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USANews版 - I tell my friends
I tell my friends如果华人容忍赤裸裸的种族歧视,最终受害的将是自己
I tell my friends没有历史观,目光就会短浅
alt-right is a left-wing fascist group澄清一个误解
"Obama found time for 33 fundraisers in June"请愿:奥巴马为希拉里竞选期间停发其工资和其他费用
Confused Biden Campaigns in Ohio, Thinks He’s in Iowa美国阵亡将士纪念日(Memorial Day)
话题: tell话题: friends话题: my话题: code话题: imagine
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 135
I tell my friends
I’m afraid.
They tell me
it couldn’t happen here.
They can’t imagine
we’d vote against
our own self-interest.
I tell them we do.
All the time.
I tell my friends
Germany became Nazi Germany.
Germans didn’t see it coming,
couldn’t imagine it.
Nationalism screwed up
the collective psyche of reasonable people.
Code red, white and black.
Code fear.
I tell my friends
a shocking percentage of Jews
voted for Hitler.
Then stayed too long
in a nation going mad.
I recite Anne Frank’s last entry:
In spite of everything, I still believe
people are good at heart…
I tell my friends
she didn’t realize it would be her last,
couldn’t imagine friends would turn them in
three days later.
I quote Reverend Niemoller:
Then they came for me and
there was no one left to speak for me.
I post the quote on my front door.
I tell my friends
I want to be brave like protesters who yell,
and aren’t afraid of the goons
who rough them up
while the crowd spits and kicks on them.
I tell my friends
social justice is worth my life.
I need to know I tried
to stop the ascendancy of evil.
Tried to stop good people
from endorsing campaigns fueled by hatred of
women, immigrants, Muslims, people of color, journalists.
Campaigns that appeal to our most unholy selves,
screwing up our collective psyche.
Code red, white and blue.
Code fear.
I tell my friends
if this isn’t stopped now,
there may be no stopping it.
And now I’m telling you
to tell your friends.
-Patricia A. Nugent, February 2016
发帖数: 135
I re-post it here because the original post was deleted, not by me.
1 (共1页)
美国阵亡将士纪念日(Memorial Day)加州禁止同性婚姻的8号提案被判违宪
If You're Not Outraged, You're Not Paying Attentionalt-right is a left-wing fascist group
哈哈, Ted Nugent to be guest at State of the Union"Obama found time for 33 fundraisers in June"
Free speech rights don’t apply if liberal crowd takes offenseConfused Biden Campaigns in Ohio, Thinks He’s in Iowa
I tell my friends如果华人容忍赤裸裸的种族歧视,最终受害的将是自己
I tell my friends没有历史观,目光就会短浅
话题: tell话题: friends话题: my话题: code话题: imagine