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Government Agencies Proclaim Bogus Temperature Record
by Dave Blount | August 24, 2015 2:53 pm
If global warming ideology is based in reality, and leftists are the ones
who believe in science, why is it that again and again the government
dissembles about temperature data to prop up this moribund hoax?
NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
announced this week that according to their calculations, July 2015 was the
hottest month since instrumental records began in 1880. …
But government spokespeople rarely mention the inconvenient fact that
these records are being set by less than the uncertainty in the statistics.
NOAA claims an uncertainty of 14 one-hundredths of a degree in its
temperature averages, or near twice the amount by which they say the record
was set. NASA says that their data is typically accurate to one tenth of a
degree, five times the amount by which their new record was set.
So, the new temperature records are meaningless. Neither agency knows
whether a record was set.
Such misrepresentations are now commonplace in NOAA and NASA
announcements. They are regularly proclaiming monthly and yearly records set
by less than the uncertainties in the measurements. Scientists within the
agencies know that this is dishonest.
They also know that Big Government doesn’t hand out money for nothing. From
some it buys votes; from others it buys a “scientific” rationale for its
power grabs. This goes for the recipients of government grants as well as
the employees of government agencies.
In any case temperature records are nonsense because the temperature is not
reliably recorded, and there is data for only a small percentage of the
earth’s surface.
Much of the coverage is so sparse that NASA is forced to make the
ridiculous claim that regions are adequately covered if there is a
temperature-sensing station within nearly 750 miles. This is the distance
between Ottawa, Canada, and Myrtle Beach, S.C. cities with very different
climates. Yet, according to NASA, only one temperature sensing station is
necessary for the two cities and the vast area between them to be adequately
represented in their network.
No matter; data is so heavily massaged anyway that it hardly matters what
numbers they start with.
Credibility has been sacrificed just to convince us that it is getting
warmer. That insufficient government regulation is causing the warming is a
separate issue, as is the doubtful assertion that warming is bad.
If something smells enough like a dead rat, it is probably a dead rat. At
this point the global warming hoax smells so bad that no numbers our
government produces should be taken seriously by anyone.
Are people really that gullible?
On tips from Stormfax and Bodhisattva. Cross-posted at Moonbattery.
Source URL: http://rightwingnews.com/climate-change/government-agencies-proclaim-bogus-temperature-record/
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