK to be bossy.”
In gay-friendly Spain, Michelle could have just as easily said, “Maybe it
means telling your sons that it’s OK to use the girl’s bathroom and your
daughters that it’s OK to ask a girl to the prom.”
But she didn’t.
Instead, the Guru of Girl Power attempted to inspire her female audience to
great heights by talking about the accomplishments of a certain Democratic
presumptive presidential nominee whose husband, on a tarmac in Phoenix, in
an effort to thwart an impending indictment, intimidated a female U.S.
Attorney General on his wife’s behalf.
Then Mrs. Obama, who abandoned “Lets Move!” for a less food restrictive
government-funded initiative, lamented young age girls around the world
forsaking schooling for marriage. For such a supposedly bright individual,
is Michelle unaware that in countries other than Spain and the U.S.
encouraging girls to seek out an education could get them killed?
Nonetheless, while pushing “Let Girls Learn” the FLOTUS asked if “
families and communities” who believe in things like underage marriage, and
mutilating the genitals of young women, “think that girls are even worthy
of an education in the first place?”
Yes, Michelle, girls are worthy of an education! However, in countries like
Morocco and Liberia women are also worthy of being regularly subjected to
beatings and rape by their husbands. And, on occasion, girls are even worthy
of being forced into prostitution, and burnt alive. So, with so many other
dangerous and more oppressive laws plaguing girls, why would Michelle Obama
choose as her primary focus women being denied access to a classroom?
In Madrid, the first lady, a victim of catcalls herself, also reminded the
spectators that education is “[a]bout whether girls are valued only for
their bodies — for their labor, for their reproductive capacities — or …
valued for their minds as well.” By telling girls in Spain that it was okay
to choose education over an unborn life, Michelle Obama seemed to imply
that “labor,” whether outside or inside a delivery room, may diminish
opportunities for girls.
Either way, it’s hard to believe that these bitter sentiments continue to
issue from the mouth of a woman who incessantly complains about gender bias
and racial discrimination while enjoying the abundant fruit of a nation like
Moreover, Michelle’s ‘mind over body’ shtick calls into question why the
first lady insists on showing off her beefy biceps. In Madrid complete with
a $2,000 price tag and a Delpozo designer label the first lady called
attention to herself again by displaying arms that in the sunlight resembled
two glistening rolls of bologna wrapped in a white, queen-sized bed sheet.
American Thinker
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July 3, 2016
Michelle Obama Lectures the World on Girl Power
By Jeannie DeAngelis
First lady Michelle Obama has wrapped up her six-day “Let Girls Learn”
tour of Liberia, Morocco and Spain. Together with her mother Marian and two
daughters Sasha and Malia, the FLOTUS, under the guise of promoting access
to education for 62 million girls worldwide, embarked on a multimillion-
dollar excursion where she ate great food, wore great clothes, hung out with
celebrities, and spent $600,000 for one night in Marrakesh.
In Madrid, while speaking to schoolgirls about equality, Michelle did what
her husband Obama does in African nations that ban homosexuality; she
interfered by making a comment about abortion that was better left unsaid.
Ignoring the fact that Spain is 68% Catholic, the wife of a man who
boycotted Netanyahu for bringing a message to America he’d rather not hear,
Michelle stressed that female equality is tied to aborting offspring.
In a clever way, Michelle shared her husband’s message that “If [girls]
make a mistake,” they don’t need to be “punished with a baby.” Simply
put, Mrs. Obama must believe that ‘letting girls learn’ sometimes means ‘
letting girls die.’
Nonetheless, besides teaching her own daughters how to flaunt $4,000 outfits
in the face of impoverished girls, Michelle clearly felt authorized to
discuss how having children “If you choose to have them” impacts a girl’s
Joined by Spain’s fetching Queen Letizia Mrs. Obama had this to say about
how childrearing positively impacts gender equity, “You can start with how
you raise your own children. Maybe [that] means telling your sons that it’s
OK to cry, and your daughters that it’s OK to be bossy.”
In gay-friendly Spain, Michelle could have just as easily said, “Maybe it
means telling your sons that it’s OK to use the girl’s bathroom and your
daughters that it’s OK to ask a girl to the prom.”
But she didn’t.
Instead, the Guru of Girl Power attempted to inspire her female audience to
great heights by talking about the accomplishments of a certain Democratic
presumptive presidential nominee whose husband, on a tarmac in Phoenix, in
an effort to thwart an impending indictment, intimidated a female U.S.
Attorney General on his wife’s behalf.
Then Mrs. Obama, who abandoned “Lets Move!” for a less food restrictive
government-funded initiative, lamented young age girls around the world
forsaking schooling for marriage. For such a supposedly bright individual,
is Michelle unaware that in countries other than Spain and the U.S.
encouraging girls to seek out an education could get them killed?
Nonetheless, while pushing “Let Girls Learn” the FLOTUS asked if “
families and communities” who believe in things like underage marriage, and
mutilating the genitals of young women, “think that girls are even worthy
of an education in the first place?”
Yes, Michelle, girls are worthy of an education! However, in countries like
Morocco and Liberia women are also worthy of being regularly subjected to
beatings and rape by their husbands. And, on occasion, girls are even worthy
of being forced into prostitution, and burnt alive. So, with so many other
dangerous and more oppressive laws plaguing girls, why would Michelle Obama
choose as her primary focus women being denied access to a classroom?
In Madrid, the first lady, a victim of catcalls herself, also reminded the
spectators that education is “[a]bout whether girls are valued only for
their bodies — for their labor, for their reproductive capacities — or …
valued for their minds as well.” By telling girls in Spain that it was okay
to choose education over an unborn life, Michelle Obama seemed to imply
that “labor,” whether outside or inside a delivery room, may diminish
opportunities for girls.
Either way, it’s hard to believe that these bitter sentiments continue to
issue from the mouth of a woman who incessantly complains about gender bias
and racial discrimination while enjoying the abundant fruit of a nation like
Moreover, Michelle’s ‘mind over body’ shtick calls into question why the
first lady insists on showing off her beefy biceps. In Madrid complete with
a $2,000 price tag and a Delpozo designer label the first lady called
attention to herself again by displaying arms that in the sunlight resembled
two glistening rolls of bologna wrapped in a white, queen-sized bed sheet.
Nonetheless, without giving one solid example, Michelle, who hasn’t washed
a dish, or scrubbed a toilet in 35-years, continued to bemoan that despite
advancement for women in both the U.S. and Spain, “men and women are often
held to very different standards.” Mrs. Obama reminded the girls that:
Changes in our laws haven’t always translated to changes in our cultures.
And many of us still struggle with outdated norms and assumptions about the
proper role for women, especially when it comes to our families and our
And so, once again, it cost the U.S. taxpayer millions of tax dollars to
transport the first lady to Liberia, Morocco, and Spain. This time, under
the banner of “Let Girls Learn,” America’s petulant FLOTUS, decked out in
haute couture, represented our nation’s values by insulting cultural norms
, complaining about male oppression, and peddling unrestricted abortion to
Catholic schoolgirls.
Jeannie hosts a blog at www.jeannie-ology.com
发帖数: 702
发帖数: 16479
发帖数: 10087

【在 s*******1 的大作中提到】
: 虽然极不喜欢奥8夫妻,他们两个女儿看起来家教不错啊,不凶
发帖数: 16479

【在 M*******n 的大作中提到】
: 的确不胸,也就A吧,绝对远低于黑人女性均值
1 (共1页)
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Michelle Obama删掉了最近三年的Tweet29次起立鼓掌,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡在美国国会演讲
话题: michelle话题: girls话题: obama话题: spain话题: her