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USANews版 - 10-yr boy raped by Refugee
Islam: 搞女人是为生育,搞小男孩才是为快感Report: 87% Illegal Immigrant Families On Welfare, 72% Of L
左臂快去咬:Switzerland denies citizenship to welfare reci德经济学家预测难民会让德国耗费9000亿欧元
瑞典接受大量穆斯林移民, 愚蠢至极NYT: 木斯林今天在全球各地机场被拦截了
"穆斯林难民"挑肥拣瘦: 芬兰不好, 太冷了不适合居住Trump和美国右弊疯了,一个接一个的表演落空!
瑞典 - 欧洲的先进代表现在清楚了,Trump就任以来发疯一样EO,就为了300万
奥巴马2011年的immigration ban害死了很多在伊拉克帮助美军的伊拉克人台湾同胞,狗了一天,终于狗出实货,先谢,但
Eight Iraqis convicted in New Year's gang rape in Austria瑞典母亲喜迎难民 10岁女儿惨遭强奸
话题: had话题: iraqi话题: he话题: boy话题: raped
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8363
A 10-year-old boy was so brutally raped by an Iraqi migrant in a
swimming pool cubicle that he had to be hospitalized for his injuries.
A lifeguard immediately called an ambulance after the boy went to him
in floods of tears, while the Iraqi was entertaining himself by
repeatedly jumping off the three-meter diving board.
Police arrested him on the spot at the pool in Vienna, and during an
interrogation, he told them that it was a 'sexual emergency' as he
had not had sex in four months.
The Iraqi, who had been working as a taxi driver in Vienna, told
police he knew it was 'a mistake' and did not mean to 'scar the
boy', reports Kronen Zeitung.
But the migrant, who had entered the country through the Balkans
on September 5, official records show, said he could not help
himself as he had an 'excess sexual energy'.
发帖数: 15629

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: A 10-year-old boy was so brutally raped by an Iraqi migrant in a
: swimming pool cubicle that he had to be hospitalized for his injuries.
: A lifeguard immediately called an ambulance after the boy went to him
: in floods of tears, while the Iraqi was entertaining himself by
: repeatedly jumping off the three-meter diving board.
: Police arrested him on the spot at the pool in Vienna, and during an
: interrogation, he told them that it was a 'sexual emergency' as he
: had not had sex in four months.
: The Iraqi, who had been working as a taxi driver in Vienna, told
: police he knew it was 'a mistake' and did not mean to 'scar the

1 (共1页)
瑞典母亲喜迎难民 10岁女儿惨遭强奸瑞典 - 欧洲的先进代表
Iraqi Refugee Uses IED To Blow Hole in AZ Social Security Office奥巴马2011年的immigration ban害死了很多在伊拉克帮助美军的伊拉克人
Muslim Migrants raping the shit out of Canadian children...Canadian media silent, no free press in CEight Iraqis convicted in New Year's gang rape in Austria
Islam: 搞女人是为生育,搞小男孩才是为快感Report: 87% Illegal Immigrant Families On Welfare, 72% Of L
左臂快去咬:Switzerland denies citizenship to welfare reci德经济学家预测难民会让德国耗费9000亿欧元
瑞典接受大量穆斯林移民, 愚蠢至极NYT: 木斯林今天在全球各地机场被拦截了
"穆斯林难民"挑肥拣瘦: 芬兰不好, 太冷了不适合居住Trump和美国右弊疯了,一个接一个的表演落空!
话题: had话题: iraqi话题: he话题: boy话题: raped