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USANews版 - 黑人领袖路易斯.非儿康:不要被'撒旦'希拉里'废话'所迷惑 (转载)
Farrakhan: Don’t Fall For ‘Satan’ Hillary Clinton’s ‘Crap’国务院提请延缓两年处理希拉里电邮门事件
who is bigotry?wikileaks releases Clinton Iraq war emails
‘The Clintons Wish Weiner Would Just Disappear’comey今天国会听证必须回答的问题
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话题: she话题: clinton话题: satan话题: farrakhan
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 38600
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
标 题: 黑人领袖路易斯.非儿康:不要被'撒旦'希拉里'废话'所迷惑
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Feb 28 17:27:37 2016, 美东)
Farrakhan: Don’t Fall For ‘Satan’ Hillary Clinton’s ‘Crap’
Farrakhan said, “How many of you are going to vote for Hillary Clinton? You
don’t have to raise your hands. I do not blame you for wanting a female
president, but that is a wicked woman. She can be sweet but so can you. And
you know when you are sweet but playing a game. All of a sudden she knows
about Trayvon Martin. All of a sudden—the boy’s been dead two years now—
she talking about him like she met the mother and oh… White people this is
Satan. And you fall for that crap? Most of you went to jail for having a
little blunt. They arranged that—the Clintons. Mass incarceration came
about under the Clintons, Don’t forget that. They call my young gang
bangers super predators. And Black Lives Matter put it to her—she didn’t
know how to handle that. Call you a super predator, that has no conscience,
no sense of dignity like you are a dog, an animal. She gotta bring you to
heal you my young brothers. This is what she said about you and she didn’t
just say it—it became law and policy of the U.S. government under Bill
Clinton and his wife, and now she is apologizing, but apologizing can’t
bring back the broken families. Apologizing cant bring back those that been
destroyed in prison life.”
发帖数: 8869
他太极端了,属于黑人里的david duke吧


【在 b********n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 黑人领袖路易斯.非儿康:不要被'撒旦'希拉里'废话'所迷惑
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Feb 28 17:27:37 2016, 美东)
: Farrakhan: Don’t Fall For ‘Satan’ Hillary Clinton’s ‘Crap’
: http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/02/28/farrakhan-dont-fall-f
: Farrakhan said, “How many of you are going to vote for Hillary Clinton? You
: don’t have to raise your hands. I do not blame you for wanting a female
: president, but that is a wicked woman. She can be sweet but so can you. And
: you know when you are sweet but playing a game. All of a sudden she knows

发帖数: 38600
Don’t make me start liking you, Louie. Haha.
发帖数: 38600
“White people this is Satan.”

【在 c*******o 的大作中提到】
: 他太极端了,属于黑人里的david duke吧
: You
: And

发帖数: 38600
This is what Farrakhan said at the funeral of Marion Barry:
"I was here in Washington when my brother went through his great trial and a
reporter from one of the Washington newspapers came to me with a question.
But before she asked her question she was building me up as some moral giant
. Somebody who was married and had a good life, and didn't use drugs. And
what do you think she said of a man who broke his marital vows and used
drugs? And I said 'Who are you talking about? John Fitzgerald Kennedy?'"

【在 c*******o 的大作中提到】
: 他太极端了,属于黑人里的david duke吧
: You
: And

发帖数: 1936
什么黑人领袖? 一个老黑缠头而已。这也要舔?太没下限了。


【在 b********n 的大作中提到】
: This is what Farrakhan said at the funeral of Marion Barry:
: "I was here in Washington when my brother went through his great trial and a
: reporter from one of the Washington newspapers came to me with a question.
: But before she asked her question she was building me up as some moral giant
: . Somebody who was married and had a good life, and didn't use drugs. And
: what do you think she said of a man who broke his marital vows and used
: drugs? And I said 'Who are you talking about? John Fitzgerald Kennedy?'"

发帖数: 38600
even a broken clock is right twice a day.

【在 H***l 的大作中提到】
: 什么黑人领袖? 一个老黑缠头而已。这也要舔?太没下限了。
: You
: And

发帖数: 1936

【在 b********n 的大作中提到】
: even a broken clock is right twice a day.
1 (共1页)
The truth about the Clintons Ads老太认错了
Secret Ledger in saudi Lists Cash for Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Cclintons 的juicy 传言,有空的话很有意思
Farrakhan: Don’t Fall For ‘Satan’ Hillary Clinton’s ‘Crap’国务院提请延缓两年处理希拉里电邮门事件
who is bigotry?wikileaks releases Clinton Iraq war emails
‘The Clintons Wish Weiner Would Just Disappear’comey今天国会听证必须回答的问题
对最近克老太基金会丑闻的详细解释IRS对希老太的foundation开始调查啦, 媒体都装看不到
话题: she话题: clinton话题: satan话题: farrakhan