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USANews版 - 天使打司机
对待“击倒游戏”和暴力小混混的正确方法。How to Destroy a Culture in 5 Easy Steps
来再给gun男们提供点弹药 -Teen killed in shooting outside D (转载)RIP Ray: Sci Fi Giant Ray Bradbury Slams Obama’s Era of Big Government
This is gonna be a showdown of IQ只增税,不减开支
Kellyanne Conway punched a guy at inaugural ball“That looks pretty pathetic. That’s not skeet shooting”
今年你见过bumper sticker吗?哪种?Cuomo同学说有枪的人都是极端分子
奔投票stickers大家接龙吧President 37% Panics, Orders Military Death Benefits Paid to Families
How to Survive a Nuclear Attack撕下包装马拉拉的伪善面具来
Liberals Just Don't Get It拒绝为警察服务的Arby's的店经理滚蛋了
话题: she话题: he话题: bus话题: driver话题: him
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10729
Black Teen Does The Unthinkable to a White Female Bus Driver After She Made
Him Pay for Ride
A fifteen-year-old Black student without an ID tried to get on a Citibus for
free in Davenport, Iowa last Tuesday. There was only one problem: he didn’
t have a student ID.
The city’s bus company requires students to have current IDs. That means
photo ID cards with a current semester’s sticker, similar to most bus
services across the nation. He not only didn’t have the current sticker,
but no ID at all.
So he paid.
But then a White kid tried to come on the bus for free. He had an ID, but
hadn’t yet gone to the registrar and gotten this year’s sticker, as he
told the driver. She refused to let him on for free, and without enough
money for the ride, he sheepishly got off.
But as she drove away, the driver clearly felt bad for the boy, and invited
him back on the bus. She told him he had to get his sticker for tomorrow, or
she would not let him on again.
After she let the White kid on with the warning the Black kid said, “What
the f**k, that’s racist,” and went on as she challenged that accusation.
When he again cursed at her, she said he can get off her bus.
The teen then said “I’m gonna punch yo ass on my way off”. And did
exactly that.
According to the Davenport News, after being punched the driver “suffered a
forehead contusion” after her head hit the steering wheel from the blow.
The driver was taken to the hospital and treated for her injuries. After a
few days of rest, she has returned to work.
Obama’s America, in a nutshell.
1 (共1页)
拒绝为警察服务的Arby's的店经理滚蛋了今年你见过bumper sticker吗?哪种?
Trump Holds HUGE Rally in Davenport, IA (12-5-15)How to Survive a Nuclear Attack
SANDERStorm in a nutshellLiberals Just Don't Get It
对待“击倒游戏”和暴力小混混的正确方法。How to Destroy a Culture in 5 Easy Steps
来再给gun男们提供点弹药 -Teen killed in shooting outside D (转载)RIP Ray: Sci Fi Giant Ray Bradbury Slams Obama’s Era of Big Government
This is gonna be a showdown of IQ只增税,不减开支
Kellyanne Conway punched a guy at inaugural ball“That looks pretty pathetic. That’s not skeet shooting”
话题: she话题: he话题: bus话题: driver话题: him