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USANews版 - Rubio后悔走下三路了
blame game开始了What! A psychiatrist needs to examine Trump
南卡女州长要支持Trump了trump should be ok today
Rubio团队要求Ohio支持者选Kasich to stop Trumpjeb要和trump的对手见面了
Rubio:愿意出席共和党大会给Trump暖场rubio可能很快要endorse cruz了
牛鬼蛇神都出来了Arizona, Arizona, Arizona
今晚最大新闻应该是rubio完蛋了Kevin McCarthy, G.O.P. House Leader, Says He Could Work With Donald Trump
话题: rubio话题: trump话题: he话题: his话题: said
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
Rubio: 'My kids were embarrassed' by Trump taunts
By Nick Gass
03/09/16 05:43 PM EST
Marco Rubio expressed regret Wednesday for his recent schoolyard taunts of
Donald Trump, including poking fun at the size of Donald Trump's hands,
mocking his spelling errors on Twitter and speculating that he may have
urinated on himself during a debate.
"My kids were embarrassed by it, and I, you know, if I had to do it again, I
wouldn’t," the Florida senator said in a clip of an MSNBC town hall set to
air in full later Wednesday evening.
Rubio defended his attacks on Trump's business ventures, however, telling a
questioner that he felt comfortable as a man of faith going after him as a "
con man."
"When it comes to the fact that he is portraying himself as something that
he’s not and has done this throughout his career," Rubio elaborated. "This
time, the stakes are not a worthless $36,000 degree at Trump University. The
stakes are the greatest nation on Earth," he said.
“You know why? Because in the end, you know what happened is — first of
all, I think he had to be stood up to. I really do believe that," Rubio
asserted. "But that said, that’s not the campaign I want to run.”
Todd then observed that Rubio did not look comfortable doing it.
“This is a guy that’s basically offended everyone for a year,” Rubio said
. “That said, yeah, I don’t want to be that. If that’s what it takes to
be president of the United States, then I don’t want to be president.”
He then quickly added, “I don’t think that’s what it takes to be
president. In fact, I know it’s not what it takes. It’s not what we want
from our next president, and if I had to do it again, I would have done that
part differently. But not the stuff about his record on business.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-gop-primary-live-updates-and-results/2016/03/marco-rubio-kids-embarrassed-trump-220520#ixzz42S52w9D8
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发帖数: 38600
what can you say, jews put a boy on man's job.
发帖数: 941
If his tricks work, he would not have regretted it. After all, he is a low
form of life.


【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】
: Rubio: 'My kids were embarrassed' by Trump taunts
: By Nick Gass
: 03/09/16 05:43 PM EST
: Marco Rubio expressed regret Wednesday for his recent schoolyard taunts of
: Donald Trump, including poking fun at the size of Donald Trump's hands,
: mocking his spelling errors on Twitter and speculating that he may have
: urinated on himself during a debate.
: "My kids were embarrassed by it, and I, you know, if I had to do it again, I
: wouldn’t," the Florida senator said in a clip of an MSNBC town hall set to
: air in full later Wednesday evening.

发帖数: 5492


【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】
: Rubio: 'My kids were embarrassed' by Trump taunts
: By Nick Gass
: 03/09/16 05:43 PM EST
: Marco Rubio expressed regret Wednesday for his recent schoolyard taunts of
: Donald Trump, including poking fun at the size of Donald Trump's hands,
: mocking his spelling errors on Twitter and speculating that he may have
: urinated on himself during a debate.
: "My kids were embarrassed by it, and I, you know, if I had to do it again, I
: wouldn’t," the Florida senator said in a clip of an MSNBC town hall set to
: air in full later Wednesday evening.

发帖数: 3594
发帖数: 3678
Rubio 现在竞选已经恢复原来的小清新状态了。
1 (共1页)
Kevin McCarthy, G.O.P. House Leader, Says He Could Work With Donald TrumpRubio:愿意出席共和党大会给Trump暖场
天意不可违 -- 大家开始站队 2/24牛鬼蛇神都出来了
Trump dominates the mediaRubio程序编好了,不会走下三路了
little marco还挺倔犟今晚最大新闻应该是rubio完蛋了
blame game开始了What! A psychiatrist needs to examine Trump
南卡女州长要支持Trump了trump should be ok today
Rubio团队要求Ohio支持者选Kasich to stop Trumpjeb要和trump的对手见面了
话题: rubio话题: trump话题: he话题: his话题: said