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USANews版 - Ben Carson Vaults to Lead in Latest Journal/NBC Poll
专家被气死了, trump支持率到35%了NBC poll a joke?
目前几个TRUMP的新poll最新 ARG 南卡 Poll
KBUR poll:Cruz has an upper hand at IOWA[bssd]我是这么理解现在的polls的
路透社Poll:Trump @ 40.6%最新民调:川普、克林顿在南卡大幅度领先
CNN: It's over各位安心,下周二川普WI大胜!
卡神真的是个实诚人啊。Republican party has spent 0 dollars for Trump's campaign
今天Poll,TRUMP31,CARSON22 CRUZ13 RUBIO9在希拉里外国水军强攻下,床总仍然赢得民调
Trump Falls Behind Cruz in National NBC/WSJ PollThe debates are becoming PA platforms
话题: nbc话题: carson话题: journal话题: poll话题: news
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1272
Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has overtaken businessman Donald Trump as
the top pick of Republican primary voters to be the party’s presidential
nominee, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds.
The result marks the first time since June that the Journal/NBC News poll
has found a Republican other than Mr. Trump to be leading the GOP field.
Some 29% of GOP primary voters rank Mr. Carson as their top choice, while 23
% favor Mr. Trump.
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz rank third and fourth as
the top pick of 11% and 10% of Republican primary voters, respectively.
Some 8% prefer former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. No other Republican garners
more than 3% support.
Full results of the new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll will be released
at midnight.
WSJ/NBC News Polls: 2016 Election and More
Support for Mr. Carson has
发帖数: 3813
Go Carson


【在 S*****r 的大作中提到】
: Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has overtaken businessman Donald Trump as
: the top pick of Republican primary voters to be the party’s presidential
: nominee, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds.
: The result marks the first time since June that the Journal/NBC News poll
: has found a Republican other than Mr. Trump to be leading the GOP field.
: Some 29% of GOP primary voters rank Mr. Carson as their top choice, while 23
: % favor Mr. Trump.
: Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz rank third and fourth as
: the top pick of 11% and 10% of Republican primary voters, respectively.
: Some 8% prefer former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. No other Republican garners

1 (共1页)
The debates are becoming PA platformsCNN: It's over
连morning joe都觉得民调作假今天Poll,TRUMP31,CARSON22 CRUZ13 RUBIO9
GOP辩论印象Trump Falls Behind Cruz in National NBC/WSJ Poll
专家被气死了, trump支持率到35%了NBC poll a joke?
目前几个TRUMP的新poll最新 ARG 南卡 Poll
KBUR poll:Cruz has an upper hand at IOWA[bssd]我是这么理解现在的polls的
路透社Poll:Trump @ 40.6%最新民调:川普、克林顿在南卡大幅度领先
话题: nbc话题: carson话题: journal话题: poll话题: news