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USANews版 - 一个海军陆战队员给靡血尔写的信
巴马拿着咖啡杯回礼Marinesobama voters' job
Kelly 在2010年的一个speech清朝瓷瓶中国买主“不认账”
Decorated Marine vet attacked, Washington DCReport criticizes MSHA fine collection procedures
讲政治正确的美军开始衰败了Obama’s Failing Record: The Numbers Do Not Lie by Joel B. Pollak
老壮的又一个好人好事If a Republican did it . . .
trump 出行基本总统 “级别”,chopper直到会场。13 Iowa Voters Take Out Full-Page Ad Apologizing for Voting for Obama
我们忽略了真实的新闻 (转载)这次选举有件很隐晦的事(一)...
MICHELLE OBAMA: 'Don't trust bloggers.... because people lie'Four Major Iowa Newspapers Endorse Romney
话题: love话题: god话题: he话题: your话题: husband
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
The Obama’s have become well known for their lack of care for our Men and
Women in uniform..and although it still causes outrage among Americans to
witness it, sadly, it is no longer shocking. One US Marine has had enough of
their bitter cup and has written a letter to Michelle Obama to let her know
EXACTLY how he feels…it’s like a sugar coated swift kick to the you know
what! Brilliantly written…
Mrs. Obama
It sickens me that I have to take time to write you this letter. I am a
Marine who doesn’t recognize color because every color has lived and died
for you. You live in a free country to blame your poor pathetic life on the
color of another man’s skin. All colors have given their lives for an
educated woman to have the freedom to be so ignorant. I don’t blame black
people for the ignorance that comes from your mouth. I love all colors
because I love all that God creates. I don’t have to like you to love you
and today is no different. I don’t like you or your husband because of your
character hidden behind your skin. Isn’t it funny how the truth always
reveals itself in time. You and your husband never showed this side of
yourselves in 2008 before he was elected.
You both live better than 99% of the people in this world because of
this country. You said that you are for the first time proud to be an
American. Well, I will tell you that most of us are ashamed of you. You and
your husband have become millionaires off the people of this country, but
demonstrate very little appreciation for all that we give.White, black,
brown or indifferent millions have fought and died for you to have the
freedom to say the ignorant things you say. You are educated, but clearly
have very little common sense. You blame past generations of Americans for
the troubles of a few. Stop blaming white people for your misery and take a
look at yourself in the mirror. We are all responsible for our own happiness
and misery. The KKK is ignorance wrapped in a sheet while the Black
panthers are raised on ignorance and hate.
No different from the cult of Islam thinking their race is better than
all other men. God is love and creates every color to include our skin. To
truly love God is to love all that He loves. For that I love each of you and
pray that we all start taking responsibility for our own damned sins.
Martin Luther King had a dream that we would all live in the promise
land. He is not remembered for being black. He is remembered for the love,
and character he had within his heart. If you don’t like this country get
on that plane and never come back. I will stay here and love all Americans,
regardless of skin. I will love the beauty of what God created and stand
tall with my American friends. Not because of their color but for the
character and love they carry within. This country doesn’t owe you anymore
than it owes me. So many have thanked me for my service and I will always be
grateful. I pray that one day you and your husband might cause me to be
grateful for yours. You will never be remembered as the First Lady of Color
but soon forgotten after you leave the White House. You nor your husband
shall ever divide us. I wish you no harm, but pray you will get the hell off
of this American land… If you wish to find me I am now a writer for the DC
Gazette. Also on Twitter @mshep08_mike …God bless you and Semper Fi
Amen to that! I’d like to shake this Marine’s hand.
1 (共1页)
Four Major Iowa Newspapers Endorse Romney老壮的又一个好人好事
Obama's recovery, as told by someone who has lived ittrump 出行基本总统 “级别”,chopper直到会场。
Ungrateful Judges Carp Over Salaries我们忽略了真实的新闻 (转载)
麻省这种地方绝对不能呆啊,人都被liberal弄傻了MICHELLE OBAMA: 'Don't trust bloggers.... because people lie'
巴马拿着咖啡杯回礼Marinesobama voters' job
Kelly 在2010年的一个speech清朝瓷瓶中国买主“不认账”
Decorated Marine vet attacked, Washington DCReport criticizes MSHA fine collection procedures
讲政治正确的美军开始衰败了Obama’s Failing Record: The Numbers Do Not Lie by Joel B. Pollak
话题: love话题: god话题: he话题: your话题: husband