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USANews版 - 叙利亚的教育支助:怎么解释?
奥黑一声令下,美国明年接受万名难民Michael Moore:欢迎叙利亚难民来他家住 (转载)
美国扶持的“新叙利亚军”:“看在党国的份上,救救我们!”希拉里计划接收8450 potential 恐怖分子进美国
选民主党就是选穆斯林: Durbin: US should accept 100,000 Syr叙利亚称有录音证明奥巴马与ISIS勾结
加州明年将接收20000-30000叙利亚难民Canada's defence minister defends government's refugee plan
Comparing Romney and Obama on Syria左派的逻辑,想想也有道理
话题: syrian话题: education话题: children话题: world话题: muzoon
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 225
On Feb. 4th, world leaders will agree on urgently needed support for Syrian
children affected by five years of conflict. Support our petition asking
President Obama ensure that at least $1.4 billion dollars are pledged to
educate all Syrian children.
Sign Malala’s petition
We know how important an education is to a child, and yet the education of 3
.5 million of our Syrian sisters and brothers is in jeopardy as the conflict
in Syria continues. Millions have had their education interrupted for
months or even years and many are still deprived of the chance to go to
school altogether.
My brave friend and 17-year-old Syrian refugee, Muzoon, went from tent to
tent in her Jordanian refugee camp encouraging girls to go to school. While
there, I saw firsthand how difficult it is to study or even attend school
when there are few supplies, teachers, and little electricity.
This is why we are traveling together to the upcoming Syria Conference,
where world leaders will come together to agree just how much funding the
world will dedicate to education for Syrian children impacted by the
conflict. The conference will take place on February 4th, so the time to act
is now.
Join Muzoon and me in asking President Barack Obama and other world leaders
to ensure that at least $1.4 billion dollars are dedicated to education for
Syrian children.
$1.4 billion dollars may sound like a lot. But we did the math – it’s
actually less than the cost of one World Cup stadium. In fact, it will only
cost $1 per day, per child, to give every Syrian child impacted by the
conflict a quality education and help ensure peace and a hopeful future. So
this isn’t a question of money, it’s a question of will.
As Muzoon says, “If this commitment is not made and more money is not
provided this year, we will only be able to educate one in five Syrian
children whose education has been affected by the conflict. This is not good
enough. Every child has a right to education, in war and in peace.
People fear that we will become a “lost generation” but today we are #
notlost. We are the greatest hope for Syria's future and we must make sure
the world invests in that hope through education.”
We must let the international community know that the United States supports
education for all Syrian children.
Stand with Muzoon and me in asking President Barack Obama and other world
leaders to ensure that at least $1.4 billion dollars per year are dedicated
to education for Syrian children.
Thank you
Sign X's petition
发帖数: 10729
We know how important an education is to American children。
1 (共1页)
Hillary: US should take 65,000 Syrian refugeesComparing Romney and Obama on Syria
奥黑一声令下,美国明年接受万名难民Michael Moore:欢迎叙利亚难民来他家住 (转载)
美国扶持的“新叙利亚军”:“看在党国的份上,救救我们!”希拉里计划接收8450 potential 恐怖分子进美国
选民主党就是选穆斯林: Durbin: US should accept 100,000 Syr叙利亚称有录音证明奥巴马与ISIS勾结
话题: syrian话题: education话题: children话题: world话题: muzoon