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USANews版 - 加州州长动用政府人员在自己家的土地上找石油
立场左倾的犹太人对共和党的支持率从22%上升到32%conservative: liberal = 2:1
加州是winner take all授人以渔 vs 授人以鱼:Conservatives 一 Liberals 价值观的对垒
纳税人还要为供养在监狱里的非法移民买单“We Can’t Just Drill Our Way To Lower Gas Prices”…Turns out we can
加拿大变天了A comparison between conservatives and liberals
看版上的liberal vs conservative行为偏差一个来自中国的合法移民在Gun control听证会上的发言
话题: oil话题: brown话题: gas话题: state
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
You can’t really blame California Gov. Brown for ordering a mapping
specialist with the California Department of Conservation to map his 2,700-
acre family ranch in Northern California. After all taxes in the state are
so high he is probably low on funds.
In this little bit of hypocrisy Governor Moonbat Moonbeam this big supporter
of the global warming hypothesis had the Department of Conservation check
to see if he could strike it rich by drilling for oil on his property and on
the public’s dime.
Gov. Jerry Brown last year directed state oil and gas regulators to
research, map and report back on any mining and oil drilling history and “
potential for future oil and gas activity” at the Brown family’s ranch in
Colusa County, state records show.
After a phone call from the governor and follow-up requests from his
aides, senior staffers in the state’s oil and gas regulatory agency over at
least two days produced a 51-page historical report and geological
assessment of the property. The study also produced a personalized satellite
-imaged geological and oil and gas drilling map for the area around the
ranch, in the foothills west of the town of Williams, about 100 miles north
of San Francisco.
Now the woman who did the work, “Jennie Catalano, a mapping specialist who
has been with the state Department of Conservation for 18 years” contends
that “she faced unspecified retaliation after being suspected of lodging
the complaint over being directed to do the personal work for Brown”
According to her attorney, William Rehwald.
“I was asked to help her in part because she does feel that she’s
being retaliated against because she’s a whistleblower,” Rehwald said.
Through the state’s open records law, The Associated Press obtained the
research that state regulators carried out for Gov. Brown, and the emails
among senior oil and gas regulators scrambling to fulfill the governor’s
Brown in June 2014 directed senior officials at the Department of
Conservation’s oil and gas regulatory agency to map, research and assess
the oil, gas and mineral history and potential of his 2,700-acre family
ranch in Northern California near Williams.
But here’s the rub:
State law prohibits elected officials from using state resources for
personal purposes. Spokesmen for Brown and the oil and gas agency say the
governor is allowed to access public records the same as any member of the
public, and say that oil and gas regulators routinely do such research for
the public.
However, four oil-industry professionals and three former officials
whose tenure with the state oil and gas agency spanned from the 1980s to
2013 told the AP they know of no other instance where the state performed
that kind of satellite-imaged geology and drilling map, development
assessment and compiling of state records for a private individual.
The AP contacted Ms. Catalano confirmed she made the whistleblower’s
complaint but she wouldn’t say anything else.
At the very this is going to be tons of fun to watch.
1 (共1页)
ya mess with lazy Yes! We Can guys this is what you get...看版上的liberal vs conservative行为偏差
The time when Glenn Greenwald was finally right笑看左呆经济理论:消费才能带动经济?!
看看非法移民是怎么拿tax refund的. (转载)我发现上午liberal比较多.
立场左倾的犹太人对共和党的支持率从22%上升到32%conservative: liberal = 2:1
加州是winner take all授人以渔 vs 授人以鱼:Conservatives 一 Liberals 价值观的对垒
纳税人还要为供养在监狱里的非法移民买单“We Can’t Just Drill Our Way To Lower Gas Prices”…Turns out we can
话题: oil话题: brown话题: gas话题: state