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USANews版 - Re: 一个ASU左逼学生想攻击一个举标语的,结果被痛扁 (转载)
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一个ASU左逼学生想攻击一个举标语的,结果被痛扁How Universities Indoctrinate America's Youth
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Trump童鞋对苹果说:你tmd算老几阿当今 民主党的基石(转) !!
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发帖数: 29846
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: caniggia (老兵不死), 信区: Joke
标 题: Re: 一个ASU左逼学生想攻击一个举标语的,结果被痛扁 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jul 20 05:39:15 2015, 美东)
Quote: "Why is this posted? I want people to listen to this Arizona State
student because he IS most likely the product of liberals and progressives.
The whining, carrying on, more or less throwing a temper tantrum (you would
normally see from a 4yr old) over a religious sign that he deems “offensive
” justifies this demon child’s physical attack on someone invoking their
First Amendment rights.
Listen to the outright rage but also the growling and whiny squealing of
someone you must conclude has always gotten what he wants! A spoiled brat, a
product of the progressive entitlement generation who has never been told
NO! Everything this kid did is synonymous with the typical tactics of the
left. They get enraged, scream and holler to instill fear in their opponent,
when that doesn’t work they get physical!
We have allowed the left through threats of political correctness, being
labeled a racist, bigot, hater, anti-social etc to socially engineer an
entire generation of youth who are like this ASU student. They have their
heads buried in their smartphones or tablets. They don’t play sports
because they are too violent. They don’t know how to do anything for
themselves because someone has always been there to do it for them. “NO”
does not exist in any part of their lives. This leads to pressure cooker of
emotions & feelings when they encounter someone they’re incapable of
debating and dealing with whom they vehemently disagree with. They know only
to verbally and then physically attack if they don’t get their way. This
kid is a textbook example of everything progs have been working on, who are
now stepping up their efforts via Common Core and other methods of
indoctrination, to advance their agenda."
发帖数: 10729
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这个南卡Graham的挑战者很不错Marriage, Same Sex or Otherwise, Isn’t A Right
奥巴马下的Ferguson 又一个动荡的黑夜一女权主义者堕胎因为她怀的孩子是男性
一个ASU左逼学生想攻击一个举标语的,结果被痛扁How Universities Indoctrinate America's Youth
话题: someone话题: asu话题: because话题: been话题: who