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USANews版 - Re: 床铺和被压迫人的奋起 (转载)
Palin is not as thoughtful as Joe the Plumber-WSJTrump童鞋比较务实:巴马也不会defend我啊
WSJ: Peggy Noonan也对奥巴马没耐心了?The BEST video ever, do NOT miss it!!!
无可奈何花落去的哀伤。。。康威 在 CNBC 的讲话 just too powerful
What makes me deplorablePowerful video: trump is loved BY ALL people
坚守家庭观念的华人川粉,对川普被色情女星起诉怎么看?China will be more powerful during trump's tenure
话题: protected话题: trump话题: schools
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16479
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 床铺和被压迫人的奋起
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 4 21:53:46 2016, 美东)
PEGGY NOONAN: Donald Trump and the Rise of the Unprotected:
There are the protected and the unprotected. The protected make public
policy. The unprotected live in it. The unprotected are starting to push
back, powerfully.
The protected are the accomplished, the secure, the successful—those who
have power or access to it. They are protected from much of the roughness of
the world. More to the point, they are protected from the world they have
created. Again, they make public policy and have for some time.
I want to call them the elite to load the rhetorical dice, but let’s stick
with the protected.
They are figures in government, politics and media. They live in nice
neighborhoods, safe ones. Their families function, their kids go to good
schools, they’ve got some money. All of these things tend to isolate them,
or provide buffers. Some of them—in Washington it is important officials in
the executive branch or on the Hill; in Brussels, significant figures in
the European Union—literally have their own security details.
Because they are protected they feel they can do pretty much anything,
impose any reality. They’re insulated from many of the effects of their own
One issue obviously roiling the U.S. and Western Europe is immigration. It
is the issue of the moment, a real and concrete one but also a symbolic one:
It stands for all the distance between governments and their citizens.
It is of course the issue that made Donald Trump.
Britain will probably leave the European Union over it. In truth immigration
is one front in that battle, but it is the most salient because of the
European refugee crisis and the failure of the protected class to address it
realistically and in a way that offers safety to the unprotected.
If you are an unprotected American—one with limited resources and
negligible access to power—you have absorbed some lessons from the past 20
years’ experience of illegal immigration. You know the Democrats won’t
protect you and the Republicans won’t help you. Both parties refused to
control the border. The Republicans were afraid of being called illiberal,
racist, of losing a demographic for a generation. The Democrats wanted to
keep the issue alive to use it as a wedge against the Republicans and to
establish themselves as owners of the Hispanic vote.
Many Americans suffered from illegal immigration—its impact on labor
markets, financial costs, crime, the sense that the rule of law was
collapsing. But the protected did fine—more workers at lower wages. No
effect of illegal immigration was likely to hurt them personally.
It was good for the protected. But the unprotected watched and saw. They
realized the protected were not looking out for them, and they inferred that
they were not looking out for the country, either.
The unprotected came to think they owed the establishment—another word for
the protected—nothing, no particular loyalty, no old allegiance.
Mr. Trump came from that. . . . You see the dynamic in many spheres. In
Hollywood, as we still call it, where they make our rough culture, they are
careful to protect their own children from its ill effects. In places with
failing schools, they choose not to help them through the school liberation
movement—charter schools, choice, etc.—because they fear to go up against
the most reactionary professional group in America, the teachers unions.
They let the public schools flounder. But their children go to the best
private schools.
This is a terrible feature of our age—that we are governed by protected
people who don’t seem to care that much about their unprotected fellow
发帖数: 618
yes, 赞同川普的就是那些有正义感,被政治正确压迫的,被政客欺压的大多数善良的


【在 s*******1 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
: 标 题: Re: 床铺和被压迫人的奋起
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 4 21:53:46 2016, 美东)
: PEGGY NOONAN: Donald Trump and the Rise of the Unprotected:
: There are the protected and the unprotected. The protected make public
: policy. The unprotected live in it. The unprotected are starting to push
: back, powerfully.
: The protected are the accomplished, the secure, the successful—those who
: have power or access to it. They are protected from much of the roughness of

发帖数: 16479
今天谁说的,现在根本不是党派之争,就是establishments vs people。非常赞同

【在 r****5 的大作中提到】
: yes, 赞同川普的就是那些有正义感,被政治正确压迫的,被政客欺压的大多数善良的
: 人们
: of

发帖数: 2215


【在 s*******1 的大作中提到】
: 今天谁说的,现在根本不是党派之争,就是establishments vs people。非常赞同
发帖数: 2980
发帖数: 5068
发帖数: 941


【在 s*******1 的大作中提到】
: 今天谁说的,现在根本不是党派之争,就是establishments vs people。非常赞同
发帖数: 3678
还记得 SC 的集会那两个哥们:除了 trump, 没有人为我们说话。
1 (共1页)
China will be more powerful during trump's tenure我的内心充满平和
Trump called Russia and China "rival powers"What makes me deplorable
Palin is not as thoughtful as Joe the Plumber-WSJTrump童鞋比较务实:巴马也不会defend我啊
WSJ: Peggy Noonan也对奥巴马没耐心了?The BEST video ever, do NOT miss it!!!
话题: protected话题: trump话题: schools