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话题: school话题: wood话题: marine话题: high话题: islam
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Former Marine Banned from High School due to Argument over Islam Homework
An ex-Marine officer, who has a child studying in a Maryland high school,
has been barred from the institution following an intense argument with the
school authorities over an assignment on Islam.
Kevin Wood, a former Marine who served in Iraq, shared with MyFoxDC.com that
La Plata High School banned him from its premises due to a heated argument
he had with the school's vice principal regarding his daughter's assignment.
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In his statement, Wood admitted to going to the school to question the
rationale behind his daughter's history homework that instructed her to
provide a list of the advantages people could derive from Islam. The former
Marine disclosed that his discussion with the high school's vice principal
became extremely animated that he had been ordered out of the premises and
banned from the school property.
"[Wood] was threatening to cause a disruption or possible disruption at the
school," explained a district spokesperson regarding the decision to eject
and ban the Iraq veteran from the high school.
For his part, Wood did not refute that his argument with the school
authority became intense. However, the ex-Marine asserted that his decision
to challenge the assignment stemmed from his desire to defend the
Constitution. Wood also pointed out that teaching or preaching a specific
religion at a public school is not allowed.
"I have witnesses that have said I did not threaten anybody," Wood said to
the station. "I don't force my religious views on them, so don't force your
religious views on me," he added.
In response to this concern, the high school decided to allow Wood's
eleventh-grade daughter to go to the library during the allotted time for
the disputed subject. However, La Plata High School insisted that the
assignment was not given to promote a religion. School officials claimed
that it was required to teach the students world history.
Melissa Wood, the wife of the ex-Marine, also questioned how teaching about
Islam is considered a lesson in world history while discussing Christianity
would have been perceived in a different manner.
"We cannot discuss our Ten Commandments in school but they can discuss Islam
's Five Pillars?" she asked.
One of the questions included in the three-page homework was ""How did
Muslim conquerors treat those they conquered?" In an information gathered by
the aforementioned website, the appropriate response to that number would
be "With tolerance, kindness and respect."
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